New Chapter for The Strength Beyond
The Strength Beyond
kizzy716 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
Severus receives comfort from Hermione. Canon-compliant.
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About kizzy7
Member Since 2008 | 21 Stories | Favorited by 62 | 222 Reviews Written | 855 Review Responses
I'm a sucker for happy endings.
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Reviews for The Strength Beyond
A sweet - if bittersweet - story. As much as I don't like the implications of "until the end" (he didn't die!! ever!! :D), I'm glad he had at least that moment of comfort and knowing that someone, at least, had faith on him.And obviously, your husband is wrong. ;-)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! I know, I know. He did not die ;) But... I wanted to write something that fit in with canon and what supposedly happened (though I still refuse to believe it!)If he had to die, at least he went knowing that someone felt for him. Someone good.Of course hubby is wrong. Not sure if I'll ever be able to convince him of that though! Thanks for reviewing. ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! I know, I know. He did not die ;) But... I wanted to write something that fit in with canon and what supposedly happened (though I still refuse to believe it!)If he had to die, at least he went knowing that someone felt for him. Someone good.Of course hubby is wrong. Not sure if I'll ever be able to convince him of that though! Thanks for reviewing. ~kizzy
Had a similiar conversation with my son. I will admit, at first glance, Severus Snape is a villain worthy of comtempt. If you are shallow and can't see the intent behind the actions. Whoa, down girl, lol. However, according to canon, Hermione and Ron marry, have children and live happily ever after. Right, a few years after their youngest heads off to Hogwarts, dollars to donuts sez Hermione starts spending longer hours at her career. Ron is spending more time at the pub, messing around with a Lavender wanna be. They discover they have nothing to talk about and no longer want the same things... Need I go on. I really see that as "real life" for them.
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent, I loved the story. Poor Severus really needed the support and comfort at that moment.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
I love the reviews this story is getting, and thanks for yours! Yes. Severus is a very complex character, and to the untrained eye he might seem to be pretty much just as jo made him to be-- the greasy bastard of the dungeons. But if you actually read behind his comments in canon, you can see he is witty, brilliant, and no man who has loved to the depths he has can be truly evil. He was, quite simply, the best character jkr created. As for Hermione and Ron... I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. I can see it happening exactly how you described. And eventually, Hermione meets severus again (who did not die by snake!), they argue, engage in some intelligent sparring, leave each other exhilarated by the conversation... and it goes from there. ;-) Yep. That's what happened. Vent anytime you want. It produces some wonderful conversation. Thanks! ~kizzy
Response from FlittterKat (Reviewer)
Die, by snake? Pish, never happened. The man was a potions master and no fool. Remembering his first year speech, he could put a stopper in death and he's skilled in dark arts healing. He had to be prepared for a lot of threats, Niagini included. I agree with your future events. Couldn't have happened any other way. Kat
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Seriously, there is NO WAY that Arthur Weasley survived Nagini and Snape did not. No way. Not even believable. At all. He was a brilliant potions master-- he totally had a cure. I refuse to believe that he died without knowing happiness and love. Perhaps that is just me living in denial, but I like it here! Thanks, Kat. ~Kristie
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
I love the reviews this story is getting, and thanks for yours! Yes. Severus is a very complex character, and to the untrained eye he might seem to be pretty much just as jo made him to be-- the greasy bastard of the dungeons. But if you actually read behind his comments in canon, you can see he is witty, brilliant, and no man who has loved to the depths he has can be truly evil. He was, quite simply, the best character jkr created. As for Hermione and Ron... I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. I can see it happening exactly how you described. And eventually, Hermione meets severus again (who did not die by snake!), they argue, engage in some intelligent sparring, leave each other exhilarated by the conversation... and it goes from there. ;-) Yep. That's what happened. Vent anytime you want. It produces some wonderful conversation. Thanks! ~kizzy
Response from FlittterKat (Reviewer)
Die, by snake? Pish, never happened. The man was a potions master and no fool. Remembering his first year speech, he could put a stopper in death and he's skilled in dark arts healing. He had to be prepared for a lot of threats, Niagini included. I agree with your future events. Couldn't have happened any other way. Kat
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Seriously, there is NO WAY that Arthur Weasley survived Nagini and Snape did not. No way. Not even believable. At all. He was a brilliant potions master-- he totally had a cure. I refuse to believe that he died without knowing happiness and love. Perhaps that is just me living in denial, but I like it here! Thanks, Kat. ~Kristie
lovely. it's nice to think of him having a memory like that to comfort him and give him hope.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Thanks, kitty! I like to think that if he had to die, then at least he knew something good, since his entire life was pretty much tragic. Thanks! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Thanks, kitty! I like to think that if he had to die, then at least he knew something good, since his entire life was pretty much tragic. Thanks! ~kizzy
If she can wind up with Ronald Weasley, this is definitely possible...
