New Chapter for I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again
I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again
Kailin18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
When her grandfather falls ill, Kailin has to race to America with Remus and Hermione in tow. And Remus and Hermione each have their secrets...
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About Kailin
Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 88 | 230 Reviews Written | 475 Review Responses
Reviews for I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again
i'd read through this in one shot as it was so good! love the advice that was dished out about platitudes. is the rest of the story being uploaded?
I am so glad that they made it home alright! I wish I had something more witty to say but I am really tired
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Me, too. Thanks for reading!
That was too funny, Kailin. Using the wand as a prop for a window. That's crazy like using it for a hair ornament. Now what will happen as the intrepid trio return to England?
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Things will take a little while to heat up, but you can rest assured that they will! Thanks for reading.
Oh I am som glad that they found the wand!! But what will be waiting for them when they get home? Something tells me that their troubles are just beginning, now that Lucius is acting Ministry.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Things will definitely heat up again soon. Thanks for reading!
Kailin, I really like your work. Especially the "I Married a Werewolf" series. It's great how you brought the HP world to the midwest. Today you made me laugh when you mentioned Marshall Fields in Chicago. I have visited the flagship store on State Street twice and the one at the Watertower on Michigan Avenue. I live in metropolitan Detroit and grew up shopping at J L Hudsons Department Store, which later became Marshall Fields, which was bought out by Macys. So in Chicago did the name of the store change, or is that one still Marshall Fields? Oh, the good old days.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
I understand. We lost our Famous-Barr stores to the Macy's takeover, and I miss it!I was really curious to mix the British and the American wizarding worlds (especially the midwest version) and see what came up. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
I had no idea you started the next installment. I am glad that I realized it. I can't believe Remus was banned, well actually I can considering who filed the complaint. I very worried about Hermione, she is going to have a break down soon I think. Either that or she is going to snap and go after every Death Eater herself. I wonder what will happen if the can find Marvy's wand. I can't wait for more.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Thanks! I meant to get the next chapter up in the queue before now, so I'll have to hustle. Sometimes it takes days, and other times a new chapter shows up in 24 hours. So I'll hustle; I wouldn't want to keep you waiting.
Response from lilbitbord (Reviewer)
LOL trust me I know how long it can take to get through to queue. I will wait patiently
Ha! Just what I suspected...
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
You didn't think that Lucius was going to crawl into a corner and behave himself, did you? The man will get his comeuppance, but not for a while yet. Thanks for reading!
Response from Muggline (Reviewer)
I meant the part about Marva's wand...
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Ah. Well, don't think it's going to be easy to find!
Oh great. I'm curious to know what they're going to do (doesn't Billy have his wive's old wand hidden somewhere?)
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Well, it's a long time since he's seen that wand. Watch what happens.
Curse on the Cubs? Ha, I knew it!!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
As a non-Cubs fan, I couldn't pass up that opportunity. Thanks for reading!
Oh, I love that the Americans call it a Congress. Sorry I've missed a couple of chapters. Incidentally, I was roadtripping across Ohio and Indiana, not quite into the Land of Lincoln, but close. I'm super curious about Hermione now!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
It'll take a little longer to get to the bottom of Hermione's woes. Meanwhile, Remus and Kailin definitely have their hands full, don't they?
Driving a Jeep? Glad to hear it. My husband helps design Jeeps and Chryslers. Scary times here in Detroit.
Response from joyfulheart (Reviewer)
By the way, I am enjoying this story. These Fan Fics are a nice diversion from the present realities.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
We're on our third Jeep now, 2 Grand Cherokees and a Liberty, so thank your husband for me. And I'm sorry for the difficulties you must be facing right now. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
I had a few chapters to catch up on. I'm hoping they can figure out a way to get Remus back home. Maybe the order can think of something. Poor Hermione, I still have this feeling she is going to snap (even bigger then she did in the story). As always I will wait patiently for the next chapter. I wish I could update my stories as fast as you do.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Things will work out - eventually. And yes, Hermione is not over the hump yet. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Poor Hermione. But wizarding Chicago was cool!
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Thanks! It's interesting to try to imagine an American version of the wizarding world, isn't it?
Ooh, twisty! I like. I like a lot! Sorry if I've missed reviewing the past couple of updates - we've got the flu here. Hope you're better than that
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
*knocks on wood* Yes, healthy so far. Thanks for reading!
Wow, the twists and turns just keep getting twistier. You really know how to draw out a mystery.
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Thanks! Not just a simple romance story, is it?
Ahhg still no wand and just like Kailin I am always for the practical solutions. So maybe a stupid question but why can't they just accio her wand?
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Because Remus has no wand to use for the Accio. Perhaps Marva herself might have been able to summon it with wandless magic, but I don't think Remus could do so since it's not his wand. Otherwise, we would have been reading about everybody Accio'ing everything throughout canon!
Now what if Marvy kept it hidden somewhere in plain sight? They're going to find it, right?
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
Wait and see...
Hey, that'll do them a world of good...
Response from Kailin (Author of I Married a Werewolf: You Can't Go Home Again)
...but as usual, things become a lot more complicated within a short period of time. Thanks for reading.