New Chapter for Charmed Bride
Charmed Bride
Rose of the West39 Reviews | 39 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
For the 2011 Snapecase on LJ. After the first war, Severus Snape is pressed into a new service.
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About Rose of the West
Rose of the West
Member Since 2008 | 60 Stories | Favorited by 40 | 707 Reviews Written | 1,261 Review Responses
Reviews for Charmed Bride
There was something about the plot and the idea that struck me. I admit that I liked the girl and her mystery very much - that was one draw for me as a reader. The second was the 'stories' about Voldemort and Severus. The girl's perspective about things was delightful and unique. I think with soooo many SS/HG and the 'norm, this one was entirely refreshing. That's the best I can say - it was so unique and refreshing. I admit that I don't understand the comments about the style you keep making, it's nice/fun to step outside boxes and if you did - congrats. That's not easy to do. I did enjoy this story very much and wonder what happened to her - if something did, because in the books Severus is alone ( or seems alone.) Regardless, it's a wonderful tale. Thank you for it.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much for the lovely review!I've lived on "unique and refreshing" for several days now. I'm glad you saw that in the story.I think if I was to continue this, it would be entirely AU. I might even find a way to end the story before Harry went to Hogwarts, or perhaps his first year (since there's only one way to get rid of the scar-horcrux).
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
Well if you do decide to continue this story, let us know so I can bookmark it to follow along. ... gonna go read another of your stories. Do you have a recommendation of a favorite one?
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much for the encouragement! It's a very different OC, and a little rough in places, but I think my best story, certainly my best OC, is in The Tower Affair. I'm awfully partial to The Life and Times of Perseus, though. No Snape, but a sweet love story between two characters that were almost as shafted in canon as Snape.Thanks again!
Wow, this was cool! I loved how you used K to tell stories we already know in such a fresh way. The style is totally different to other fanfic I've read - I would like to see more in the same kind of style, its a cross between some of the old stories my granda tells and a kind of eastern influence that stands out. Also liked the interaction between S & K, more of their relationship would be cool and maybe how she was able to change what came next?
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you! I was honestly worried that the eastern style wouldn't sound right or might even be offensive to some. I'm glad so many people have liked it.I've had a great many requests for more to this story. I'm not going to promise anything, but I may try to work out something.Thanks again!
I've not read any of your other stories yet, so I am not able to compare them. What drew me back to this story was the cadence of the prose. It reminded me of Arabian Nights, and it felt luxurious. The tone of the story felt hypnotic and restful. I appreciate the mood you created. I don't think the way this story was written would necessarily work for telling different kinds of stories, but I appreciated it for this one.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Wow! Thank you for giving my work a try! I will say this is very different for me. I'm usually a lot more direct in my writing style and I had re-write sections of it to be in the tone I wanted to achieve here. I'm glad it came over well.Thank you very much for the lovely review!
Severus Snape has loyalty down to an art form. It does not suprise me that he would view sleeping with his wife as a betrayal of Lily. ((sighs)) I really hate Lily. Go Kalinda Go!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
I knew that would be irritating, but it's in his nature, isn't it? Maybe if we're lucky, he'll grow out of it. At 21, he's still a kid in a lot of ways. Thanks again for the review!
Severus certainly needs someone to take care of him. However we should beware of anything that was around Riddle. It cannot be safe.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
I had so not considered that angle! It was in my mind that Riddle never touched her, since he distrusted women generally as being weak, but you're right, there might have been a lingering curse or something there. Thank you for the review!
Hi! You already know how much I enjoy your work. I like the different style here; very Arabian Nights of you. I like the OC, even though I don't find her strong enough. Not weak, per se, just not enough of a 'presence'. I don't know how to explain it better than that. I don't want to call her a pushover, as she doesn;t cave in at all really, she seems stronger than that, but...maybe 'assertive' is the word I'm looking for. Although, now that it occurs to me, she does come off as slightly Slytherin in her ability to get her way by dissembling. Over all, I enjoyed it very much. If I'm completely honest, it feels...unfinished. What happens to Kalinda? What is the baby's name? How does this particular AU differ from canon as time passes? Does Severus get to live? Does his new family? Methinks I need more of this. Which is a good thing, no?So, to wrap it up, I liked the story, (quite a lot, actually), I liked the OC, (apparently, more than I even thought I did!) I liked how Severus softened up slightly over time, and I'd like more, pleasethankyouverymuch.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much! I've been humbled by the outpouring of love this story has received, and I'm so glad you enjoy my work generally, too!Kalinda is not assertive, but she has a way of arranging things such that Severus usually finds himself falling into line with what she wants him to do. It is Slythern, but there's a bit of the badger there, too, I think.Just between you and me (and almost everyone else), yes, the story is a bit hurried at the end. I'll see if I can come up with some of the short stories that would mesh with this one and finish it up.Thanks again for the lovely review! I'll do my best to continue to earn it.
I don't think I've read this anymore than any of your other stories, but I'll try to answer your question anyway. First I like it because it is Severus. But I like other characters, too so this not exactly relevant. He is so often paired up with the usual people that Kalinda is a refreshing change. I don't think it's her OFC status that counts. I'd read it if it were Pomona or Luna or any other male/female character that he is not often or never paired up with. Plus there is the mystery around her persona, the spell she's under. I even think you could have develop her a bit more and made the story a bit longer. Sorry I digress. Anyway, I hope it helped.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
I totally agree about the lack of development. I was sort of limited to 10k words by the festival it was written for, and I had thought to add a little here and there. Tinkering with things gets so complicated, though.She's one of those people who seems compliant, but actually has a spine of steel and before you realize what's happening, you're doing what she wants you to do. I love Severus, too, and even when I write about completely different people, I usually find a way to sneak him in somewhere. Thank you so much for your thoughts!
