New Chapter for Ball is a Four-Letter Word
Ball is a Four-Letter Word
juniperus11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
An unexpected guest attends a charity event... with very unexpected consequences.
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About juniperus
Member Since 2007 | 47 Stories | Favorited by 78 | 17 Reviews Written | 520 Review Responses
Snape fancier, wanton researcher of the arcane and sublime, and snark mistress.
Blanket disclaimer: the Potterverse was created by J.K. Rowling -- I just like to play with her toys.
Reviews for Ball is a Four-Letter Word
They could meet again... :-)
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
That they could! :)
It would have been five stars f the ending was happier.
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
Sometimes life is like that--stolen moments, moving on, memories.Thank you for your review!
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
Sometimes life is like that--stolen moments, moving on, memories.Thank you for your review!
More, please. This is quite a teaser, and I've been looking around trying to find a second chapter at any of your websites. I expected Rita and the photographer to show up and cause trouble. :)
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
This is the piece that is most often reviewed with requests for more (even though I'd devised it as just a one-shot for a ficfest).I may, at some point.Thank you.
Awesomeness.. x
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
Thank you very much!
Going back in his actual emotional and physical state must not be easy. Harry, always the heroe and noy in a ironical way, at least not this time. I mean he must put a face up whatever he feels deep inside and that is not easy.
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
Not, it's not- you're absolutely right. Thank you for the review! :)
Great story! The fund-raising thing is quite a good idea, by the way, something much neglected so far. I'm not a slash-fan generally, but this one is really good and I would quite like to read more about this couple.
Author's Response: I bounced this off of the premise I started in The Language of Flowers, as I do think the adults would have continued to be a source of little help and less guidance, and the Gryffidor's would have taken up the torch with as much alacrity as ever. I've been poked for more on these two, never fear. I don't doubt that the bunny will bite!
Thank you for the wonderful review!
Time out from the groping fans! :)
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
:D Poor Harry!
very interesting premise, well-laid-out backstory. I like it.
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
Thank you very much!
Ah, Snarry, just what I needed tonight!
Loved Snape's mask, just what I would picture him having. The hedges, the darkness... the atmosphere was wonderful.
Thank you very much!
(and now prepare for the torch-wielding mob, myself included, to deluge you with requests for more -- I mean, they get together again, right???)
Author's Response: I'm so glad you enjoyed! (and, yes, I've been poked for more - most of the responses when this posted in a fest were demands) I'll see what I can do! I have so many rabid bunnies running madly through my noggin! :D
lulabelle72's response: What is going on? Is it plot bunny mating season? Because they are going absolutely nuts recently!
Good luck with all them bunnies!
i don't write very good reviews after reading something this awesome. brainmelt! but seriously, this was fantastic!
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
Squee! Thank you so much! I'm SO happy you liked it!! :D
Ai no, Snarry? Ick. But well written nonetheless! Regency indeed *Snicker*
Response from juniperus (Author of Ball is a Four-Letter Word)
LOL! To each their own - and apparently I'm perfectly willing to smut just about anyone up. :D Thank you!