New Chapter for The Potions Master’s Bane
The Potions Master’s Bane
pyjamapants26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
Severus struggles with spelling, grammar, and punctuation in disastrous beginning of term essays. Hermione helps him recover from the ordeal.
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About pyjamapants
Member Since 2006 | 12 Stories | Favorited by 144 | 277 Reviews Written | 893 Review Responses
I'm a freelancing Yank who lives in the Midwest with her husband, three cats, and two dogs.
I'm a dabbler by nature. Jack of all trades, master of none. I write, run, swim, garden, quilt, bake, and so on.
Reviews for The Potions Master’s Bane
Nicely done, though slightly irritating as far as Hermione's expectations go - I mean, hey, he has my sympathy, but she's good at both SP&G and massages and what for?! :DDDI don't know if you'll find this flattering or annoying, but your little moral tale must have stroked some hidden chord, and I found myself thinking about teaching, learning, parents-children relationships and so on. I know for a fact that a strict teacher, possibly of the blood, sweat & tears type, is the most effective an eager student could wish. But.But... (there's a "but" - see? using punctuation at times is really difficult! This would work perfectly in my mothertongue, but please don't ask me to go and check what I should use in English!)IMHO s/he must meet (beware of?) a few conditions: (1) said strict teacher must be above any suspicions of hypocrisy or favouritisms (here's where canon!Snape is horribly defective, even taking into account his double role.); (2) whenever caught making a mistake, s/he must graciously acknowledge it, never backpedal, never try to conceal it or, worse, try to strike back against the culprit of - what? finding the error? - or s/he'll lose any respect s/he has rightfully earned; (3) s/he must be very good at balancing threats and praises, or the harsh treatment might crush forever any independent thought and fantasy in pupils. I'm painfully aware of the last one because, in spite of all my love and good intentions, I do know I have failed in this rispect.As far as my experience in fandom goes, I've seen many authors stretching out their Snapes to match the aforesaid conditions. In truth, I think there is no way to make canon!Snape a good teacher: his redeeming qualities are to be found elsewhere.Thank you for making me think, and I sincerely hope this won't annoy you... exceedingly, that is :)*hugs*Lela
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Oh, he's not good at teaching good SPaG. He's just good at beating his students over the head with it until the less dim of the lot figure things out. :)I'm touched that this little ficcy could inspire such deep thought!
Very sweet! A nice, fluffy piece. :)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
To coin a phrase; Man smart; woman smarter. Great little story!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Well said.Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review!
*giggle* That is fantastic. I can absolutely picture Snape banging his head against a desk. Very nicely done =D
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thanks. *grins*Last night I was struck with an image of Severus as Don Music from Sesame Street. Severus was not amused.
This is delicious! Of course Severus has the majority of the comes so effortlessly!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thank you! I must say, I think Severus wouldn't still be teaching if he couldn't bloody a paper or two (or hundred) a week. :)
I had to smile when he fell asleep, leaving Hermione 'hanging.' Lol. Nicely done.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thank you. Glad I could make you smile. :)
If you can't be bothered to spell the ingredients correctly or use proper grammatical construction in your essays, then how can I be certain you won't mangle your ingredients and blow us all to smithereens?I think that's what I was trying to say earlier today. That's utterly brilliant. And that last paragraph was quite Slytherin of Hermione.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
*blushes*Thank you so very much.
Hehe... I love that he fell asleep like that. And I had a teacher who was very much into making our papers bleed, so I know teachers suffer through this every year.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Ah, yes. The brain bleed over the summer hols is universal.Thanks so much for reviewing!
Poor Severus, he gets so tired of the dunderheads. It was a lovely read, dear.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thank you very much. Luckily, he has a personal masseuse!
LOL Really funny! I'm pretty sure that McGonagall gives quite a few pointed remarks on her papers and Flitwick... possibly. Could you imagine a paper graded by Hagrid? The kids have better English. Nope, You're right, Severus is the one to straighten out the little ones! poor guy. Good sstory and really funny!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
LOL. Papers for Hagrid. I'm not so sure they'd get graded! I could seem them accidentally lining the cage of some poor creature he rescued. :)Thanks! Glad I could make you laugh!
Ha!! Well, then, it sounds like a massage was the very least she could do for him! Very funny!-Liz
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thank you! I'm glad it was good for a laugh or two!
That. was, so, incredibly, apt. ,,, Oh,no, they, are, breeding! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
*hides under desk from barrage of commas*
Wise of Hermione to choose to teach an elective. Poor, dear Severus having to deal with the Weasley-esque style of writing submitted year after year by dunderheads forced to take his required classes. Very well done.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Poor Severus. Like Sisyphus in so many ways.Thanks for the lovely review. :)
This is an awesome story! I love this unique snapshot, and the point at the end... clever. :-)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
nice to see this little gem up and available for public consumption. can't remember if i told you this is my favorite image: "It landed on the floor underneath his sideboard where it disturbed an impressive collection of dust bunnies. They drifted off to congregate as far as possible from the offending piece of parchment." :)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
*grins*Thank you! I was particularly pleased with that little bit myself. I'm tickled that you liked it, too.
What a beautiful tribute to admins and betas. Poor Severus.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it!
Lol at Hermione's little moment at the end!Taking advantage of Severus' hard work that way!Good job!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Thanks so much! I'm glad I could make you laugh! :)
adorable! poor seems we sometimes get less patient as we age rather than more. thanks so much, my 'pants! I am the grammarian about whom your mother warned you.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Oh, mercy. I can only imagine how impatient and crotchety Severus will be when he's seventy or so.I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reviewing!
yeah for teachers and betas everywhere! I had a high school teacher who reminds me of snape in this one!
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Told ya you'd like this one!*hugs*
That was a very cute story. Very nice. Keep up the good work. ~Jen
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Why, thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Misplaced punctuation is bad, very bad. I laughed out loud though most of this.
If you'll excuse me, I feel the need to go and have a look at my writing handbook.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
ROFL. Glad I could entertain you!*still chuckling*
Thank you so much! Well written, witty, and you hit the nail on the head! :)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
You, my dear, are quite welcome. May you, too, have massages to ease the knot just to the left of your fifth vertebra.
Poor Severus has to condition the entire student body to be better writers! The man deserves a pay raise in addition to additional backrubs.
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Yes! Pay raises for Severus. The man needs more green silk boxers, after all.*hugs*
Oh dear.I have often wondered how the appointed essays look like, when they apparently don't teach language at Hogwarts. Now I got the answer :-)
Response from pyjamapants (Author of The Potions Master’s Bane)
Yes, it seems several basic subjects are skipped in the Hogwarts curriculum. It does boggle the mind a bit.Glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for revewing!