New Chapter for What Women Want
What Women Want
luvsev105 Reviews | 105 Ratings, 0 Likes, 41 Favorites )
Severus has a new ability.
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About luvsev
Member Since 2008 | 71 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 664 Reviews Written | 948 Review Responses
I am a 20-something-year-old who admits to not knowing or having everything figured out, beta, foodie, bibliophile, and dabble in art. Most days I may be found in the kitchen indulging in the culinary arts.
I adore a multitude of pairings in the fandom, though I am partial to: SS/HG, DM/HP, NT/HG, PP/MB, SS/HG/LM, Snupin, and LL/HG.
Reviews for What Women Want
Doesn't bode well for the Charms master! :)
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
She didn't do anything too bad to him. It's just something to remind Filius that he shouldn't meddle.
I don't know what Hermione did to Filius, but I know the punishment will fit the "crime." I can't wait to find out just what she's done to the well-meaning but meddling Charms Professor. Hummm... will it wear off in about three months? Thanks for this funny update!Beth
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
What Hermione did to Filius will be something he will never forget... and will teach him to stop meddling. Severus's curse and what was done to Flitwick will, indeed, wear off in the three month period.
So happy to see an update on this! Thanks. I think Flitwick ought to be grateful that it was Hermione, and not Severus, who cast a spell in retaliation.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
You're welcome! Severus would be so much worse to deal with.
Oh, I wonder if it's a good thing she did? She really does need to thank him, despite his meddling. He should get the Dumbledore award for biggest meddler.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Hee. Perhaps she should, but she's still peeved at him for putting Severus through all that.
Oh, that was great. I can't wait till Filius finds out what she did.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Thanks! Next chapter will show what she did. :)
Hee. I can't wait to see what she did to him.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
It'll be quite a funny thing indeed.
LOL I sure hope that Hermione gave Filius a taste of his own spell!
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
She really did a number on him, just wait until the next chapter (which I promise will be up a lot sooner than this update).
And now Severu sknows. Poor, Filius, he's gonna face an angry Snape!
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Yup. Severus is livid. Hermione will be tagging along, so maybe she'll be able to keep them from dueling.
I can't believe that Hermione went behind Severus' back and spoke to Flitwick. Flitwick on the other had only has to reverse the spell, no harm done. Simple.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
To be fair, he did hear her think she was going to try to find help for him. Now if only Flitwick will do what he needs to, Sev will be fine.
LOL Mel and Helen déjà vu - it was so funny, Severus confessinghis 'gift' to Hermione.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
I wanted it to be as close as possible to the movie. Kinda changed things a little to suit my needs, though. Glad you got a kick out it. :)
Silly girl shoul dhave known better than cheat in his class.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Yeah, she should have. I bet she learned her lesson now.
I want to kiss and hug Hermione. I don't know what sh'e done to Filius but I'm sure he will regret playing with Severus that way. Even if it was to help them. I'm so glad you updated this, so much i like it.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Rest assured, Hermione did something quite great to Filius for daring to interfere in Sev's life.
Maybe Snape doesn't really want to lose his newly acquired ability, does he? Just tune it up a bit. If he could turn it on and switch it off at his convenience, that would be every sense of the word. So I don't think Flitwick is really in danger. He may just have to work a bit harder to get Snape what he wants.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
I think after all Severus has been through, he does not want such a "gift". I'm sure Hermione will be able to keep Severus's anger in check so Flitwick won't be in real danger.
Uh oh, now Filius is in BIG trouble! :)
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Severus might just get him for this.
Naughty Filius! :0
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Yeah, he's been pretty bad, but he did have the best of intentions.
Oh, Brother! The sparks are gonna fly! Great update. :D
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Thanks! Yeah, the confrontation between Severus and Filius has potential to be quite tense.
Good idea to go with him. This is a lovely story.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Aw, thanks! She knows it's worthwhile to go with him; not only to help keep his temper in check but to also sate her curiosity.
What in the world has Filius done! And why is he so afraid of Severus finding out it was he who gave this little "gift" to the Potions master. LOL! Poor Filius, let's hope Hermione can calm the raging beast and try to buy the Charms professor enough time for Severus to calm done.Hee hee,Betn
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
He didn't think the gift would be as much hassle as it has been, and he's worried about what Severus's actions will be -- and rightly so.
Knowing Filius, I'm sure he only had Severus' best interests at heart. Perhaps he saw what Sev' didn't and tried to give fates a bit of help (actually a lot).
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Of course Filius had no malintent--he only wanted Severus to be happy; however, he had no idea that Severus would end up suffering so much.
Apparently, Flitwick is a bad liar.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Or, maybe he just didn't expect Hermione would share the memory of their meeting with Severus.
Thanks for the update! This is such a cute story, so glad you wrote it! No one expects the Spanish In... uh, I mean Professor Flitwick!
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
And thank you for such a wonderful review!
She's smart to tag along. He's a tad bit annoyed and who knows what will happen. More soon, please.
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
She knows how Severus's temper is, and she's going along to try to help keep him calm. That and she's quite curious as to what's going on with Filius.
Uh oh, Miss Stevens is in deep trouble. Severus will watch her like a hawk if she is allowed to remain in his class.Is Severus about to tell Hermione that he can hear women's thought? I imagine this revelation could also be a blessing or a curse. She may be a little miffed that he hadn't told her earlier... but it's not like he brewed a potion or invented a spell or charm to give himself the ability. Hummmmm... I wonder if Flitwick could have anything to do with Severus' gift. Maybe a little Charm to help the professor along in realizing that Hermione had feelings for him? You know, to mitigate is bad moods and all that. Give the man a little joy in his life.I can't wait to see where you take them. Happy ending? Please?Beth
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Yes, if Minerva allows her to stay, that student will be watched in his class. Maybe he would have her sit at the front next to him as a punishment and to demonstrate a little of what would be in store for the others if they decide to repeat her actions. In the next chapter he does indeed come clean to Hermione, but I won't say much about it here - don't want to ruin the surprise! I was puzzling out earlier as I was writing the next installment of this story, what on earth happened for Severus to have this sudden ability. Flitwick could easily be the man responsible. In fact, you just gave me an idea for the 6th chapter (fith is already completed). Thanks for giving me a bit of inspiration! Oh, and no worries as to whether or not there will be a happy ending. Of course there will be. I save the unhappy endings for real life.
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I've been an inspiration? Who knew? Glad I could be of help!
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Yeah, you helped me figure out what I am going to do next. Earlier today when I posted an entry on LJ, I was wondering what I was going to do, but now I don't have to worry about it. Again, thanks so much!
Hot, hot, hot! ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ That's our commanding Severus! *claps hands*Beth
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
He wouldn't be Severus if he wasn't commanding; We love him just as he is: snarky, commanding, and oh-so-very-sexy. Thanks for the applause and the stars!
Herms has the right idea! Take his mind off everything else except her... slower and with his pants off. LOL! This is fun!Beth
Response from luvsev (Author of What Women Want)
Hermione knows how to make him feel better! I'm glad you're having fun with this!