New Chapter for In the Hands of Monsters
In the Hands of Monsters
LiteraryBeauty15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )
Hermione finds herself at the mercy of two Slytherins intent on causing damage. She suffers in the hands of monsters.
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About LiteraryBeauty
Member Since 2009 | 31 Stories | Favorited by 250 | 0 Reviews Written | 578 Review Responses
Due to the often controversial nature of my fics, I've decided I will no longer be posting here (this not NOT include my WIPs--Princes in Exile and Caged Bird Sings will continue to be updated here. This is regarding only my oneshots and future long fics). You can find all my stories at my Livejournal, under the name literaryspell. None of the fics are, as yet, friendslocked, so you can read at your leisure, and friend me, or not, as you like. :D Be sure to check out my master list, which is the first post on my LJ page. Thank you!
If anyone would prefer to send comments to me personally, or would just like to talk plot or make suggestions, please contact me at I'm happy to hear from anyone!
Reviews for In the Hands of Monsters
Wow. That ending...chilling, horrific & so wrong. The whole story was just terrible. Very well written please don't get me wrong. It's merely the subject matter. You did a fine job writing the horror & depravity of the situation, it is truly disturbing. Kudos.
What a completely twisted tale! I did not expect that at all. I expected something 'typical' when I started reading but was totally caught off guard with what was to come! Great job!
I think I like your kind of twisted -- this was dark, but you still put in hints of Draco's attention and interest and remorse. And the ending just made my stomach bottom out!
This story is completly and utterly degustingly done. I don't like how Hermione was raped by Baise and Draco. Rape is no joke! I would like to reach out a hand a say it was well-written, keep writing stories that are less brutal. Please, if possible!keep writing!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
I have never, ever treated rape as a joke and I'm really hurt and offended that you would say so. If anything, this is a cautionery tale. Rape happens--it's okay to write about rape. Fic doesn't have to be always happy and fluffy and have satisfying endings. I write as close to real life as possible, which sometimes means real life things. If you like the writing and not the content, you shouldn't have rated so low, to be honest. The warnings were very clear and I have a hard time feeling sympathy in that case. And I know you mean your comments with good intentions, but I'd rather write something real than something fluffy, OOC, or sappy, and I'll continue to do what feels right, not what people want to make them feel better.
Response from DracoSlut69 (Reviewer)
Well, In that case could you with your permission have tamer stories where it's consenual and not so forceful. I loved the story. Don't get me wrong. I love stories , this just took me by complete shock. I'm sorry that I offened and hurt your feelings this way. But, it hits close to home w/ me. I'm a person of rape, that has been done upon. I know you may not know as much of me. But, it still hurts. I hope we didn't get off on the wrong foot. I'd hate it if a writer got made by a simple reviewer of a fic you wrote.
Response from DracoSlut69 (Reviewer)
Well, In that case could you with your permission have tamer stories where it's consenual and not so forceful. I loved the story. Don't get me wrong. I love stories , this just took me by complete shock. I'm sorry that I offened and hurt your feelings this way. But, it hits close to home w/ me. I'm a person of rape, that has been done upon. I know you may not know as much of me. But, it still hurts. I hope we didn't get off on the wrong foot. I'd hate it if a writer got made by a simple reviewer of a fic you wrote.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
I do have tamer stories--many of them. But rape is a kink for me and I enjoy exploring it as well as many other consent issues.I'm sorry for what happen to you (I've been raped as well) and I feel bad that you were triggered by the story but the warnings were clear enough that I can't take responsibility. I hope that doesn't sound heartless.I'm not mad and I always appreciate your comments and reviews. I just hope in the future you stay away from potentially hurtful fics by me.
Response from DracoSlut69 (Reviewer)
OMG......I never heard to be of a kink for a person. I will in near future keep away from those fics. I know I should have heded the warnings. I just got curious. I know you barely know me. But, lets continue to not get off on the wrong foot.
A well written, sick, and disturbing piece.
loved it. you should write one with luna/draco
Interesting. I think it would have been better if you would have explained a bit more at the end with Hermione and Draco's relationship, but still very nice. Great job. ~Jen
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
I didn't want to bash the readers over the head with the ending, so I went with subtle, instead. I think it's enough to give a hint of the horror without spelling it out. Thank you so much for reading and reviewingi!
what an extremely powerful and disturbing piece - the last paragraph had me in goosebumps with a chill down my spine.Really, really well done - thanks so much!
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
Thank you so much for the great comment! I'm thrilled that you liked it. :D
Wow, I don't really know what to say. Draco tried to come clean but I don't think he and Blaise should have gotten off so easy. They deserve any Hermione might do to them if she ever remembered. I hope Drace feels guilty for the rest of his life.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
This is definitely not a happy story of comeuppence and vengence. Unfortuntely, that's how it goes sometimes. Draco will likely never get over what he did--nor will he ever really confess.
thats pretty twisted.I guess it doesnt break any rules for posting since she didnt "fall in love with her rapist(s)" being that she didnt remember. But pretty illing. From a clinical perspective it is good writing, I just feel kind of sick. No offense, every story has a meaning, just cant please all the people all the time.
I bet Hermione wouldn't be so forgiving if she knew what Draco was apologizing for.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
I think that's rather the point. :D
this is waaaaay creepy. kind of case in point why I hate hypnotism. the end is just. auugh.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
Creepy is the most-used adjective for this fic!
Is it wrong how much I liked this story? ..You know what, I dont care, it was great! Very well written. xXx
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
Not wrong! I liked it too. It was hard to write, and I'm told hard to read, but I'm glad I did it. Thank you so much!
Oh my. This story really... well, it's well-written, but creepy and evil. I'm guessing that's what you meant to do, so you succeeded, but I can't really say I like it, y'know?Though the subject matter is different, I get a similar feeling as I did with Ghosts. You seem to like the fuzzy morals- is it okay to sleep with someone if they think you're someone else? And Hermione would (and should) never forgive Draco, but the fact that he's even asking forgiveness seems to imply that he regrets it, and probably feels something real for her now. What he's doing is Wrong, but is it mitigated by time and changed circumstances?Hard to tell.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of In the Hands of Monsters)
Creepy is definitely the most commonly used word for this fic. :D It was definitely my intention.I do like to explore boundaries in my fics. I think it's important to *say* something with a fic.I always say, regarding this fic, that if Draco were truly repentent, he'd just tell the truth and take the consequences. But he's too greedy to give her up, and so she'll live in ignorance, which is horrifying. Interesting about the conection with Ghosts. While this fic was about damnation, I feel Ghosts is about salvation, and it's interesting to note the parallel between the two.
Response from liviconnor (Reviewer)
This story's been bumping about in my head since I read it, and my conclusion (drawn while brushing my teeth the evening after reading this) was that Draco wasn't really repentant, but that he possibly did have a conscience of some sort.You definitely say something, and I'm still figuring out what the something is. But it's really made me think- I guess that's the ultimate goal of any writer of substance.
Wow and she was left knowing nothing... ouch.