New Chapter for What He Didn't Expect
What He Didn't Expect
luvsev18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Draco walks in on Severus making love.
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About luvsev
Member Since 2008 | 71 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 664 Reviews Written | 948 Review Responses
I am a 20-something-year-old who admits to not knowing or having everything figured out, beta, foodie, bibliophile, and dabble in art. Most days I may be found in the kitchen indulging in the culinary arts.
I adore a multitude of pairings in the fandom, though I am partial to: SS/HG, DM/HP, NT/HG, PP/MB, SS/HG/LM, Snupin, and LL/HG.
Reviews for What He Didn't Expect
Mawhahahahah!! Thats what you get for peeking Mr. Malfoy
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Hopefully he has learned his lesson, but in case he hasn't, I'm sure Sev and Hermione would find other ways to torture him.
Well that's what you get when you walk through partially opened doors, the little rich boy had no manners.
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Tee hee, he got just what he deserved. Maybe now he will learn to knock first.
Interesting, very interesting. Nice job. Keep up the good work. ~Jen
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Thanks, Jen! I am truly delighted that you liked my work. I have more stories in planning/editing stage as we speak. -Amber :)
take that, draco!! great stuff! thanks
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Hehe ;) I am glad that you liked it, and you are welcome, dear.
Ha, poor ferretboy. Surprised? We aren't! Ooh, wait, what if Draco joined in...ohh...yummy...
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
I hadn't thought of Draco possibly joining in, but that has possibilities and could be very hot.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Reviewer)
Ooh, and Lucius too.... three slytherin men all focused on Hermione.... *Wipes drool off the keyboard*
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Mmmm... that is deliciousness! She would be one lucky girl to have all three of those hot guys.
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Reviewer)
Ooh, please write it, please, please, pretty please?
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Hehehe... I will have to finish editing my Sev/Hermione/Bill fic first and then I will try.
Naughty Draco staying to watch the end. XD Good one!
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
What can I say, he is dirty and was curious to see who his godfather was making love to. Thanks! :)
Not quite a burst in, but I do hope he enjoyed the show. I love how he didn't know who she was until the end.
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
I wasn't quite sure of how I was going to write him bursting in, but I figured this would work just as well. I thought that keeping Hermione's identity until the end would add a bit of mystery as well as mortification for our dear Draco.
Bane of his existence indeed. More bane to come, I would expect!
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Hermione will always be the bane of Draco's existence.
LOL, oh, goodness! What a lovely answer to the prompt. I could just see them there by the fire. Awesome.
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
I am glad that you liked my answer to the prompt. *Smiles*
Severus and Hermione: 1 Draco Malfoy: 0I can only imagine what must have been going through Draco's mind before he saw Hermione's face, and then after... well, we know all he could think about was "the bane of his existance." Ahhhhh, but the bane of whose existance? Draco's? or Severus'?This made me chuckle. Well done.Beth
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
I am glad that I could make you laugh, dear. I suppose I should have clarified whose bane of existance she was: Draco's. *Pats the stars and smiles.* Thanks, Amber
Muahahaha, I bet draco thought major TMI and yet just had to keep watching. Nice job!
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Thank you, dear! It was just one of those things that he was too horrified and fascinated to move. *Pats the pretty, shiny stars.*
Yes life can be hard sometimes. Poor little rich boy. *smirk*
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Draco was nosy and for that, he got to see a show that he may want to forget. Thanks for the shiny stars. :)
Nodding, of course Severus loves Hermione, it is about time Draco realised what we already knew:-))
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Yes, it is time that that Draco knew. *pats the sparkly stars*
Oh to know was the war over? Is Draco going to go running to Lord Snakey? Or will he simply whine to his godfather?
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Yup, the war was over and Lord Voldiearse is scattered in the seven seas. Draco can only whine to Sev, who will promptly tell him to shut it.
Great job of reeling us in right away. Beautiful descriptions.
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
ROFL. Poor Draco! :)
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
He certainly got to see more than what he bargained for.
Oh poor Draco to have seen that. The little voyeuristic fool ... nice one, luv!
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Maybe he will learn to knock next time, or maybe not. He probably enjoyed the little scene since he stayed. I am glad you liked it. :)
And then Draco Malfoy died .... LOLNice one! Poor boy's scarred for life, I bet ;-)
Response from luvsev (Author of What He Didn't Expect)
Hehehe... you made me chuckle. Draco will now have to spend the rest of his life trying to erase the memory of his godfather making love to the know-it-all.