Harry Potter
1,293 Stories
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3.4/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )At first, she'd found ways to fill the world with sound and the chaos that she had always craved, even as a young girl. Now, she was only left with the crushing weight of silence. [One-shot.]
3,816 Words, Started 04/18/2019, Completed 04/18/2019
by CB McWhorter
0 Likes, 0 FavoritesAt a gathering at the Burrow not long after Dumbledore's death, a conversation is overheard.
If only it had been like this.
488 Words, Started 04/25/2019, Completed 04/25/2019
Tit for Tat
by Celisnebula
0 Likes, 0 FavoritesWhat's good for the goose is always good for the gander.
2,879 Words, Started 09/08/2019, Completed 09/08/2019