New Chapter for Thumb, Sinister
Thumb, Sinister
dracontia4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
This is probably a bit more specificity than the project calls for, but I couldn’t resist the wordplay involved in writing a story centered on the left thumb. Yes. I am wired slightly differently. How kind of you to notice.
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About dracontia
Member Since 2006 | 69 Stories | Favorited by 208 | 51 Reviews Written | 1,397 Review Responses
Mostly Harmless! Though I have to admit, I'm even stranger than I appear. ;-) There's a pile of unbeta'd stuff on my LJ (dracfic) if you're interested in Raw, Untamed, fanfic.
Believe it or not, "How Argus Filch Got Wild, Got Laid, and Got His Magic" has been rec'ed by Know It Alls! It's true! They gave me this pretty lil' ribbon and everything! And in March 2007, they saw fit to likewise reccommend (as an antidote to angst) the story that started it all, 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey'--just in time for the first anniversary of that story's posting! *hugs Harm*
(I also have to admit that 'mostly harmless' may not be the most apt description of a member of the Mad Chatters...)
Finally, I just have to say... Storyville. If you were there, you know what I mean.Reviews for Thumb, Sinister
A chilling insight. Thank you.
Response from dracontia (Author of Thumb, Sinister)
It always puzzled me how anyone followed Old Moldyshorts; all he seemed to have going for him was oozing evil, which really is no substitute for a PLAN. (Unimpressed Dragon scorches the Dork Lord)
Response from dracontia (Author of Thumb, Sinister)
It always puzzled me how anyone followed Old Moldyshorts; all he seemed to have going for him was oozing evil, which really is no substitute for a PLAN. (Unimpressed Dragon scorches the Dork Lord)
excellent word smithery!! thanks so much!
Response from dracontia (Author of Thumb, Sinister)
You're most welcome--thank you for reviewing!
i liked that you managed to squeeze some humor out of what is not necessarily the most amusing of situations.
Response from dracontia (Author of Thumb, Sinister)
Thank you. [The irony is that I can't even imagine Voldy appreciating 'dark' humor....)
Eww. So, a "thumbs up" wouldn't necessarily be a good thing? :)
Response from dracontia (Author of Thumb, Sinister)
Not that thumb!!!