New Chapter for Midnight Duel
Midnight Duel
RedOrchid15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 34 Favorites )
A challenge is issued... HP/DM/HG/OFC foursome PWP. Very mild bondage warning.
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About RedOrchid
Member Since 2008 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 81 | 174 Reviews Written | 764 Review Responses
26 years old, avid HP fan, live in a pretty rainy country. My favourite writer is George Orwell, which should be taken as a warning by anyone looking for pink fluff. I do not like pink fluff.
I used to be a hard core SS/HG shipper. Then came Dracontia and completely blew my mind with her HP/DM stories. And once I started reading slash, there was just no going back. I still enjoy a well-written SS/HG (or any pairing, really), but the current passion is pretty boy-on-boy action. :-) Any pairing, more or less, I'm not that picky (except for SS/HP, that really creeps me out for some reason.)
I'm also an avid Bandom fan (P!atD). Those fics can be found on my LJ if you want to explore the waters outside the HP realm one day.
2008-12-08: Today, I abandoned hope of finishing my SS/HG WIPs "Shades of Grey" and "Les innocents." I'm very sad about letting go, but I feel it was the right thing to do. (More details in the A/Ns of each story if you're interested).
Reviews for Midnight Duel
thank you. just what i was looking for to take care of my craving.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Glad you liked it. :)
Love it. Nice one with the smutty words!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you. :-)
So you are a non blushing porn star now? Write me a credible SS/RW/HG and I will love you forever! I crave that trio!!!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Well, less blushing at least... :-)A challenge! How interesting. Boy, do you know how to make them difficult though. First, I read SS/RL/HG and thought "Okay, maybe I could do that..." but with RON... Ron AND Hermione... AND Snape! Dear God... Tell you one thing though: now that you've branded that horrific mental picture to the front of my brain, I probably won't be able to think of much else until I find a way to make it sexy. So there might be a chance. We'll see. :-)(I'm actually writing a SS/RW/HG right now, but that's less steamy threesome and more torrid adultery with a side dish of manipulation, so probably not what you had in mind. :-D)
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
I have read stories where Ron is all grown up and has become an interesting character. YOu know fleshed out and not the mockery that many fan fics paint him into a corner. There is scant bits of SS/RW floating about. I have often wondered if he could make a credible change into a man that both SS and HG would find attractive. I have done many a search and cannot find any stories. I like your not-a-threesome-cheaterpants story idea as well. I'll have to put you on my author alerts so it doesnt get by me.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Well, less blushing at least... :-)A challenge! How interesting. Boy, do you know how to make them difficult though. First, I read SS/RL/HG and thought "Okay, maybe I could do that..." but with RON... Ron AND Hermione... AND Snape! Dear God... Tell you one thing though: now that you've branded that horrific mental picture to the front of my brain, I probably won't be able to think of much else until I find a way to make it sexy. So there might be a chance. We'll see. :-)(I'm actually writing a SS/RW/HG right now, but that's less steamy threesome and more torrid adultery with a side dish of manipulation, so probably not what you had in mind. :-D)
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
I have read stories where Ron is all grown up and has become an interesting character. YOu know fleshed out and not the mockery that many fan fics paint him into a corner. There is scant bits of SS/RW floating about. I have often wondered if he could make a credible change into a man that both SS and HG would find attractive. I have done many a search and cannot find any stories. I like your not-a-threesome-cheaterpants story idea as well. I'll have to put you on my author alerts so it doesnt get by me.
The Malfoys are swingers! How fun is that?! I very much liked the idea of Hermione and Harry leaving their wedding rings in the ashtray. Terribly symbolic isnt it?
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Yeah, I thought that was a nice twist. :-) Draco is just so pretty in all different kinds of combinations...Glad you liked the ring bit. Very symbolic, yes. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Yeah, I thought that was a nice twist. :-) Draco is just so pretty in all different kinds of combinations...Glad you liked the ring bit. Very symbolic, yes. Thanks for reviewing!
Wtg on the blushing! That's always the hardest part- if you ignore the whole posting it publicly aspect. You did very well. It was a very hot & smutty treat.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! Yes, I am a wee bit proud of myself, have to admit. :-)Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! Yes, I am a wee bit proud of myself, have to admit. :-)Thanks for reading and reviewing!
LOL, a training story!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Well, yes. :-) I can't go on writing with such a staunted vocabulary forever, now can I? LOL
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Well, yes. :-) I can't go on writing with such a staunted vocabulary forever, now can I? LOL
Rawr! :D Looking forward to part 2!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! Glad you liked it. Part 2 is in the queue, steaming it up as we speak. :-)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! Glad you liked it. Part 2 is in the queue, steaming it up as we speak. :-)
Whew! That was hot! I love it. I can't wait for the rest.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! Next part is in the queue.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! Next part is in the queue.
WHOA! That was insanely hot. I love that you took such a bold risk with this little ficlet. I think I might need a cold shower....
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! Bold risk, huh? Which part?And thanks for reviewing!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! Bold risk, huh? Which part?And thanks for reviewing!
totally smut-a-lisious
I love the battle totally and unconditionnaly. Please do write the revenge anytime you wish.And for you for managing to overcome your Victorian shyness.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
LOL! I love the cheerleading emoticons. Can I keep them in my pocket? :-)Glad you liked the fic. The Victorian shyness definitely packed its bags and left on the Titanic. :-)And we'll see about the revenge. Very possible, but no promises just yet. Thank you for reviewing!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
LOL! I love the cheerleading emoticons. Can I keep them in my pocket? :-)Glad you liked the fic. The Victorian shyness definitely packed its bags and left on the Titanic. :-)And we'll see about the revenge. Very possible, but no promises just yet. Thank you for reviewing!
My God I can't believe I've miss this when posted. *shame on me* Let me tell you you're doing absolutely wonderful with this. Keep up the so immensely good work.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you very much! Glad you liked it.
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you very much! Glad you liked it.
Well done, that's HOTTT with at least 3 t's. ~_0
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you very much!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you very much!
I just about had a fit when I saw your author's note. LOL - "length" as a dirty word - too funny! I used to have a boyfriend who called them my "firm hardness" books, so I know whereof you speak.Slash isn't usually my thing, although a little Snarry every now and again can be mildly amusing. You did a good job! I'm actually going to read the second half, so you must've suckered me in somewhere. ;)
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
"firm hardness books" LOL! That's just a fantastic thing to call them. :-)I'm glad you liked it. It's always such a compliment when you manage to make people like things they don't usually like. Thanks for reviewing!
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
"firm hardness books" LOL! That's just a fantastic thing to call them. :-)I'm glad you liked it. It's always such a compliment when you manage to make people like things they don't usually like. Thanks for reviewing!
-drools and stares dumbly for a few moments-...-deep breaths- Wow. O.O This has to be one of the hottest, best written smut fics I have ever read. And that is saying something. Very well done, and I sincerely hope you decide to continue this in another story. Magnificent! <3
Response from RedOrchid (Author of Midnight Duel)
Thank you so much. I'm really happy to hear that. :)