New Chapter for Protector
ladyofthemasque193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 1 Like, 451 Favorites )
A mysterious warning from the future prompts Snape to protect Hermione from a terrible curse.
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About ladyofthemasque
Member Since 2005 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 1,485 | 368 Reviews Written | 1,311 Review Responses
I have to apologize to everyone, period. Real life swallowed me whole, as I have been struggling to make a living writing original fiction over the last 8 years. It has not been easy, & has been complicated by health issues. I hope people can forgive my long silences. Trying to make enough money to live on from writing is a lot harder--waaaay harder--than it looks. (At least I didn't leave any posted fanfics unfinished.)
These stories are works of parody (& thus are allowable under US law), and are not written for profit. Just for fun. I'm not making any money off of any fanfics, nor will I ever. I'm just playing around in other writers' universes.
...I am, however, making something of a living off my own stories. (If anyone wants to play around in my universes, you may visit my website,, and look up my policy on Fanfics & Fanarts. It's reasonable enough and fairly easy to follow, too...)
Reviews for Protector
What a clever idea for a story, and so very well done!
I usually complain about out-of-character Snape and usually want him to be authentically dark and cranky. But you provided a fine rationale for him to open up not just to Hermione but to himself, and I actually enjoyed your sweet Snape.
Thanks for writing this lovely story and for sharing it with us.
So did Severus purposely draw Voldy's fire so that the curse would hit him instead of be aimed at Hermione, or had he lied to Black? Because he wouldn't have worked as hard on a cure for himself as he was willing to for Hermione. I don't think Severus would have tried to find his true love and teach her to love him to save himself with the same focus.
Did he really think Hermione was going to let him time travel without her for 2 years? I thought he was a brilliant man. I'm sure Albus can help them out financially.
Nice chapter but the change from the classroom to the final battle was quick. I didn't feel it coming so soon. I had to do a double take. BTY love the earrings!
The manual was genius and made me smile. I may have chuckled a little too. I too would give very much for my own Severus Snape as you write him. Unfortunately, he doesn't really exist. At least we all don't have to fight over him. Their love making so far has been wonderfully written as is usual for you. Not everyone has the knack for writing such scenes without being cliche', coarse or just not sexy enough. This is something you specialize in. I'm afraid Hermione may not be as robust with her approval and permission when she actually finds herself providing said potions ingredient. I'm assuming it will be quite important in the future, but I don't remember for sure.
Albus' magical chat is quite clever and he deserves an A for his study of muggle technology. I do like this Albus and I find it difficult to like him in later cannon. It is less stressful to be able to like him. It makes the stories more enjoyable. HP changed a lot of things not for the better from my POV.
Severus' response to Hermione through the mirror was sweet in the best sense of the word. His attempt to woo her without pressure into consummation is endearingly gentlemanly. No matter how snarky he is in cannon, I've always believed he had class underneath. Hermione deserves a gentleman and this gallant Severus Snape is very compelling. Bless you for providing a fantasy Severus that has the chivalry of a knight and the sex appeal of ...well, Severus Snape played by the late AR. He was the sexiest man I've ever seen. I am heart broken. I know it's off topic to say so. I do apologize. But he is the one in my head when I read and you write him with artful beauty.
Hermione knew "Thou shalt not snog thy student" when she was snogging Rus. Was she already prepared for this possibility while reflecting on their interactions and ordering her lunch? Well, I doubt she knew that DD has devices to detect mutual student/teacher moment's of bliss or she would not have participated any more than Severus would have, had he known about those devices. I guess I can't blame DD for voyeuristic tendencies. At his age he probably doesn't get laid as often as he would like. He probably also knows every time the students are snogging or rutting in hidden nooks around the castle but leaves the detecting and discipline to his spy and the other hall monitors. For all of his faults, "kill joy" doesn't seem to be one of them. Though I do hope his devices assure that he takes action when an older student takes advantage of a younger one. I have more trouble forgiving him for his manipulation of his spy than his pervy tendencies. What must that say about me? Lola kitty is asking me to stop typing and cuddle so I guess I will have to leave the verdict regarding my personal ethics to you.
That nosy brat! If I were Hermione I would want to hex him then give him a good piece of my mind, but the more she makes of it the more it would look like she had something to hide. I'd have to settle for some private revenge, but I don't think our Hermione is that kind of girl. She can at least refuse to discuss it further with him since he doesn't deserve any answers after that rude stunt. I do hope Severus gives him a bit of his own revenge, though. The meeting went quite well considering her initial concerns when she realized that Rus is Severus. I don't think Severus will need to worry for very long that she hasn't returned his love just yet. He has known all along he needed to love her. This is new information for Hermione and once she thinks it over, I'm sure it will plant the seed to grow into learning to love him sooner than if there was no urgency.
I am enjoying this story greatly and I am also enjoying reading my own reviews from 5 years ago. I find I have nothing to add. I don't remember the details of the story at all and each chapter is as if I have read it for the first time. Then I go to the reviews and see that I had written exactly the same way I feel reading it again. It's rather facinating. It's kinkd of like using a time turner. I truly hate my memory problems at all times except in that they allow me to read my favorite stories and books again and again with great enjoyment.
What. A. man.
I read my previous review and find I have nothing to add of consiquense. I stand by my previous observations. Thank you very much for providing such enjoyable entertainment for the price of reviews. I really love your SS and your HG characters in this story and the plot is endearing. I have such little time to spend reading for enjoyment. Know that I choose your story and that I am reading it for the second time because you are worth spending my small amount of free time with.
