New Chapter for Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned
HogwartsHoney5 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
His teeth flashed white in his dark face, and inside me something shifted, either into, or out of, place.
Something changed.
A/N: Written for snegurochka_lee's birthday.
Chapters (1)
About HogwartsHoney
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 147 Reviews Written | 358 Review Responses
45 years old and hopelessly intrigued by the Potterverse and all that it contains. Really, I'm too old for this sh*t, but... here I am.
Reviews for Lessons Learned
A nice romance between two men, and a tragic ending. But at least it's a nicer farewell to Remus than what we got in DH.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Lessons Learned)
Y'know, I was HORRIFIED by JKR's treatment of Remus in that book, both in the way he was written and by his extremely dismissive end. He seemed to be somebody masquerading as Remus... I just couldn't identify with him at all, and for the longest time I've wondered what he was doing when he died, who he was fighting and the circumstances of it.I'm happy that you enjoyed this, and yes, we can at least hope that he had some peace.~H
Really nice work. I like the build up of angst and Remus' self-loathing and the way you resolved it all and tied it into canon.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Lessons Learned)
Thanks. The self-loathing is something that I can see canon!Remus doing - he seems to be that sort of person, and I'm happy that it came through for you.Thanks for reviewing!~H
I save this for later, laking of time at the moment as usual. And, as usual, I'm utterly ashamed as this should have had my attention from the very beginning. Please do accept my sincere apologies for my lack of judgement. It was simply incredible and moved me very deeply.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Lessons Learned)
Thank you so much for coming back to it and letting me know that you enjoyed. ;o)~HH
Oh! Canon, slightly creepy, to think of wanking to a 13 year old... and so offbase that it works. Good job, though poor, poor, poor Dora.
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Lessons Learned)
Yeah, it was a bit creepy thinking of Remus that way, I must admit, but I'm happy that it worked for you. I think that a little disturbing fic from time to time is a good thing ;o)Yes, poor Tonks. Although she's not my favourite person in canon, I think she genuinely loved Remus. *sigh*Thanks for yr review ;o)~H
Wow! This was very powerful! Just ... wow!
Response from HogwartsHoney (Author of Lessons Learned)
I felt that Remus was passed over a little too much in DH, and this tortured plot bunny just wouldn't let me be!Thank you for reading and reviewing!~H