New Chapter for My Black Heart
My Black Heart
shellsnapeluver12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Love hurts.
Desire is agonizing.
But a broken heart is pure torture.
Chapters (1)
About shellsnapeluver
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 154 | 182 Reviews Written | 1,336 Review Responses
Severus Snape has always been my fav character since I found HP. I enjoy dark, graphic stories, but will read some fluff and I love humour.
Happy to be in Slytherin house.
Reviews for My Black Heart
The song line worked perfectly :) Its interesting to see Hermione as the one sunken into darkness, depressed and alone... a very intriguing idea.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
Oh, thanks for saying that!!! And for reading! Cheers~
Shell, this is so sad... I'm happy that Severus is happy, but I wish he and Hermione were happy together.The whole time I was reading I would have sworn that it was from Severus' point of view... until I read "I’m not the girl you once knew." That totally blew my mind!!!Brilliant! Even if it was inspired by a depressed mood, it was brilliantly crafted.*Hugs you* I hope you are feeling better now. You are too important to so many people to be sad. No pressure, though. I know it is sometimes difficult to work through sad times at a pace that would please others.Beth
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
I know, Beth--it's hard when these two aren't together. Oooo I am soooo happy I blew your mind! yes! lol.*hugs back to you* Feeling somewhat better, not much though... Thanks for your support and kind loving words.You are just made of awesome.
~sniff~ That was beautiful, shell. Sad in such a lovely way.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
Hey babe, thanks so much!!!
For the most part I thought it was him talking but the smile thing made me doubt a bit. And then... Brillantly done.
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
Thank you so much! Glad I kinda caught you off guard!
Oh, gods, you should have kleenex warnings with this one!!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
I know! But it's not in the 'drop down menu' lmao! Thanks, bea!
that was a surprise. i can see you were depressed. great stuff, tho. thanks so much
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
Thank you kimjo! Yeah, very down in the dumps... still am... but, it gets me writing!! lolThank you for reading
Wow, Shell! Very powerful!My heart breaks for her, feeling so much despair and emptiness. That Severus is happy, smiling and having moved on with life is wonderful to read.*sigh*I just wish is was together :)Awesome work!!!!!
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
I know, I wish they were together too. *shurgs*Oh, well. In another story, maybe. lol
Very sad, really well done. I would have been led on till the end, I suppose, had I not read something else with this kind of "spin", too, so I supposed right away.
Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing! Yes, truly sad.
I was about 2/3 of the way through before I realized it was Hermione's POV and not Snape's. Very strong stuff Shell. You do dark fic well. THank you
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
A review from Molly?!??!??!? I feel so special, thanks. Been missing ya! Of course, I guess your WAYYYY busy with the coding and stuff for exchange... lol.Thanks for saying I do dark fic well, it's a thing of mine, you know... doing something that others won't touch on...
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Girl I have been so damn busy getting the storys ready to post for the exchange...Im trying to think of a saying that would be appropriate. A one legged man in a butt kicking contest. Crude but true. My list of neglected WIPs is long as you very well know. Still love me?
So sad .
Response from shellsnapeluver (Author of My Black Heart)
:) Yeah... Sorry ;P
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
That's Ok, you do ''sad'' very well.