New Chapter for Picking up the Pieces
Picking up the Pieces
Stefdarlin17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )
One fateful night, an associate of the Order learns a young woman is still alive when all had believed her dead. Albus and Minerva learn their beloved niece wasn’t killed by Death Eaters fifteen years ago and send Severus to retrieve her. When sparks fly between them, Severus discovers that although Serena isn’t dead, she has been subjected to a curse. It’s up to Albus, Minerva, and Severus to help Serena put all the pieces of her life back together. But the wizarding war is underway, and they are all soon wrapped up in events threatening to spiral out of control.
**This story twists around and is interwoven with both HBP and DH.**
Chapters (7)
About Stefdarlin
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 35 | 263 Reviews Written | 407 Review Responses
I am a 37 year old wife and mother and began reading fanfiction in the middle of last year. Soon it revived my desire to write, which had lain dormant for a number of years, and I couldn't be happier. I do hope you enjoy my stories as I empty my head of them.
Thanks to MMADfan I proudly ship AD/MM, and thanks to OSUSprinks I proudly ship FF/PS. I am also rather fond of SS/OC and am beginning to appreciate the SS/HG ship thanks to Subversa.
Happy Reading and writing!!
Reviews for Picking up the Pieces
hoo boy - the first thought i had was - why didn't Severus take her straight to McGonagall and Dumbledore ASAP - though this chapter was really interesting - and it seems that someone did some nasty memory charms on our dear Siren! BAD PEOPLE!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Any good spy interrogates his captive before taking them to the lion's den. And it does look like someone has tampered with our poor Serena, doesn't it? Thank you for reviewing.
I just love Mummers Dance and, well, most anything by Loreena McKennitt - awesome choices!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Thanks, she is one of my favorites too. The poem she sings, The Highwayman, is one I love to listen to over and over. It always reminds me of Severus.=o)
What an interesting chapter... I like the relationship you showed between Serena and her Auntie Minerva - I loved the history you showed in her memory and I especially love the comfort Albus showed his wife after he returned to her. Yummies!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
I am speculating that the main romance in this fic is with Severus - but I can hope - beg, for more romance between my favorite pair? *puppy dog eyes* More lovins for Albus and Minerva - pweeeeeese?
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Lol. Well, I will see what I can do for you, but that may be quite a ways away. There is much to learn, discover, and overcome before the end. And then, there is that evil wizard to deal with. Grrrr.Thank you so much for your review. Stef
How very.... interesting! Sirens in the McGonagall family... what a brilliant idea. And since this story starts out with three of my favorite chars - Albus, Minerva and Severus... well, I'm hooked. Well written, clear and interesting, intense and compelling.Full steam ahead!And yay for more MM/AD love - at least, I'm thinking they're a couple in this - all the more reason to read!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Thanks! I am glad you are finding it interesting. And yes, you are right. Albus and Minerva are a couple in this story. Thank you for your kind words. =o)
“Shush, shush, Minerva. Everything is fine. Harry is fine. Mr. Fletcher, here, simply has some information he thinks we may desire,” Albus told her. Then, Professor McGonagall also joined the parade to Dumbledore’s office.*snip*That image made me giggle.... parade indeed! HEHEhehehe
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Tee hee. I am glad it made you giggle. Minerva tends to jump when her cubs are in danger and asks questions later sometimes. Given the time of this story, I would think that reaction is only natural.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Absolutely! Without doubt! Minerva is our Head lioness, after all!
I did have a bit of confusion with the sign and Serena, Charles and John's conversation - but I did enjoy this introduction. Interesting read. I'll be reading forward! Thanks for a new angle!
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
I hope as you read forward, you understand it a little better. I was being a bit vague on purpose. Sorry to have confused you. I look forward to seeing you along the way. Stef
Well, the appearance of Wormtail and the other Death Eaters did not lead to a kidnapping, but still an interesting conversation (and more interesting things ;-) ) followed.I'm enjoying your story so far. Looking forward to the next chapter. =)
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
I am so glad you are enjoying my story. There are still more hurdles to cross. Thanks for your review and for joining the ride.
It seems that Severus is smitten! I don't think that Senera is going to be too happy when he kidnaps her though. That should be an interesting conversation
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
No, probably not, but it is for her safety. So, we shall see. =o)
Sneaky Albus, planting the idea of 'aloha' into Serena's head.Siren and an empath? Looks like it could prove to be an interesting complement to Snape.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Or a difficult one to handle. But we shall see.To me, Albus always seems to know more than he lets on, but then, if he wasn't that way, he wouldn't be Albus. Does that make sense?Thank you muchly.
'Minerva thought she must have lost her mind. She could have sworn she saw Severus smile'<-- Made me laugh. I'm glad to see Severus treating Minerva the way he is, I love the stories when they still have their house rivalry but it is more verbal banter and a witty friendship than actual dislike.So we have Minerva's great niece who apparently has some Siren capabilities 'coming back from the dead'. Poor Minerva, I'd go give that Adelaide a proper 'talking to' ;-)Interesting, moving on to chapter 3 =)
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Mmhm, I would think I had lost my mind too, wouldn't you? And I agree with the verbal banter. I wouldn't think Minerva and Severus would dislike each other. Their personalities don't seem to clash to me.Thanks for your review. =o)
Hmmm....stranger who's mom had a special power and Dumbledore and Voldemort would both be interested? Interesting enough for me...on to chapter 2. =)
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
I am glad you are finding my story interesting. Yes, they would be very interested. Thank you for your review.
good job. waiting for the rest. Cheers.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Tee hee. Thank you. It means a lot that you like my story. There is actually quite a bit to go. But I have outlines and notes for it all. Chapter five is being prepared for my beta. Thanks for your review.~Stef
There has to be a very good reason for everything. I'm sure. Man this story is intriguing. I love it.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
There is., well, I'm not sure if it is good... you will see. I am glad you love it, it has quite a few twists and turns, and I hope you will enjoy them.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
There is., well, I'm not sure if it is good... you will see. I am glad you love it, it has quite a few twists and turns, and I hope you will enjoy them.
Mung is up to his old ways. Poor guy will never change. Which is probably a good thing in this case. This a fascinating story. I can just tell from this chapter alone. Well done.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Yes, he is, and it's a good thing in this case. I am glad you are enjoying it so far. ~~Stef =o)
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Yes, he is, and it's a good thing in this case. I am glad you are enjoying it so far. ~~Stef =o)
Very good. am going to go chasing to FF to find the next chapters. Thanks for the info.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Alright, but I remind you that they are not polished in the least. Reworked, betaed, and the HOT chapters will be complete only on TPP. Thanks for your input. ~Stef
You found it! Severus does have a heart! Thank you for that. Enjoying this very much.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Tee hee, you're welcome. I believe he has a heart but hides it very well. Thanks for reviewing.
Great beginning. Very intriguing. Thanks for a new exciting read.
Response from Stefdarlin (Author of Picking up the Pieces)
Thanks. I am glad you are enjoying it thus far.