New Chapter for Uncross the Stars
Uncross the Stars
Gelsey10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
James is too nosey for his own good and ends up finding more than he bargains for while snooping in Rose’s room. Post-Hogwarts for both Rose and Scorpius.
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About Gelsey
Member Since 2005 | 25 Stories | Favorited by 10 | 5 Reviews Written | 253 Review Responses
Reviews for Uncross the Stars
Awww,Albus is so sweet, and James is such a prat,.Loved the last line.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Hee, thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed!
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Hee, thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed!
It's very very beautiful and I absolutely love this line : “For never was a story of more joy, Than this of Rosie and her Malfoy,”. There may be some interest in dating a Malfoy after all.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thank you! I actually had to look back at the last line of Romeo and Juliet in order to write that part :D I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thank you! I actually had to look back at the last line of Romeo and Juliet in order to write that part :D I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I like it that James is a bit slow to pick up on the historical references and I really liked Rose's pendant.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :D Thanks for reviewing!
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :D Thanks for reviewing!
Very cute. I enjoyed this little one shot.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
Hahaha too totally cute!
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing.
AWWW, this was really cute, I loved it!
Thanks for sharing it,
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to read and review!
Of course Albus Severus would be well read! cute story!
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!
LOL! I like the idea of a bookish Albus, too. Sweet, bookish little love story--the very best kind!Wonder what Grandpa Weasley would say?
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.Oh, I dunno. He would probably have a few choice words -- though good or bad, I have no clue!
Awwwwe! This is so sweet! I love the idea Shakespeare love letters. Absolutely reomantic, and completely fitting for a Malfoy and a Weasely. This is one 'ship I'd like to see more of.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Uncross the Stars)
I'm very fond of the Scorpius/Rose pairing. Keep a lookout in months ahead--I'll have another one, longer, posted by then.Thanks so much!