Chapter 15 of 15
PlaidPookaWhat will it take to get the most unlikely of bedfellows together? A post HBP fic. Character Death Warning is for events which happen before the events of the story.
A/N: Not much to say except that I’m sad to see this fic end. Severus and Ron are an odd pairing to be sure, but I’ve grown so attached to them. Big, big thanks to all the readers who have stuck with this little fic, through thick, and thin, and writer’s block. You’re reviews have meant so very much to me and they’ve certainly helped me stick to this fic until the bitter end.
As always, huge, whopping, ginormous thanks to my charming beta, Vaughn. Not only is she the coolest beta ever, she always has kind words for me, and keeps me from thinking everything I write is crap. I don’t know what I’d do without her!
Disclaimer: They are not mine; I only take them out to play.
And so it came to pass that on a lovely, sunny afternoon, Severus and Ron were indeed married. On the back lawn of their new home, amidst the oak trees, they stood before a preacher and recited the brief and formally worded vows that would bind them together for as long as they both shall live. Each of them had endured a short, private meeting with the preacher before the vows, but it wasn’t until the grey bearded man said, “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mr. Weasley,” that Ron realized Severus had decided to take the Weasley name. This time the brightness of Ron’s smile far outshone the sparkle of the new green house. Indeed, it rivaled the very sun.
Severus never bothered to explain the reasons for his choice. Any attempt to get him to speak of it was impatiently waved off. Most folks assumed that since Severus had never much cared for his father, he likewise wasn’t especially fond of his sire’s name. Minerva had a different theory. Having seen Ron’s smile--and Severus’ reaction to it—she had decided that Severus made his choice for a no more complicated reason than the fact that he knew very well how much it would please his new husband. Minerva was probably correct.
The feast which had been laid out on the lawn was then eaten and enjoyed. It did double duty as both a welcome feast and a wedding supper. Much champagne was drunk by all and sundry and the last of the revelers did not leave until late in the night. Despite the fact that there were no more eyes left to spy, Severus still blushed when Ron lifted him into his arms and carried his ‘bride’ over the threshold in the traditional manner.
At last upstairs, there was a brief tussle as each wizard tried to thrust the pot of lubricant into the other’s hands. The argument was only ended when Severus reminded Ron forcefully that he was the ‘bride’ and therefore demanded the traditional rights and privileges associated with such. The next morning, Severus let Ron play ‘bride’ and all was happily even.
All was well with the couple as the months began to pass. Free from their forced captivity, the relationship which had begun in a tiny hospital room now bloomed and thrived. Sure, there was the occasional argument. Married or not, Severus was still Severus, after all. But in the true manner of doting Weasley husbands everywhere, Ron learned to say “yes, dear” as he smiled fondly at his mate. Ron did argue with his husband on occasion, but it was more in the interest of having make-up sex than any real desire to prove a point.
Severus’ potions business was a hit from the get go. The wizarding world in general didn’t like Severus anymore than they ever had, but this didn’t seem to have an impact on the fact that he was a brilliant potions brewer. The general public gossiped about him viciously, but they bought his potions even so. At times, Ron rather thought that Severus’ infamous reputation did much to help the business along. Any publicity is often good publicity in such matters.
Ron’s business ventures grew more slowly, but they grew steadily. By the end of the first year, Ron was already supplying many familiar shops with the fast breeding rats and toads. The sales from his first litter of Savannah cats gave him the capital to invest in some breeding pairs of owls, cats, and a few more exotics—for some reason Iguanas had become all the rage among school age children—and it was apparent that within a year or two, Ron’s business would be very successful indeed.
Having little to do with their money—they did have a lovely cottage and a self-replenishing pantry, after all—Severus and Ron found other things to do with their rapidly growing wealth. Certainly they both spent money on trinkets and such--indeed, Severus’ library would soon rival that of Hogwarts—they also got in the habit of giving extremely lavish Christmas gifts to those friends and family who had done so much to make their homecoming a grand affair. Also, they made a yearly donation to Albus’ Displaced Wizard Fund. The fund that had started as a means to help people after the war soon grew to be a permanent thing. It became almost an urban legend, as wizards and witches began to firmly believe that donating to it was a source of good luck. Wizards are a superstitious people. The fund was likely to go on doing its good work indefinitely.
