New Chapter for A Special Costume For Draco
A Special Costume For Draco
sunny3325 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Draco is not happy with the costume Hermione has obtained for the masked ball.
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About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for A Special Costume For Draco
Ha! I'm picturing him spouting off rude or inappropriate things and being overheard by some Muggle kids who are reduced to tears.
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Yeah, right. The Muggle kids would bet him hands down at rude language and inappropriateness. Wizards today are so naive! :)
It will definitely make him look fat. Not to mention all the Barney hunters out there in the world. Hermione is EVIL!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Yep. She is. :)
LOL I hope Hermione gets him into it one day! All the muggleborn will laugh their arses off at him. She will get tons of points on their spread-sheet!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
And the beauty of it is he will never know why! :)
It's everything I imagined it would be.
Author's Response: You should see the banner Sunshine did for it. All I have to do is figure out how to attach it to the story! :)
KingPhilipsWench's response: I have seen it. IN fact, I even reviewed it. Save the image to photo bucket, and photo bucket will give you the HTML code to embed into your story.
Dear God, what does Hermione think she's doing, every muggle-born in the school is going to die laughing.
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
But Draco doesn't know that. :D
That was a hoot, I can even picture Draco dressed as Barney. My daughter used to torture me by making me watch that show with her, *Shudders* I'm glad she is not into that dinosaur anymore.
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Mine never liked him, thank goodness! :)
barny is a dinasouar from our imagination when hes tall hes what we call a dinasour sensation.... love it. dinasour cookies wont be the same now doc
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Still tasty though! :)
Barny the purple dinosaur? I don't know it, but I guess it is some child's TV show or something. Well, I can imagine Draco in it. Poor thing.
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Barney is a large, sickly sweet dinosaur on a kids program. Thanks for reviewing! :)
OMG!!! *snort, gasp* be afraid, very afraid! thanks
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Muhahaha! Poor Draco! :)
Now wouldn't it be perfect if Draco were to sing:I love you You love me We're best friends Like friends should be With a great big hug And a kiss from me to you Won't you say you love me too?
Love love love it!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Imagining it now... :)
Holy crap!! *rolling on floor* "I love you, I love me; Draco makes a brilliant Barney". You are too funny!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Can't you just imagine Draco singing it? :)
!!! this was truly evil, and very funny. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Evil? Moi? :)
If fat is his only concern, he REALLY doesn't get the joke!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Nope. He's all wizard. Right over his head! :)
Oh my gosh! Draco dressed as Barney? Love it!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Everyone will love him. Won't they? :)
Oh God, Draco as Barney?
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
He'd better watch the tail! :)
Ouch! Are you sure Hermione has forgiven him for being a 'baby Death Eater'? Too Funny!
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Hehe. She's not averse to poking a little fun at him. :)
LOLHe should go as a ferret...
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Now, there's a thought.:)
Oh. My. Word.Draco as Barney.Now *I* need therapy.
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Poor PJ. I have messed with your mind again! :)
Adorabledrabble!Freyja's been well trained - when Barney comes on, she comes to tell me "Mom, you have to help me change the channel, that stupid purple dinosaur is on!"
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Mine weren't into Barney, thank goodness! :)
LOL! Awesome use of the prompts! I was so hoping whoever took them would mention ferret. Thank you so much. Stef
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Great prompt, Stef! :)
LOL Barney - well I guess he was lucky it wasn't a telly-tubby
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Tinky-Winky. Hell, that would have been even better! :)
OMG. Draco as Barney. LOL too funny.
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Wouldn't he be adorable! :)
Wonderful use of colour psychology--it made my day to see it mentioned. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of A Special Costume For Draco)
Had to look it up on the net! :)
Response from luvsev (Reviewer)
Either way, it was still great. I haven't seen it since I took my Experimental Psych class, which has been awhile ago.