Reading for the 3rd time! Don't remember enough to matter. It's like reading it for the 1st time! I feel very excited to continue. I have had a difficult time writing reveiws since AR passed. I must be getting over my depression for I feel ready to write reviews again. I embrace this OOC Severus because DH made all cannon stories unbearable. If I can get passed the death of Severus Snape in cannon, I can resolve the fact that my picuture of him is the actor who played him. He is the reason all those years ago I became a SS/HG addict. Our beloved AR was not really SS. He was his own wonderful person. I was able to enjoy SS stories even though he wasn't a real person. I can finally move on and enjoy them anew even though the real person I picture is no longer with us physically. I can't imagine how empty and horrible the hearts are of those who loved the actual man AR. My prayers and heart goes out to those who loved him as the person he truely was, lover, husband, dear friend and Uncle. Thank you, LOTM for your loving crafting of these stories to cheer the dreary nights before I go to bed with thoughts of my happy place in the dungeons, safe and protected by the greated wizard alive in that world of fantasy. I love you for it LOTM!!!!
This was a wonderfully entertaining story. Well written. I don't really understand why they would go back in time and change their own pasts. Won't this take away their lives in the future? Other than this I loved it and enjoyed it very much.
love love love this story so far, can't wait to read the rest of it, that will mean staying up too late reading again! oh well
Loving it!
I loved this story. And, after 3 years of fan fic, its hard to find stories that I truly like anymore.
Have you wrote a drabble or maybe even an Epilogue 2 about after they return from their 2 years?
I would like to hear how things go after a 2year private honeymoon and the resolutions of how a loved and secure Severus Snape that is absolutely sure in his relationship deals with Hermione's 2 best friends and her Head of House.....LOL
Wonderful story!
The only possible blessing of short term memory problems is that I can read a story then read it again a year or so later and though I have a gerneral idea regarding the plot, I have no idea what is going to happen in the next sentence. I am sure I willl love this story. I don't remember any bad feelings associated with it. And, I am completely intrigued since I can't remember what the counter curse specifically requires, though I do think I know the general type of act that will be required. I'm assuming Hermione has to be in love with Sverus for the counter curse to work. I'm pretty sure it is sexual in nature and I think I do remember this potion shows one their soul mate. Yippi! Here I go into the unknown filled with anticipation.
I really enjoyed this story. My favourite part was how to care for a Granger-Snape. But what is a lavilavi?
Ooops! Which is it? Just teasing, Im reading this for the third time, I have loved this story for a few years now.
*Severus glanced up from the roiling surface, not expecting the sudden deepening of colours, and caught the Head Girl sucking on her injured finger*
*He could still see her, though; Hermione Granger, resident school know-it-all, Gryffindor prefect and a sure-fire candidate for Head Girl next year*
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Protector)
Author error! (I was kidnapped and held ransom for the last year by plot-bunnies and house-buying elves, and so have no
Hug frequently. A minimum of half a dozen hugs per day are necessary to keep your Granger-Snape healthy and happy
Awwww... also love that he's willing to take her name!
My mother once told me that love, real love, was a choice. The “in-love” phase of a relationship is fleeting at best, lasting a few years if one is lucky, and shorter if one is not. It’s mostly useful for creating a bond long enough to get to know someone, for the slow-building but long-lasting sort of real love to take root and grow within one’s heart.
true! (also, love at 1st sight in the stories never happens btn two ugly ppl)
You never ask for luck when you go off to face the Dark Lord, but you do when you go off to face the Head Girl.
Also like the publishing idea.
“You lied, you know. About your skin,” she added for clarification as his expression turned cautious, wary. “It’s not the least bit like freeze-dried boomslang.”
i like the unveiling scene.
His mouth curved in a slight smile, as he read her required percentages of honesty in his comments. That left him with a hundred or so lies he could get away with telling her.
My nose would make an aardvark stare in shock
good one
“Miss Granger, if you are ever to do that again, try to refrain from even the slightest hint of a giggle mid-speech. Five points from Gryffindor for a lackluster display of intimidation.”
…his natural eye-colour is akin to the ink of an eskellian gall—without nearly as much lividity—his flesh the colour of boomslang skin that’s been freeze-dried, the texture of his hair not that far off from century-plant fiber, his body as heavily scarred as a rutillated quartz crystal, and his nose could rival the protuberance of a cassowary’s, save that it has been damaged at some point along the way.”
“Good god!—‘Rus’ is Alastor Moody?”
shocked she hasnt worked it out yet!
Be advised that, if a relationship of any kind is to work between us, I am bound to ask you at least ten thousand questions, and will be expecting honest answers to ninety-nine percent of them, complete answers to at least eighty percent of them, and fully detailed answers to at least sixty percent of them.LOL! What a brilliant correspondence. How about I trade you my soul for your Rus?
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Protector)
Sorry, only God and the Devil accept souls. All others must pay cash.*cough* Er...something like that. XD~Lotm(kidnapped and held ransom for the last year by plot-bunnies and house-buying elves)
“He did so of his own volition, Potter, ignoring the very warning this stranger came to deliver to him! Ignoring the warnings that I gave to him, less than a day later! The man was rash and headstrong, the same as you—one would think you’d at least try to heed the lesson to be learnt from his fate, unless you want Miss Granger to suffer a fate worse than a swift, clean death! You’ll get the damned book back when we’re through examining it, and not one moment more!”
i like the way Harry is kept in character as stupid, impetuous and immature. Not to mention that he doesnt care about Hermione when there's no homework to be done. She's not a Weasley, after all.
Really neat twist, but it totally makes sense! I really enjoyed reading this story--great interactions.
WOW! I am blown away by this story. It's simply fantastic. I stayed up late last night to read it all, and I already want to re-read it this morning.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Protector)
Lol, I was partway into writing this one when I read book 6, felt like I'd been kicked in the gut, and ended up writing In Annulo as therapy. Hence some of the similarities between the two...~Lotm