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Amen! Totally a possibility. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Amen! Totally a possibility. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~kizzy
I'm a little veclemped. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. Severus Snape is an angst magnet. Discuss.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
*laughs hysterically* Thank you for this review, brightened my day!!!! LOL! Severus Snape is an angst magnet. His life was just so tragic, you know?? I feel like... there should have been more for him. *sigh* poor, poor severus. Thanks for the review,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
*laughs hysterically* Thank you for this review, brightened my day!!!! LOL! Severus Snape is an angst magnet. His life was just so tragic, you know?? I feel like... there should have been more for him. *sigh* poor, poor severus. Thanks for the review,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! ~kizzy
I can see where your hubbyman is coming from. We just disagree. I'd just read "Jane Eyre" for the first time when I read my first HGSS fic, and nothing primes you for the acceptance of an earnest and intelligent woman with a snarky and cunning older man like that! Bambu has also said that anyone can write fics with canon pairings, but the more improbable the pairing, the more talented a writer it takes to make a reader believe that it can happen.Having said that, your fic is very charming and sad. How that one moment can coax so much more out of him, but in the end his hopes didn't come to pass. *sniffle*
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Keladry- thank you for this wonderful, insightful review. Alas, I can see where my hubby is coming from as well. He is a HP fan, but strictly abides by canon and actually enjoys ron/hermione as a couple. *shudders* When I read Jane Eyre for the first time, I was already into sshg, and I literally SAW mr. rochester as snape. The similarities were eerie (have you seen the 2006 masterpiece theater version?! Besides it being a beautiful adaptation of the book, Toby Stephens= Severus Snape and Ruth Wilson=Hermione Granger. 'Nuff said). That got me thinking. If you think of all of the great, timeless romances in literature-- mr. rochester and jane, elizabeth and mr darcy, scarlett and rhett, heathcliff and cathy, emma and mr knightley (I could go on and on)-- sshg has elements of them all. What I have really come to believe is that severus and hermione are on that list, even though jkr and others cannot see it. And Bambu speaks words of wisdom. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~kizzy
Response from Keladry Lupin (Reviewer)
When it comes right down to it, there have been times when I enjoyed the equivalent of Ron/Hermione. If you ever watched the sitcom Frasier, they talk about Frasier's intellectual and refined mother having had a long and happy marriage with gruff, blue-collar Martin. It's a very basic parallel, but I bought that. I just don't like Ron and Hermione specifically together, because of all the bickering and how they seem to bring out the worst, not the best, in each other.Ruth Wilson=Hermione Granger ... I completely agree with that one. She's beautiful, but in an odd way. Toby Stephens is a little too gorgeous for either role, but that's just my opinion. It was an amazing adaptation.Bambu's very thoughtful. She sees things in other people's fics that they themselves didn't. (I speak from experience in this!)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Did definitely watch Frasier. Good show. I bought that as well. Pretty much, I will support a relationship if there is a good foundation and evidence of mutual love and respect. If an intelligent, determined woman finds love with someone unlike her in that respect, then good for them. I don't want to sound TOO sappy, but no one will ever understand the intricacies of the heart, and love. I did not see this with Ron and Hermione at all. They fought, and they fought, and then Harry would awkwardly mediate, and then they fought. Just not a relationship in my eyes. Yes, I was enchanted by Ruth Wilson. She was the perfect choice for Jane (and Hermione). Seems plain at times, at other times she is ethereally beautiful, especially when she was falling in love with Rochester. *sigh* Now I want to watch that movie again! And you are right about Toby Stephens. Though he is a bit too conventionally handsome for the admittedly 'ugly' Rochester/Snape, he still played the role well.And Bambu. I don't know her, but anyone who can write like she can must be a truly gifted, insightful person.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Keladry- thank you for this wonderful, insightful review. Alas, I can see where my hubby is coming from as well. He is a HP fan, but strictly abides by canon and actually enjoys ron/hermione as a couple. *shudders* When I read Jane Eyre for the first time, I was already into sshg, and I literally SAW mr. rochester as snape. The similarities were eerie (have you seen the 2006 masterpiece theater version?! Besides it being a beautiful adaptation of the book, Toby Stephens= Severus Snape and Ruth Wilson=Hermione Granger. 'Nuff said). That got me thinking. If you think of all of the great, timeless romances in literature-- mr. rochester and jane, elizabeth and mr darcy, scarlett and rhett, heathcliff and cathy, emma and mr knightley (I could go on and on)-- sshg has elements of them all. What I have really come to believe is that severus and hermione are on that list, even though jkr and others cannot see it. And Bambu speaks words of wisdom. Thanks for reading and reviewing! ~kizzy
