New Chapter for The Head That's Showing
The Head That's Showing
julymorning29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )
Hermione accepts a dare that leaves Snape intrigued. SS/HG Exchange Winter 2008 gift fic for inspired_ideas.
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About julymorning
Member Since 2007 | 5 Stories | Favorited by 98 | 13 Reviews Written | 1,043 Review Responses
Reviews for The Head That's Showing
Wonderful with bells on.
Hilarious :)
Sweet story, but there's no way this is a MA rated story, more of an M story due to being no detail about the sexual scene. Keep in mind, I still liked this story, so well done.
I am delighted to say that I was led to this gem by the One_bad_man community, and so glad! This was one of those visceral fics that just beg to be envisioned, and Snape's jester's hat with the chiming bells nearly finished me off. Brava!
I just read this for the third or fourth time and it's still funny. *grin* Stationery isn't my top fetish, but it's definitely in the top two. After new electronic toys, of course. Mmmm, a new e-reader maybe? No wait! A new Android tablet! ^_^
I have to reread this every now and again to remind myself how magnificently daft it is. And wonderful, of course.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Ha! Thanks - 'daft' is a great word for it. :-)
Ahh I love this!I can imagine Harry, Ron and Hermione to do that. Making up for the lost time of their teenage years :P
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Yeah, they didn't get to have much fun, did they? So glad you liked the story. :-D
*gasp, gasp* muahhahahahahhahahaaha *gasp, gasp* muahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhhhhhaaaaaa! *gasp* thanks
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Not at all - thank YOU! What a lovely review. :-)
Cute, sweet tale. What kinks some people do have... *smiles*
Author's Response: Thank you! Kinks are fun. :-)
Hysterical! The thought of Snape covered in yellow post-its is funny, yet strangely appealing...does that make me a little twisted? Great job!
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Yes, it makes you twisted. :-) You and loads of other people. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story!
Stationary fetish...I thought my husband was the only one with that; little notes all over the house. He says it reminds him to do something. He's really cute anyways as was this adorable story. Tequila shots; obviously they weren't drink Patron, no headaches I promise you.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Thank you! I am not much of a tequila drinker myself, mainly because the first time I tried it, it took away my peripheral vision! I think there are quite a few people with a stationery fetish - I know I get a bit excited when I go to Staples... :-D
Ha! Very funny and cute.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Thank you very much! :-)
LMAO! I want a jesters hat now. Cute story, great job. ;)
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Thanks so much! I hope you get a jester's hat. :-)
HA HA HA HA HA! that was great. hilarious, it even made me snort.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Hooray for snorting! I hope lots of people heard you. ;-) Thank you for the review!
I laughed to the point of tearing up. That was awsome. Thank you.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Not at all - thank YOU for such a lovely review! :-D
When Snape revealed his hat to Hermione I lost it! Giggle city.Now that I think about it, I guess I have an obsession with stationery supplies, too, My desk is awash with gel pens in every imaginable color. They're sort of a filing system for me, every color goes with one project as I make my notes of my day's work. Drives my coworkers crazy.Beth
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Ha! People keep admitting this to me - I've unleashed the stationery fetish beast! So glad you enjoyed the story. I like your gel pens idea; might nick it...
Yep. Still good! :)
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Ha! Thanks very much, dear. :-)
Oh my god!!! That was JUST what I needed on a Sunday morning.... I am crying with laughter... priceless honey!! Thank you so much... I haven't laughed like that in such a long time!*wish there were higher stars to rate you with...*
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Hurrah for Sunday-morning laughter! So glad you enjoyed this story too, and thanks for all the stars! You're a dear, and your lovely review is just what is called for on a rainy Sunday afternoon! :-)
this is hysterical. well-written (at least until snape breaks down and shows up at hermione's room...which felt a bit abrupt to me...). clever. imaginitive. I like it a lot.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Thank you, dear. Was trying to keep it under 3,000 words (thus the abruptness), but now you mention it, I may go back and edit a bit for smoothness. Thank you so much for the lovely review! :-D
Stationery supplies! Bwahahaha! (Not very well-kept secret: that's MY fetish!)
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
You're not the first person to say so in response to this fic, either! I begin to believe that the HP-fanfic world is harbouring a lot of fantasy sticky-note fetishers. Stationery lovers of the world, unite! 'What do we want? STAPLES! When do we want it? NOW!' And thanks for reviewing, by the way. ;-)
F-ing brilliant, mate. I love the idea of Hermione being totally fearless, to do stupid things for no reason other than it's the rules of the game. AWESOME.
Author's Response: Hey, thanks! I love that sort of Hermione too. I think, what with all the angstifying that the SS/HG ship suggests, the silly one-shot is rather underrated. We need more! Thank you so much for the review! :-D
Funny and creative, what a great combination. I love the part at the end with the stationary supplies. Great job. I'm of to find a hat. (This is how I imagine snape's reactions to day after day of hats).
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Poor Snape, banging his head against a brick wall! I imagine I'd feel that way, too. I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story, and hope you find a funny hat that suits you. Thank you so much for the review! :-D
I'm laughing as I type. That was fun.
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Yay! I'm so pleased. Thanks for the review! :-D
LOLLOLOMG!!!! that was so funny
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Thank you! Glad it made you laugh. :-)
One of the finest laughs I've had in several days!
Response from julymorning (Author of The Head That's Showing)
Hurrah! I'm happy to have been a good addition to your weekend. :-)