New Chapter for Best Man
Best Man
RedOrchid11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
The Wizarding World gathers for a high profile wedding, and someone else is in love with the dark, sarcastic groom. AU on several levels.
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About RedOrchid
Member Since 2008 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 81 | 174 Reviews Written | 764 Review Responses
26 years old, avid HP fan, live in a pretty rainy country. My favourite writer is George Orwell, which should be taken as a warning by anyone looking for pink fluff. I do not like pink fluff.
I used to be a hard core SS/HG shipper. Then came Dracontia and completely blew my mind with her HP/DM stories. And once I started reading slash, there was just no going back. I still enjoy a well-written SS/HG (or any pairing, really), but the current passion is pretty boy-on-boy action. :-) Any pairing, more or less, I'm not that picky (except for SS/HP, that really creeps me out for some reason.)
I'm also an avid Bandom fan (P!atD). Those fics can be found on my LJ if you want to explore the waters outside the HP realm one day.
2008-12-08: Today, I abandoned hope of finishing my SS/HG WIPs "Shades of Grey" and "Les innocents." I'm very sad about letting go, but I feel it was the right thing to do. (More details in the A/Ns of each story if you're interested).
Reviews for Best Man
I could see the bases of a parody in the story, but I think it's better as a slighty angsty little piece (I'm quite into my angst! :P). The thought of heterosexuals being called 'queer' was amusing and made me smile while reading it.Thanks for writing it! It was very enjoyable.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you very much.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you very much.
I like this very much particularly the reversal in the homo/heterosexual "normality" in the relationships. I've always been fighting my parents over the subject. Maybe I should make them read this. They may learn one thing or two, one never know.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it and that the point came across. Sure, have your parents read this. Should make for an interesting discussion if nothing else. :-)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it and that the point came across. Sure, have your parents read this. Should make for an interesting discussion if nothing else. :-)
Love the story, but flipping the word 'queer' really threw me for a loop (as it seems it was meant to). Seems like every couple paragraphs I'd have to start over so I could make sense of things. Well done!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you very much. :-)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you very much. :-)
This was quite strange to me, the first story I've ever read with this kind of scenario. It left me with a number of questions, but I find all in all I liked it. I'm working on an AU story where bi-sexuality is the norm, and hets, gays and lesbians are looked upon as sexual bigots. lol. So, I am feeling this AU. Good job. :)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I'll definitely keep an eye open for your story.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I'll definitely keep an eye open for your story.
ohmygosh I was really confused at the gay/straight reversal. Yes I have had a cocktail but I was feeling utterly confused. Maybe that AN should be first? And yes I shed a tear with Hermione when she saw her love marry another man. ~wimpers
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
I'm glad you were confused. My goal with this was to really warp the somewhat clichéed my-best-friend's-wedding scenario and twist it into something else. Thanks for reviewing. Oh, and I signed up for the SS/HG exchange. :-)
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
See this happy little cheerleader girl? This is me doing a happy dance that you have signed up for the exchange!! YIpeeeeeeeeeee
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
I'm glad you were confused. My goal with this was to really warp the somewhat clichéed my-best-friend's-wedding scenario and twist it into something else. Thanks for reviewing. Oh, and I signed up for the SS/HG exchange. :-)
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
See this happy little cheerleader girl? This is me doing a happy dance that you have signed up for the exchange!! YIpeeeeeeeeeee
Hmmm...definately took me a minute to get the flow of this. It is rather I should say intriguing and flies in the face of the American idea of what is normal and not normal. Do not get me wrong...I like it and I like being forced to think outside of the box.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
I think this might be my favourite review for this story so far. Despite spending all th time on (pre-dominantly) American forums that I am, I still get shocked regularly at some things that people express when it comes to normal/not normal. So if I can shake some boxes with this, that makes me extremely happy. Thank you.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
I think this might be my favourite review for this story so far. Despite spending all th time on (pre-dominantly) American forums that I am, I still get shocked regularly at some things that people express when it comes to normal/not normal. So if I can shake some boxes with this, that makes me extremely happy. Thank you.
This is wonderful! I've read Egalia's Daughters some 20 years ago, and when I started reading your fic, with its reversal of what's considered normal, weird, queer and gay, I was reminded of it. So you can imagine my surprise when I saw your note at the end!! And yes, even though I, too, have no sympathy for the pairing RW/HG in general, in this context it suddenly becomes a good option. In canon, it's the obvious and convenient thing, and in your story it's the choice of people doing what they really want in the face of tradition. This has the potential of a much longer story... (*hint*)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you! And as for potential... I guess we'll see. I can readily see a lot of other points I would like to explore with this setting but, as usual, it all hangs on inspiration. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you! And as for potential... I guess we'll see. I can readily see a lot of other points I would like to explore with this setting but, as usual, it all hangs on inspiration. Thanks for reviewing!
That was ... different. And oh so sad. Liked it a lot. Thanks for sharing. /M
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Yes, I did like it, and even though it is kinda sad, some parts still made me laugh out loud! Great story!gab
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you so much. I love that you got both laughter and sadness from it. Thank you.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Best Man)
Thank you so much. I love that you got both laughter and sadness from it. Thank you.
Love the concept and the way you brought it out! :D
Fascinating, illuminating and bittersweet, thank you very much!