New Chapter for Strawberry and Vanilla
Strawberry and Vanilla
juniperus13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
If he had the energy to smile, he would have as he heard the rustle of her leaving.
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About juniperus
Member Since 2007 | 47 Stories | Favorited by 78 | 17 Reviews Written | 520 Review Responses
Snape fancier, wanton researcher of the arcane and sublime, and snark mistress.
Blanket disclaimer: the Potterverse was created by J.K. Rowling -- I just like to play with her toys.
Reviews for Strawberry and Vanilla
At least he found comfort at the end, in the smell of Strawberry and Vanilla.
Gorgeous. Tragic, but gorgeous.
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
Thank you so much!! :)
sad but beautifully written. thanks
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
Thank you!
You are so good with this particular exercice. I just love every single one of your drabble.
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
:) Thank you!!
How sad, but very beautiful.
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
Thank you very much!
Aww...that was so sad, but yet cute at the same time. Good job.
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
Thank you!
*sniff* Sad, and so very beautiful. Everything in a nutshell...
Author's Response: Thank you! Very much! <3
This is the first SS/HG that made me go all "naw". This was very, very sweet and touching. /M
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
:) Thank you! :)
Kinda sad. But beautiful. Good job.
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
Thank you very much!
Since I can only read for a few minutes tonight, I am so happy I chose this! It is very touching that she was able to bring some light into his last moments, even into his life, (without any inappropiate behaviour.)
Children can do that, bring light into your life. Sometimes one meets a child that makes one think, "The world may have a chance, after all."
You have conveyed a great deal with few words. Very well done!
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
Thank you very, very much! :)
It's difficult to describe what I felt when reading this piece. Sad that he was alone in his last moments, but a little happy that the smell of strawberry and vanilla took his mind off the misery that was his life. Thank you !
Response from juniperus (Author of Strawberry and Vanilla)
I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thank you!