New Chapter for The Rescue
The Rescue
ancientgirl10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 35 Favorites )
Not HBP compliant. One shot to accompany yet another incredible drawing from Marquise. Severus rescues Hermione from Lucius' dungeons.
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About ancientgirl
Member Since 2005 | 28 Stories | Favorited by 403 | 269 Reviews Written | 1,741 Review Responses
Just another SS/HG shipper wanting to make the world a Snapey place.
Reviews for The Rescue
harry is 2 old in the picture
hermione is magnifique!
amazing conk snape has :)
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
LOL, Snape is always the best looking one.
Wonderfull story... And Wonderfull drawing...I have been trying desperately to locate any of Marquise's divine work but it all seems to be gone...Do you have any idea where it can be found ?Cheers MoepiAKA Michèle
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.I have a lot of her stuff. It's on a CD somewhere. If you like, email me and I can send you some stuff, if I can find that CD. She lost a lot of her work due to a computer crash a few years ago.My email is:
wow! how did you get to be buddies with such a fabulous artist! must be you're incrediblly talented writing. you rock!
awesome story. thanks. p
thank you for including the picture. i would have driven myself nuts looking for it. lol
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Oh your welcome. Marquise really does inspire with her work. I'm very happy she allowed me to post the picture along with the story. I'm glad you liked both.
Great story it really does the amazing artwork justice.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Marquise art is so captivating. I immediately began to formulate a story the moment I saw it. I'm just happy she allowed me to use her lovely drawing.
Response from MagicAlly (Reviewer)
Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if you know if Marquise posts her art work on the net anywhere? Kind regards Allison
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Marquise has a lj. She posts her work there.
You can also view some of it on
loved it!! well done!!
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Hey thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Sweet. Poor Harry another thing to torture himself over. But a lovely one off Poor Lucius though even when he is a evil git in my mind he is a sexy evil git.
It's a fitting acomplice to the picture thank you
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Thanks, I'm glad you liked this. I figured Hermione would forgive Harry, as long as he accepted her having a relationship with Snape, which I think he would do.
I really liked that little story. I saw Marquise's drawing yesterday and wondered if there would be a story to accompany it. So glad that you wrote this up. Very nice. ~Ginny
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. I haven't been in the mood lately to work on long stories, so I've been on this short story kick. I had hoped this would be just enough to explain the drawing with a before and after type situation.
AG, this was great. Did you write a sequel or something? And the artwork was brilliant. Very well written. Tamara
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
I didn't really do a sequel for this, it was just a one shot inspired by a drawing Marquise made. She's asked me if I could put in some wording, and instead I wrote a story and used the drawing as the inspiration. She then put in the phrase that corresponded to the drawing.She's an amazing artist and consider myself very lucky to call her my friend.Thank you for reading this. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Fantastic tale. Love that you made Harry feel guilty for not noticing. And Marquis' art is fantastic, as well.
Response from ancientgirl (Author of The Rescue)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Marquise is still the best artist on the web, in my book.