Response from Keladry Lupin (Reviewer)
When it comes right down to it, there have been times when I enjoyed the equivalent of Ron/Hermione. If you ever watched the sitcom Frasier, they talk about Frasier's intellectual and refined mother having had a long and happy marriage with gruff, blue-collar Martin. It's a very basic parallel, but I bought that. I just don't like Ron and Hermione specifically together, because of all the bickering and how they seem to bring out the worst, not the best, in each other.Ruth Wilson=Hermione Granger ... I completely agree with that one. She's beautiful, but in an odd way. Toby Stephens is a little too gorgeous for either role, but that's just my opinion. It was an amazing adaptation.Bambu's very thoughtful. She sees things in other people's fics that they themselves didn't. (I speak from experience in this!)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Did definitely watch Frasier. Good show. I bought that as well. Pretty much, I will support a relationship if there is a good foundation and evidence of mutual love and respect. If an intelligent, determined woman finds love with someone unlike her in that respect, then good for them. I don't want to sound TOO sappy, but no one will ever understand the intricacies of the heart, and love. I did not see this with Ron and Hermione at all. They fought, and they fought, and then Harry would awkwardly mediate, and then they fought. Just not a relationship in my eyes. Yes, I was enchanted by Ruth Wilson. She was the perfect choice for Jane (and Hermione). Seems plain at times, at other times she is ethereally beautiful, especially when she was falling in love with Rochester. *sigh* Now I want to watch that movie again! And you are right about Toby Stephens. Though he is a bit too conventionally handsome for the admittedly 'ugly' Rochester/Snape, he still played the role well.And Bambu. I don't know her, but anyone who can write like she can must be a truly gifted, insightful person.
And Ron and Hermione in canon would happen in real life? That's even more absurd! Very nice story. The man needs to find a shred of happiness and something to look to that is good. It always irks me that he was destroyed before he could find it in 'real life.'
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
COMPLETELY agree with you. ron/hermione is way more unlikely. I remember reading the first six books (way before I got into sshg), and thinking: Is Jo setting it up for ron and hermione? Is that why she has them FIGHTING all the time? Well, that is not a good foundation for a relationship! After I read the epilogue, I was left feeling very... dissatisfied. It did not end like that, I'm sorry jo! Thankfully I found fanfic! And Snape. He was the best character that jkr wrote. It is a shame she didn't see that. He deserved so much more. And that is why we are here. Thanks for reviewing! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
COMPLETELY agree with you. ron/hermione is way more unlikely. I remember reading the first six books (way before I got into sshg), and thinking: Is Jo setting it up for ron and hermione? Is that why she has them FIGHTING all the time? Well, that is not a good foundation for a relationship! After I read the epilogue, I was left feeling very... dissatisfied. It did not end like that, I'm sorry jo! Thankfully I found fanfic! And Snape. He was the best character that jkr wrote. It is a shame she didn't see that. He deserved so much more. And that is why we are here. Thanks for reviewing! ~kizzy
You should argue with your husband about SS/HG relationship more often. It's a very sweet and comforting piece.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Oh, I do, believe me. He just doesn't understand. He is also a HP fan, but he lives within canon, i.e. Snape's improbable death by snake and hermione and ron's improbable marriage. Ah well. At least I know the truth, lol! Thanks for the review and the rating,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! Glad you enjoyed. ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Oh, I do, believe me. He just doesn't understand. He is also a HP fan, but he lives within canon, i.e. Snape's improbable death by snake and hermione and ron's improbable marriage. Ah well. At least I know the truth, lol! Thanks for the review and the rating,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! Glad you enjoyed. ~kizzy
Thank you for your lovely story! Your husband is obviously absolutely, without a doubt wrong! Not only would it be more than logical that two so brilliant minds would find eachother, they are made for eachother, just look at all the fans who knows so:-) What is unlikely is for a pairing of such different persons as Hermione and Ron (hurts my hands to even write the names as a pairing:-)) to be happy together. Hermione needs someone who stimulates her mind and respect her for what she is etc, while Ron wants someone who admires him, cook his food, think he is brilliant and love Quiddish. Through the books we have seen how Ron has complexes about money, others fame and others being smarter than him, and that Epilogue-that-should-never-have-been-written shows him just as immature as he was back when. And, married with someone so different as Hermione, he will never grow and change. What Ron actually needs are someone like Lavender or Luna, someone who shares his interests, think highly of him and shows him so, that would give him the selfesteem to grow up mentally. I can't fanthom a girl like Hermione to in any way admire or respect him intellectly, and that would have ruined that pairing a long time before an epilogue could have been written......
