New Chapter for The Devil You Know
The Devil You Know
melusin29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
Short drabble series written for the GS100 Community's 'Voldemort Wins' challenge. Darkish.
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About melusin
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 344 | 77 Reviews Written | 1,999 Review Responses

Alan Rickman obsessed ex-civil servant now living the good life in France. I only write in the good ship SS/HG. However, if you think that the only way these two can get together is by some sort of forced marriage, 'binding' or whatever, don't read my stories. You will be disappointed.
Reviews for The Devil You Know
Wow. Severus really knows how to manipulate Hermione.
Don't mind me, I am here trolling for stories to use for the Voldy wins part 2 Quiz. ((whistles innocently))
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
You're the nicest troll I know :) rummage away
A little short; well it's a 100-word, what do I expect. It's a nice story though the plot lacks the depth it might have had if you'd turned this into a couple more chapters.However the last two words make up for a lot...Severa
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Actually, it's 800 words, clearly stated drabble series. And if you'd bothered to read the notes you would have noticed I am considering extending the concept.
Ooh, I'm quite liking this. Very intriguing!
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
thank you
Godz! This is too good not to develop, melusin. You've got a winner here!!!Please, please, please continue this! I'd give this a hundred stars if I could!Beth
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Thank you.
I'm hooked. I hope to see more of this story, it's very good.
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
His good?
Oh yes indeed, more please.
Author's Response: :)
Oh, yes.
'My good' .. and what is his good? Do hope you can continue so we find out.
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
just that - what he deems expedient to serve his own endsHopefully, I'll get around to it soon
Ohhhh - intriguing. Stands on its own but any more to come???
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Thanks. I have a few ideas on how to proceed, so yes, I may well do
Until the last line, I thought Severus might have been
going a bit soft. I'm so glad he's the wizard we know
and love. This just has to continue, please!
Alright. Now does that potion work both ways - for both of them? Because if it does, Severus better watch out. I hope you revisit this idea some day.
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
It does indeed :)
Ooo! I like it! This just begs for a sequel, or something, but definitely more!
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
I am seriously thinking about it
"My good." That sends a chill down the spine... :)
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
it's meant to :)thanks for leaving a review
whoa nelly! looks like there's more than a repentant sev! perhaps he want darklordhood for himself! i await the next installment. thanks
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
He has ulterior motives, certainlyThank you
Ohhhhhhh my!I have to know how this turns out:)Warm regards,Fizzabella
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Thank you.
Loved the last line. This Snape might not be exactly the type of man he wants Hermione to believe him to be. Dark, but not depressingly so. I'm eager to read a follow up!
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Thanks :)
Well, that was a devilish ending! Please continue it.
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Thank you. I hope I shall
I love stories where Snape has his own agenda.
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
I know what you meanthank you
Mawahahahahah!!!! Hermione fell for that hook link and sinker! I would love to know what happens next. Oh the
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
:)she's had a bit of a rough time and isn't thinking clearly yet
My use, eh? Tsk tsk tsk ... Intriguing!
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
What kind of his good? Is he true to Hermione, or is he lying?
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Whatever he wants, revenge, world domination...
Hmmm... Oh this is a good. Are you going to go on or is this it? I like ones where Sev and Her combine.
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
Thanks, i am considering it, yes
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Yeah! Please do!
Ohh, I want to read the follow up!!!
Response from melusin (Author of The Devil You Know)
thank you, but can't promise when it'll be.
Uh-oh...poor them.
Very, very promising indeed, and truly well done. This is an entirely new idea - at least for me - for this scenario, and one I really want to read more about.
Author's Response: Thanks.
Yeah, not subject matter I really like, to be honest, but i had some ideas concerning choices and redemption, so I may explore it a bit further.