There came a time in the second year of their marriage when Ron realized that there was one more thing that Severus needed to do before he was truly recovered. Though Severus complained bitterly, and many arguments ended with one or the other of them sleeping on the downstairs sofa, Ron would not back down on this point. Eventually Severus agreed to do as Ron wished, if only to get him to shut up about the matter. So it came to pass that Ron and Severus went to Hogwarts and found themselves facing the gargoyles that guarded Minerva’s office.
Expecting them, Minerva greeted them at the door and led them up and into her office. A sofa had been placed facing one wall, and Albus’ portrait had been moved to hang before it at an easy level for conversation. Ensconced on the sofa between Minerva and Ron, Severus refused to speak or to even look at the portrait. As soon as Albus began speaking to him, Severus buried his face in Ron’s neck and didn’t come up for air until he and Ron took their leave. He may not have spoken to Albus, but he listened.
The trip to Minerva’s office became a weekly visit. In time, Severus lifted his head from Ron’s neck to at least look at the portrait of his friend. Eventually, he managed a word or two. Years later, it was a common sight to see Severus Weasley stalking around the office in his old manner as he participated in a heated discussion with the portrait of the former headmaster.
And so, with patience and time, Severus was at last able to put the last of his ghosts behind him and throw himself wholeheartedly into his new life. It was a good life, full of things he had never before been used to, many friends, an affectionate extended family, a wonderful home, and love. Throughout the whole, Ron stayed firmly by his side, not only a part of his family, but a part of his very soul.
Thus ends the saga of the most unlikely bedfellows that ever shall be.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Unlikely Bedfellows
98 Reviews | 6.89/10 Average
Brilliant. I never thought I would enjoy a fix with thus unlikely couple, but I really did. It was sweet and tender, passionate and loving. Well done.
That was the sweetest homecoming ever!!! It left me grinning from ear to ear.
Uh oh. Trouble is paradise.
I loved to see HG and RW talking like friends and her willingness to get him the needed supplies. Lol. Very cute.
As a straight girl who is typically not a fan of Ron, I gotta say that was some well written hot smut. Great job.
That was so cute, Waking up with a cuddling Severus. Lucky Ron.
While not a pairing I would ever have considered coming together before. I can see how it could happen under these circumstances. I found myself with tears in my eyes at the heartbreak Severus is suffering. I am glad someone is there for him.
I didn't stop to review each chapter as I am reading this on my Kindle and typing is a bitch. But, I just wanted to say that I love it when people can pair up a couple who truly are unlikely, and make me believe it. And like it, as well. Nice story!
Had to come back for a reread still nice and gushy
I have only read one other story with this pairing and it was not that good. This blows away that failure with utter brilliance. I loved the way the two characters came together and how they fell in love. You made Severus sensitive without being too ooc, Great Job!!
Not a pairing I ever imagine but I simply LOVED this story. So beautifully written, I could feel the love flowing from it.
Oh gosh, I'm getting all mushy again........................
*wipes away free flowing tears*
This story is wonderful. I've just read the whole thing through in one sitting and you had me shouting at the screen one moment and laughing out loud the next.
Thank you. I hope you consider writing this pairing again because I'm loving the way you portray them.
Oh and because I have no idea how often you update I'm completely ignoring the last line so there is a happy ending ;)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
What a sweet review! I'm so glad that you got a kick out of it! I may indeed write this pairing again, but it may be a while. I'm getting ready to take on a rather long SS/HG fic. As far as happy endings go, they are my stock and trade! ;)
I love this - when do we get the next chapter?
