New Chapter for Stunned
Bambu16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )
The Voldemort War is over and reconstruction has begun within the wizarding world. An occupational team is at Malfoy Manor and Hermione has been in residence for two years... with Narcissa. What does Draco think of that?
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for Stunned
Wow, so I definitely thought this would be a Narcissa/Hermione fic. Just from the premise, of Hermione staying alone with Narcissa, well, a girl draws conclusions. I was a little disappointed to see that my conclusions were false, but my disappointment faded when I read your positively lovely story. Here here!
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
It never occurred to me to think of this as a Narcissa/Hermione story; although that's an intriguing thought. Still, I'm thrilled you liked the story enough to read the rest and enjoy it. Thank you!
Hot, steamy, and well-written like anything I've seen of yours. Anymore, if I see your name, I know to expect high quality. Love every turn from the (mild) hostility to the full bore passion to the wistful desire. I also like how you brought Narcissa around. Well done.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
And thank you again. I quite like the idea of Hermione and Draco, and before book seven, they were a very real possibility in the whole 'opposites attract' sort of way ... and they weren't so terribly opposite either. Post-DH is a bit of a different story, and one much more difficult to pull off well.With that being said, I really enjoyed playing with this scenario, and have, on occasion, considered revising it and adding a companion one-shot ... set later on. Canon always seems to get in my way, though.
Oh no there has to be more. Does he get pardoned? Or arrested? Does he see his mother? Do they live happily ever after? Don't leave me hanging, please.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
I'm sorry to say this is all there is. I've considered rounding it out with another chapter, and I may just do so. Thanks for liking it enough to want more.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
I'm sorry to say this is all there is. I've considered rounding it out with another chapter, and I may just do so. Thanks for liking it enough to want more.
You have such a way of writing. Its almost poetic in ways.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
What a lovely compliment. Thank you so much.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
What a lovely compliment. Thank you so much.
What a gripping story! I love it and I'm now look for the sequel? *hint hint*? lol
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Thank you very much... I'm delighted you thought it was intriguing.
What a gripping story! I love it and I'm now looking for the sequel? *hint hint*? Will I find one eventually? lol x
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
As for a sequel, well, I've got to tweak my epic D/Hr "A Quest of Paladins," first and then finish 'The Summoning" (my SS/HG,) and then... maybe I'll write a separate stand-alone in this universe. I'm rather fond of this Draco and Hermione.I'm delighted that you enjoyed it enough to want more. Thank you.
clap clap clap clap. Very enjoyable. I want to know what happens later! (or maybe I just want some more shagging)
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
::curtseys:: Thank you, thank you,
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
. More shagging? I'll have to work on that. Maybe in time for the holidays.
Wonderful.. I do love bittersweet romance. And that one was lovely, reminded me of those old romance movies where the leading man embraces the woman that he love one last time before going off to do something dangerous. And she is determined to have him back in her arms if by now other cause that the strength of her will. I really cannot express how good this was. -- B
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Thank you,
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
, for the enthusiastic praise. I'm delighted that the tone captured your imagination and you enjoyed it so much.
This is wonderful! I like how you've humanized the Malfoy family-- they seem to be great big bogey men in the HP books, and this gives them a great third dimension. The steamy parts were wonderfully done, and the emotion was very visible through you're writing. I like how Narcissa seemed to match-make those two. Great job, and I can't wait to see what else your fertile mind grows next!!! *grin* GG
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Thanks, GG. Your comment about the Malfoy's place in the HP books is very astute... and I think that Narcissa and Draco are the best characterizations in Book 6 actually. That you think I've given them an additional facet is incredibly gratifying. Thank you very much. I'm back to fertilizing the Summoning plot after this, but I'm glad to know I can still manage the juicy bits with some sort of believability.
Ok, that was just cruel. All that delicious build up and then no dessert. I am glad to see another story from you. I miss your writing when you take needed breaks, but it makes the return that much sweeter. Can't wait for more. I like this couple almost as much as I like Severus and Hermione. Hope that all is well with you. -- B
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Er... eeek... Erm... sorry... well, not really. I'm actually thrilled that you're so taken with my little fluffy piece you want more... I promise to send you more tomorrow.
Thank you so much for your enthusiastic review... I really appreciate it.
Wonderful story, especially including the plot. very nice details throughout
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Belated thanks very much. This is a story I had meant to continue at some point, but canon interferred and I got a bit derailed.
Just a little note to say I am so glad this story is still's gone from the other archives I used to frequent. Still as good as ever, too!
As great as this was will you ever finish Summoning? This is a wonderful piece and I'm almost sorry to see it end so soon.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Thank you and, yes, I will finish Summoning. I really will. It's next on my list.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
Thank you and, yes, I will finish Summoning. I really will. It's next on my list.
Love how you expressed their changing emotions and perceptions of each other! Also, thank you for not demonizing Narcissa. :)
Thanks for sharing!
I haven't read one of your stories for a while. I've been reminded why I fell in love with your writing's absolutely delicious! A feast for all my senses. There are many authors I like, but you are one of the few I love.I enjoyed the inner struggle that Draco went through and how he eventually gave into his secret desire. Hermione's acceptance was plausible, given that she and Narcissa were friends. It's great that though it was one evening, it encompassed years.Bravo...I'm off to another one of your goodies.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
You are very kind. I was really touched by your comments, and I'm thrilled that you love my writing. Honestly, it makes my day. Draco is such a fascinating character, especially after book six. In some ways he is the negative image of Harry, and he's so much fun to explore. I really appreciate that you've enjoyed this, especially for the little plot bits wrapped around their encounter. Thanks.
I haven't read one of your stories for a while. I've been reminded why I fell in love with your writing's absolutely delicious! A feast for all my senses. There are many authors I like, but you are one of the few I love.I enjoyed the inner struggle that Draco went through and how he eventually gave into his secret desire. Hermione's acceptance was plausible, given that she and Narcissa were friends. It's great that though it was one evening, it encompassed years.Bravo...I'm off to another one of your goodies.
Response from Bambu (Author of Stunned)
And a second opportunity to say thank you. Which I do.