Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
9 Stories
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Resolving a Misunderstanding
by MMADfan
954 Ratings, 0 Likes, 108 Favorites )Minerva has just finished her first term teaching. A series of misunderstandings leads to an embarrassing moment, injured feelings, regret, growing understanding, then resolution. A Minerva McGonagall fic set in 1957, with forays into the past. More than a Romance; stories within stories. Features Minerva, Albus, and Poppy, with appearances by Slughorn, Grubbly-Plank, Hagrid, Flitwick, Moody, Riddle, Grindelwald, and other canon characters. Not DH-compliant. Disregards DH.
Nineteen Parts.
Most content T-rated, but ratings rise to M and MA for several later chapters. Overall M rating reflects later content.
Pertinent warnings in individual chapter summaries.
Voted First Place, Minerva McGonagall: Legacy Fic, in the HP Fanfiction Fan Poll Awards Spring/Summer 2013.
887,409 Words, Started 02/27/2007, Completed 05/29/2008
by livvy6
35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )How can you live when your whole life has been a lie? A Death Eater's daughter needs answers about her dead father, and Severus Snape is the only one who can help her. Unfortunately, he wants nothing to do with dredging up his past. Inspired by "Collide" by Howie Day.
21,841 Words, Started 12/01/2007, Completed 01/04/2008
Death's Dominion
by MMADfan
559 Ratings, 0 Likes, 207 Favorites )Severus Snape’s life was changed when he was hit by an errant spell, and he comes to a decision that defies Dumbledore’s wishes. Even the fate of the wizarding world is altered by this one ill-cast curse and Snape’s subsequent resolve. Long after the spell itself has dissipated, its effects continue echoing in the lives of Severus, Albus, Minerva, and Hermione, and they bring with them a shadowy figure whom Snape does not trust and whose motivations and influence on Minerva are murky. Conspiracies and schemes swirl around Severus as he continues on his path of deception to his final confrontation with the Dark Lord.
Canon-divergent post-July 1996 in the HP universe. Not DH-compliant. (Partially HBP-compliant.)
A “Light” fic of love, loyalty, and redemption.
Pertinent warnings in individual chapter summaries.
Voted First Place, Gen Fic: Best Legacy Story, in the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards for Spring/Summer 2013.
288,570 Words, Started 03/20/2008, Completed 11/07/2008
A Long Vernal Season
by MMADfan
1,058 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )Severus Snape had believed that, for him, life after the Dark Lord was an impossibility, that his death was not merely justice, but necessity. He has survived, though, and now he must learn to live his new, unexpected life, and to find something beyond the narrow existence to which he was once bound. A Snape-centric post-war fic.
A Death’s Dominion sequel, but may stand alone. Not DH-compliant. DH-disregarded. Rated M for overall content. Much of it is "T," but the ratings rise to MA later for a reason, hence the switch to an M-rating for the earlier chapters. Watch the individual chapter summaries and author’s notes for ratings, warnings, and the characters appearing in that chapter.
Part One finds Severus dealing with some very immediate and dangerous consequences of his final confrontation with the Dark Lord more than three months before.
652,631 Words, Started 08/29/2009, Updated 08/11/2013
Hogwarts House-Elves Housekeeping Files: vol. 1990s
by goat of abe
63 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Did you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at Hogwarts?
6,110 Words, Started 01/01/2011, Updated 02/17/2011
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Eat, drink, and get dressy, because tomorrow Wilhelmina is going into hiding for the duration of the war. But she'll spend one last night with Minerva.
3,402 Words, Started 03/27/2011, Completed 03/27/2011
Just Like my Men
16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Female members of the Hogwarts faculty discuss the correlation between men and coffee.
557 Words, Started 09/16/2011, Completed 09/16/2011
0 Likes, 0 FavoritesAfter the war, someone has to clear up the mess, and building bridges is never easy.
2,480 Words, Started 01/16/2014, Completed 01/16/2014
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Lavender and the other Gryffindors can't imagine why Professor Grubbly-Plank is wandering the corridors of Hogwarts at night. Set during OoP.
3,202 Words, Started 03/08/2014, Completed 03/08/2014