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
The Dreaded Epilogue of Death! I hated it. Honestly, I read DH the day it came out, shut the book, and said "no way. It did not end like that." I have literally not touched it since (which is weird-- I have read all the other books dozens of times). Thus began my foray into fanfic and sshg. I believe you are completely right. Too much in fanfic, Ron is made into a complete prat. While I can see him acting like this to an extent, my main reason behind my love of sshg is that ron and hermione are not compatible. At all. Ron is a good guy... but not for our Hermione. Their likes and interests are so different that they both would have been miserable. Hermione would be happy with Snape. And that man above all others deserves to love and be loved. Thanks as always for your wonderful review,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
The Dreaded Epilogue of Death! I hated it. Honestly, I read DH the day it came out, shut the book, and said "no way. It did not end like that." I have literally not touched it since (which is weird-- I have read all the other books dozens of times). Thus began my foray into fanfic and sshg. I believe you are completely right. Too much in fanfic, Ron is made into a complete prat. While I can see him acting like this to an extent, my main reason behind my love of sshg is that ron and hermione are not compatible. At all. Ron is a good guy... but not for our Hermione. Their likes and interests are so different that they both would have been miserable. Hermione would be happy with Snape. And that man above all others deserves to love and be loved. Thanks as always for your wonderful review,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! ~kizzy
That is very touching. and more likely than most of the student/teacher stories I have read. I really like this a lot. especially that he carried her with him to the end. You never know when an act of kindness may change a person's life.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
-- thank you for this wonderful review. I wanted to write something realistic, insofar as canon was concerned. I am so glad you liked it. "You never know when an act of kindness may change a person's life." I LOVE that line, that was beautiful. And so true. I like to think that if Snape died by snake, he at least died knowing something good, something kind. *sobs* Thanks. ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
-- thank you for this wonderful review. I wanted to write something realistic, insofar as canon was concerned. I am so glad you liked it. "You never know when an act of kindness may change a person's life." I LOVE that line, that was beautiful. And so true. I like to think that if Snape died by snake, he at least died knowing something good, something kind. *sobs* Thanks. ~kizzy
It could happen. I agree with you. OK the circumstances would be dire. I think your scene was very well written.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Thank you for your agreement! I am getting more and more support/ideas with which I can argue with my husband, lol! I completely think that it did happen. I have read TOO many excellent sshg fanfics to believe that snape died an ignominious death by snake and hermione married ron. Perhaps that is just me living in my delusion, but ah well. I like it here! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Thank you for your agreement! I am getting more and more support/ideas with which I can argue with my husband, lol! I completely think that it did happen. I have read TOO many excellent sshg fanfics to believe that snape died an ignominious death by snake and hermione married ron. Perhaps that is just me living in my delusion, but ah well. I like it here! ~kizzy
It's a lovely story, now don't listen to your husband on this subject.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
*winks* Am way too deeply in love with sshg to listen to my silly husband. Thanks for reviewing,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
*winks* Am way too deeply in love with sshg to listen to my silly husband. Thanks for reviewing,
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
! ~kizzy
Husbands just don't always get it. That was lovely.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
You are completely right... they just don't understand! Mine definitely doesn't get it... though he puts up with it, lol! Glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing! ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
You are completely right... they just don't understand! Mine definitely doesn't get it... though he puts up with it, lol! Glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing! ~kizzy
Very sweet.
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
!! Glad you liked!
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
!! Glad you liked!
Argh! Tell your husband that in "real life" there are plenty of Severus/Hermione pairings. Unfortunately, we too face many of the trials our favorite pair face in fanfiction... without the magic of course. SSHG fanfictions give those of us in real relationships the hope that we too may have a happy ending one day. Thank you for writing of hope. Irish
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Irish-- thank you so much for this review. This is exactly how I feel about this pairing... hope. Love. Happy endings after trial and obstacles. Which is so much why I love and believe in sshg, as sappy as that sounds. Thank you for your words... I will pass them on to my husband ;) ~kizzy
Response from kizzy7 (Author of The Strength Beyond)
Irish-- thank you so much for this review. This is exactly how I feel about this pairing... hope. Love. Happy endings after trial and obstacles. Which is so much why I love and believe in sshg, as sappy as that sounds. Thank you for your words... I will pass them on to my husband ;) ~kizzy
Lol i liked it, and my husband thinks the same thing, though he (usually) knows better than to open his mouth about it, or he has to listen to me lol. They just don't get it.