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
Thanks! Soon as I can post it! ;)
Ack! A cliffhanger! I hope the next chapter comes soon. I've really been enjoying your fic. I was a bit doubtful of the pairing when I started, but you've done an excellent job with it and the characters.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
That is so nice to hear! I admit that I started this fic with this pairing on a dare, but the boys have really grown on me! I'll be sad when it ends! Thanks! :)
Again a wonderful chapter. It's great to see that Snape and Ron are so happy with each other after everything they had to endure.But I have to admit that I don't like the sound of Severus Weasley very much. I guess I'll have to wait and see what you will come up with though. ;)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
Weasley or Snape, they are both rather horrible, aren't they? Lol. Thanks for the sweet review! :)
I think I shall dub you Queen (or Mistress) of Romance. You've always been excellent at romance, but anyone who creates such a romantic scene between Severus and Ron -- and does it this well -- most definitely deserves the title.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
Ooooh! Mistress please! I like Mistress! Thanks, sweetheart! That compliment coming from you--the only person that ever got me to read a RW/HG, means a lot to me. If I am a Mistress of Romance, you must be a Goddess. :)
I'm alternating between dabbing at my eyes and fanning myself with my hanky. Wonderful prose, love!!GG
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! Thank you! :)
Another great chapter. I really adore your Snape. He is a bit fluffy but also can be gruff - actually he would be the Snape of my dreams.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
My Snapes are all a bit on the nice side, but that's the way I like him! ;) Thanks for the review! :)
Ahhh, I like the bit about the stone's colour. More!
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
Thank you! More soon, I hope! :)
We must keep your muse on its roll! Somehow the idea of Ron and Snape getting domestic together is just so… touching. I can just see Ron raising Kneazles like Crookshanks. Were you talking about the serval bred savannahs? Now there would be an interesting mix. I loved this chapter, and can’t wait for the next one… proposal and house warming perhaps? (and no obnoxious emails from me ;-)
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
Your emails are always amusing and helpful, never obnoxious! However, I am dead pleased that you had no need to send one! :D Yes! the cerval bred savannahs! I want one! I want one and I can't have one, so I'm giving them to Ron. Lol! Thanks sweetie! :)
wah!! my first time reading snape/ron. but i was looking for it. new film made me want to read this... dont ask why.. lol
and i loooove it.. the first chapter had me laughing at almost every sentence, its not so funny anymore, but its written greatly, and the characters are so much their own, and real.. although snape is too nice.. but to me he's too nice in ALL romance fics.. ;o) so dont mind that.. ;)
and i simply hope you get updating real REAL soon:)
keep it up! anne
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
*giggle* He is too nice, but after all, we are all nicest when we fall in love. Perhaps he's too tired to be crabby... lol!Thanks for the sweet review! I started this fic on a dare, but it's really grown on me. I'm sorry about the huge delay on the next chapter, but I hope to remedy that soon! :)
wah!! my first time reading snape/ron. but i was looking for it. new film made me want to read this... dont ask why.. lol
and i loooove it.. the first chapter had me laughing at almost every sentence, its not so funny anymore, but its written greatly, and the characters are so much their own, and real.. although snape is too nice.. but to me he's too nice in ALL romance fics.. ;o) so dont mind that.. ;)
and i simply hope you get updating real REAL soon:)
keep it up! anne
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
I'm so glad you've gotten a kick out of this story so far. Lol, perhaps my Snape is a bit too nice, but the poor sod's been through quite a bit. Thanks! :)
hi pooka...
i love this story...just wondering when the next update will be...hopefully soon...keep up the great work...
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
I'm so sorry that there hasn't been an update in so long! To be honest, I haven't been writing at all. But I promise that as soon as I can manage to write anything, I'll finish this fic! Thanks! :)
Pook, this is such a lovely tale! I admit, I had a difficult time trying to wrap my mind about the pairing, but my curiousity won out and I had to see how you did it.
I really shouldn't be so surprised that you pulled it off, you've got wonderful talent and imagination and you make this seem quite realistic. *sigh* Not to mention hot and steamy! *pant pant* Excellent job, and I can't wait for the continuation... (hint hint) *hugs*
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
Woot! I've lured another innocent reader into my Sneasly world! I'm so glad you like this, and I'm very pleased you think I pulled it off believably. That was my big challenge with writing this story; I wanted to take an odd pairing and try to get them together in a fairly logical fashion, without the help of potions, etc. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the lovely review! I haven't written a word in weeks, but I'm sure it's just a phase. I'm hoping I get back to continueing this story soon! Thanks! :)
Oh my. . . now that was fun. Looks like you've got a lot more planned for those two, I can't wait. And lemme guess; Harry will be bratty, and Hermione supportive?
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Unlikely Bedfellows)
*snicker* You know me too well! But Harry will only have a bit of a bratty moment; I promise he'll get over it quickly! Thanks sweetie! :)