New Chapter for Maui is For Lovers
Maui is For Lovers
pokeystar6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Maui is for lovers. Maui is where wizards find love.
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About pokeystar
Member Since 2007 | 43 Stories | Favorited by 57 | 87 Reviews Written | 370 Review Responses
I am a slytherin in hufflepuff clothing.
I read therefore I am.
I write therefore I amuse myself.
Reviews for Maui is For Lovers
OMG!!! I've went there on vacation about 10 years ago and it's almost like you wrote the story. We stayed at Kanapali alii resort and we ate at Mama's fish house, and we took the road to Hana. Mmmm... the Maui Relaxers at Mama's are to DIE for!! So weird!! Were you hiding in my suitcase?
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Tee-hee.I would... if only to visit my sister.I've been three times- it's gorgeous, isn't it?
They are all very good and vry inviting to trave to Hawaii. I love the picture you enormously.
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Thank you.I wouldn't want to live there (it's expensive and you have to go shopping every few days because the humidity spoils food quickly) but it is gorgeous to visit.
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Thank you.I wouldn't want to live there (it's expensive and you have to go shopping every few days because the humidity spoils food quickly) but it is gorgeous to visit.
I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing!
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Thank you for reading!
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Thank you for reading!
Wow. Another set of RtW drabbles that I missed on LJ. Wonderful, though, and very funny in parts. Great pairings, too. That's one of the best things about RtW! Congrats on the banner, too. Well deserved.
Author's Response: Thank you.
Yeah - isn't RtW great? I love getting the chance to write rare pairs, with a limited amount of time.
Thank you, and congrats right back!
Charming! I love the pictures and notes you've included.
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Thank you!It was fun doing the notes. I love research :-)
Response from pokeystar (Author of Maui is For Lovers)
Thank you!It was fun doing the notes. I love research :-)
Absolutely loved this!! Xx