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Second Life
Lariope3,012 Reviews | 3,012 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1,269 Favorites )
Hermione is forced to lead a double life when she agrees to Dumbledore's plan to protect Professor Snape. Inspired by the Marriage Law. Warning for student/teacher relationship, though Hermione is of age.
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About Lariope
Member Since 2007 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 616 | 122 Reviews Written | 5,388 Review Responses
Grape Forever!
Reviews for Second Life
Ì just wanted to thank you for this story now I have finished! Usually such long ones don't keep me interested but this was so good. :)
Wow, what a thrilling, convincing and utterly bewitching story! I loved every minute of it. It was - in my opinion - much better than the original Deathly Hollows. It made so much more sense, as you explained thing I never understood in JK Rowlings books.
I don't know what to make of Dumbledore in your story. I guess I don't like him. You made a good job of depicting him as a very debatable character - not really bad, but certainly not good, either. I think he was realistic, just as all your other characters. That's another thing I really liked about this book - I liked all of them and found them believable. Even Ron (and not many fanfic novels manage to do that for me).
There is so much praise I want to lavish out - I could comment on your brilliant writing, the suspense, the heartache and pain you made me feel or how you managed to make me understand the characters better - I have really nothing to complain. Well - maybe a really small thing in the very beginning of the story: I didn't fully grasp the logic behind Dumbledore's request that they marry. Making Hermione a confidant, yes, absolutely. But why did it have to be marriage? That's the only thing that still remains a bit of a mystery. But like I said, it's a very minor thing.
This is one of the best Harry Potter fanfics I ever read. And believe me - I have read a lot! So thanks a lot for sharing and good luck in future!
Fantastic story!
Really enjoyed reading this story. Just lovely. :)
Poor Snape, to be contemplating suicide one minute then fearing his death the next. You've hit to feel sorry for him, I think, with all that he does with no acknowledgment or thanks. I'm looking the story a lot so far, and I'm really hoping you'll give it a happy ending unlike Rowling did.
One more review seems superfluoius, but this story has occpied my every spare moment for the last week.
I love the way Severus and Hermione fell in love. I loved watching their relationship grow through all of the horrible things they were forced to endure.
Every deviation from cannon was excellent and a vast improvement on the original.
I love the way everyone saw the machinations of Albus Dumbledore and held him accountable for what he did to Severus, Harry and all of the other people who had trusted and respected or loved him. Yet even though he was exposed for the disimbling, controling, manipulative, predudice, insensitive, user and power abusing bastard he really is, he was only human. And though he could have done it so much better, he did what generals must do. Will history remember him as a hero or will he become a byword for abuse of friendship. "He so Dumbledored me!"
Okay. I read it again. Damn, L. Wonderful story.
Oh my gosh! When i saw that blankness before the authors note, I thought that was the end, that was where you were ending it. Then I realised it was just an authors note. I was so relieved. I havent finished this story yet, two chapters left to go, but no matter how this story turns out, I just wanted to say that I loved it. I read another story much like it, at least in the way the couple fits together, where Hermione had married Snape inorder to be safe from voldemort, and they ended up falling in love. I was strongly reminded of it in the scene of the final battle, where Hermione is running to save Snape. In this other story, the final battle is written a bit differently, and instead of Hermione panicing, all Snape can think about is finding her, when he knows she isnt going to be there. I was struck by how similar the two expiriences were. I forget the name of the story, its really interesting and I would recomend it if only I could remember the name. But honestly, I love this one very much, its powerful and seems to match up with these two characters perfectly. Great job, this has been truely obsessive to read, and I dont know what I'll do with my life when I finish it.
-Yours Truely
I usually avoid teacher-Snape/student-Hermione stories like the plague... but I had run out of reading material and turned to the archives for help. You established your premise with enough dignity and sensitivity to keep me reading and so you have been my companion for the past week or two. Somewhere in the middle--I can't tell you exactly where--the tone of your story began to change for me. It was always well-done, but suddenly there were descriptions that made me go, "Wow... well done!" and insights into relationships that made me gasp. When I read, "Briefly he wondered if this was what marriage was, just saving each other over and over again." I became a firm fan... because that's *exactly* what marriage is... at least those that endure. For that line alone, I'm very thankful I took a chance on you.
When I saw that the courtroom scenes were going to be spread over several chapters, I thought, "Really? Is that necessary?" But it really *was* necessary: every question, every reaction, every detail that put us right there and took us through every excruciating moment. I thought you really outdid yourself in those scenes.
So even though this story has probably been over for you for a while now, please know that it is a gift that continues to give. i'm better for having read it. Thank you for writing it.
I adore how you have woven this story, it's just so... well-written! At the risk of committing utter, utter sacrilege, I think I may even quite possibly maybe prefer your version of events to the lady's herself. This story has had my rapt and undivided attention for days now and I can't wait to finish it but at the same time I really don't want to!
omg, that was epic! I've lot count of the number of late nights/early mornings I've had because I just couldn't stop reading. Just brilliant!
Wonderful :)
I have chills. And tears in my eyes.
This was brilliant, beginning to end. Thank you for writing it.
I've re-read this such a great read. I forgot to ask though, in the end does Severus love Hermione?
I am in awe of this story and of your talent with words. The absolute scope and complexity of this story completely amazes me. The manipulations, the romance, the friendships, the numerous hardships.....just wow. WOW! I thank you so much for the hours and hours of enjoyment I received from reading your story. It's one of the best!
I like that this is taking a long time to develop. I think that given their history it would take them ages to feel comfortable in the world. This is especially true with Snape.
finally...something just had to give. Silly stubborn man. What a mess he is.
I'm glad she went. This is so sad. Poor Severus has worked so long and hard but he doesn't forgive himself.
oh dear.
Wow, very exciting. I love it. Amazing.
I think JKR is a meanie. I'm glad there is fanfiction. LOL. Did her Snape KNOW?! It seems he did not. He was rather taken by surprise, I think.
wow, this is getting exciting! I feel sorry for Xeno. I wonder what I'd do in his situation. I feel like I'd do anything to protect my children.
I'm glad Minerva figured it out at last. Poor Severus.