New Chapter for Epiphany
melusin162 Reviews | 5.56/10 (162 Ratings, 0 Likes, 194 Favorites )
How far would you go if you had total control over another human being? A tale of love, obsession, temptation and betrayal.
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About melusin
Member Since 2006 | 23 Stories | Favorited by 344 | 77 Reviews Written | 1,999 Review Responses

Alan Rickman obsessed ex-civil servant now living the good life in France. I only write in the good ship SS/HG. However, if you think that the only way these two can get together is by some sort of forced marriage, 'binding' or whatever, don't read my stories. You will be disappointed.
Reviews for Epiphany
I'm glad there are witches on Hermione's side, though it's a pity they can't do very much. I'm wondering, though, why none of those witches TOLD her about the nature of the rings? If they'd told her in the beginning, before the man's ring had undermined Snape so much, it could have made a difference.
I'm new to this site. Is there a way for the site to notify me if you ever finish this story?
Oh, my god. How horrible! I hope you're going to undo this somehow!
I'm SO glad that you're having Severus' history affect him; so many stories take the "He has Hermione now, so he's all better" route, and that's just unrealistic, because years of misery leave their mark on a person.
Your story is more psychologically sophisticated than most, and I'm really enjoying that about it.
Wow! What an interesting alternate history. I love having the heads of the four hours work together to raise a literal dragon. I adore Minerva, and I've always wished we'd gotten a bit more of her in the books.
I love your having Harry drive Voldemort from his mind by filling his mind with love. That's so very true to the spirit of the books that I bet Rowling wishes she'd thought of it. :-)
Just read this story again and am REALLY hoping that it's not abandoned, although given that the last update was almost a year and a half ago, I can't say I'm optimistic. I really like the premise and what you've written so far, but I must say that reading up to where it leaves off right now (and imagining that this might be it) just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. I'd love for there things to be resolved in one way or another. In other words, hope there's still more coming!
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
hino i haven't abandoned it. Just that personal circumstances haven't been conducive to writing lately.
Response from sceptic00 (Reviewer)
Well, I look forward to seeing more of the story at some point. Thanks for your writing! :)
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
hino i haven't abandoned it. Just that personal circumstances haven't been conducive to writing lately.
Response from sceptic00 (Reviewer)
Well, I look forward to seeing more of the story at some point. Thanks for your writing! :)
It's pretty cool that you didn't have to pull Hallows out of your butt to explain things.
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
yeah, who saw that coming?
I am much happier with Harry finding out this way than the DH way. Nope, Hermione would never believe it. ;)
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
yeah, well, DH didn't really live up to my expectations in a lot of ways
I'm really wondering what's been done to Hermione. She can't find her centre. Ginny thinks it's nearly "time".
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
she's not herself
On a broom???? How exciting. :)
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
i'm sure they aren't the first...
Highness... *smirk*
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
can't remember what that was about but thanks anyway
Operation Smurf... I like it.I really like how you had him assessing everyone's strengths and weaknesses in class.
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
... and here I was worried that Albus was... well... ALBUS.
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
gets people every time:)
Ooooh! I just love stories that include HBP...
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
this was my take on things before DH came out
this story gives me the chills!I knew there was something off about the whole thing, hope it will turn out all right because they do belong together, they just have to toss the rings
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
heh, it's meant to.
I just reread this story for the second time. I've loved every chapter, and the progression you've woven for the characters throughout the shifts in time/perspective is artfully done. Fantastic writing. Hoping you'll continue this soon!
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
thank youI haven't abandoned it, but writing is a bit slow at the moment
This is a great story!Any chances of updates coming soon?:D
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
Thanks.I'm working on it, but it's taking a while as there's a lot of info to pack into the next chapter.
I love this story! You do a really good job shifting back and forth between time periods. I hope you're planning on continuing with it!
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
Thank you. Yes, I will be continuing it.
Oh thank Calypso's Clamshells; she may be on her way to freedom! If she is, I wonder what will be in store for Severus, the greasy slimeball! ( I usually ADORE him, but NOT in a spousal abuse scenario). I'm on tenterhooks here. When's the next chapter due? How many more do you think you will write here?
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
She has a while to go yet :)Can't say when I'll get down to more chapters, but there will be quite a few, I think
Response from FlyingMermaid (Reviewer)
Sorry, I was as excited as a Boston Terrier with a new frizbee at the end of that. I am sooo curious as to what' s in store for the 'happy couple'. I hope S. finds the decency and love to remove the rings himself without the Circle having to involve a Fury. (I hear Alecto and her/his thorny noose are BAD business!) I don't think the 'real' Hermione would EVER forgive having EVERYTHING taken from her for 10 long years. I would let him rot alone. I know I sound harsh but he is as bad as a 'true' Death Eater here! I'd like to sic these gals on him!~~~~~>
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
Severus could not accept Hermione's love for him at face value. But there are many issues here and there are many shades of grey, which I can't really elaborate on at the moment. Needless to say, they both have a long road ahead of them.
Response from FlyingMermaid (Reviewer)
Agreed. Thankx 4 responding so quickly. Busy people have not much time to devote, while I am idle and have nothing to deliver! You are a truly excellent author! I cannot wait (but I must) to see whether the road leads to redemption or is just paved with questionable intentions!
I am so glad that you updated! Great chapter - I can't wait to see whre this goes from here.
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
thank you
How many plot lines are you going to stuff into one story, dear Author? You'll end up with a mass slaughter, like Rowling, to try to tie up loose ends....
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
Quite a few, I suppose. But the plot is in my head, never fear and I'm not planning on a rocks fall everybody dies ending, either ;)
Well, it doesn't look as if Severus realizes just how bad for their relationship the rings really are. I was surprised that he was enraged by her compliance--isn't that what he wanted? He wants two opposing things at the same time and hasn't realized that he can't have complete security and control at the same time as having the vibrant, strong-willed woman he fell in love with. (Pick one or the other and take your chances, stupid.) I really fear for them--the situation seems unsalvagable...It also seems that Severus' removal of his ring makes her react quite strangely. I wonder if he will ever release her and let her be the person he loves and the person she wants to be. I am intrigued by this 'witch only' gathering Hermione has stumbled on.
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
Yes, that about sums it up.
I am re-reading this entire story, since I only remembered bits and pieces of it from the first time around (a couple of years ago, I think). As I reached the last couple of chapters, I realized that I had never read past chapter 13, so all this is brand new! That's both good and bad in this case. Good, because I am eager to get a larger 'dose' of the plot, but bad because I am just horrified by the events in chapter 15. I suppose that I should have taken your summary more seriously, but I assumed that their dom/sub behavior was consentual on some level. The scene where we get his thoughts about her needing to be 'punished' for simply reading about a topic she enjoys made it baldly apparent that he is simply taking his frustrations out on her. That scene had always bothered me and I labeled it as abuse, but this chapter revealed that it goes way beyond simple abusiveness. Truely appalling...
Response from melusin (Author of Epiphany)
Yes, I agree. I've never much liked the idea of binding rituals of any kind - this is where I see such things going in my head everytime I read such a fic. Too many to name inspired this whole trainwreck.
Can't tell you how stoked I am to see an update to this story. Looking forward to the next installment. Well done, as always.
Author's Response: Thank you. I realise it's been a long time coming. Next chapter is progressing nicely
Those rings obviously affect his personality as well as hers, and not to the good.