Roseof thewest, I love all of your work, your Severus stories outstandingly, but due to your note, perhaps, the things which went hand-in-hand in this story were: Severus placed to interact with an 'eastern' OC which incurred the lovely mythologies and tales of eastern lore which is rare to come across; you touch many childhood nerves with including the djin & the hairy heart, etc. the whole schaheradzad/1001 Nights, etc, all the elements of tale/myth-telling... as most writers are trying to portray the Anglo-Saxon or continental European Wizarding world and/or strictly Canon confines, so this OC allowed a more exotic dilemma tied in with Canon events, and intertwined with Voldemort's and Snape's lives; once the OC's profile is accepted, reading of Severus engaged with such a unique, different OC of a magical but different/exotic background is very engaging.Of course, as a Snape/OC fan, I love seeing Severus' personal journey from detaching himself or rather giving himself permission to feel and experience life and relations beyound a maudlin, stalemated tie to Lily, especially when it is shown, as here, his sincere display & ability to love and be loved... which again, is why I love ALL of your work!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Oh, thank you for your complete analysis! I have to admit the Arabian Nights flavor was deliberate and it was hard... like learning to think in a different language. I'm glad that it worked for you. I really like Snape/OC, too. :)Thanks again for you wonderful support!
Lovely evolvement of their relationship - lovely to see that there is some true pleasure and joy they sincerely share and enjoy from each other; their is a mutual affection and desire.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you, again! I think he would admit by now that he enjoys her companionship, at least.
Well-done depiction of her dilemma, as well as his... not until the very last line could a glimpse of hopefulness for Sev be truly allowed, although there still seems to be a tinted, ambiguous sadness surrounding Kalinda, perhaps an attached effect of the spell upon her; reading on to see if it'll be lifted!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much! I think part of what we see in Kalinda is that she's made the best choice out of the very few options she's been given, and yes, the spell is having an effect in one way or another.
Great story! I loved the whole premise of the secrets and his falling for her, but being unwilling to admit it until it was blatantly thrown in his face through her story. I like all your stuff, Rose. I do think that the mystery of the charm kept me invested to see how it would all turn out.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thanks so much, Deb. I think Snape is contrary enough that a girl needs a back door into his heart. Once there, though... :)
They're progressing nicely. He's captivated and doesn't even want to admit it.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Oh, yes, he's captivated. Her persistence is paying off.
Loved how she got under his skin, but I feel badly for her. Of course, she has accepted what their relationship is, so she's going into whatever happens with eyes open.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you! Yes, she knows what she's getting, but she's hoping things will improve. She has a way of persisting in what she wants, so she just might get it.
She's definitely intriguing. I'm betting he'll be forgetting Lily soon.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thanks for the review! One can hope that with the proper distraction, he can forget Lily. ;)
This is charming so far. Love the premise.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Hi, Deb! Thanks for reading this. I'm glad it caught your attention!
There was a simple innocence about this story that was charming. Almost as though you were hearing the magical version of The Arabian Nights. I've always liked your work but this had a certain old world flavor that was delightful.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Such high praise from you! I was reading the Arabian Nights when I was inspired for this story. It didn't come easy for me. It's almost like learning another language. The sentence patterns are so different. I'm glad it worked.
I'm sorry. It appears I forgot to read this one. And I notice that she doesn't call him "husband" anymore. That must mean something important.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Yay! Someone noticed! Yes, as things progress, she has very different things to call him. That was deliberate.
i truely enjoyed this story. First of all, any story where severus fines happiness is a winner in my book. i couldn't wait to find out his wife's story. this was a very well written story.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much for writing me! Yes, I agree, any story where Severus finds happiness is a winner. As a result most of my stories have happy endings.
In resonse to your request - I read this story because it is focused on Snape - just taken a quick look at your other writing, most of it doesn't seem to feature him very much. Maybe it's just me, but I love stories about mean moody men who dress in black. I will look at some of your other work again, reading this has prompted another look!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much for responding! I had to laugh at your comment because my early writing was entirely Snape, but when I started posting on TPP, I began to branch out a bit. How ironic! We'll see what I come up with in the future. Thanks again for the note!
Combination of a: you, b: Sev, c: an intriguing OC, I think. :D
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you! I really appreciate your constant support. I'm glad that you enjoy my writing!
Not really sure what drew me to the story at first. Severus is usually a good start. Usually go for Serverus/Hermione. The other thing I look for is quite a few reviews early on or 10/chapter later. I liked the uniqueness of the story and hoped for the happy ending. Thanks for writing!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much for responding! I like Severus, too. You can usually count on a happy ending from me, although I seldom get more than 4 or 5 reviews per chapter. I'm glad you found it unique! Thanks for taking a chance on my story!
Just dropping you a line in the interest of science: I enjoy your longer works but as a rule I skip anything with only one chapter. I just prefer character developement to short work and drabble.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Thank you so much for your response! I'm glad you enjoy my work, and I understand what you mean about the difference between the shorter things and the longer ones. They really are different literary forms.
It's very sweet the way he is falling for her and doesn't realise it. :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
Yes. It's good that he doesn't realize it, though, because he might try to stop himself from falling for her. Thank you for the lovely reviews and rating!
I don't think everything will be solved with just being intimate but maybe it will help Sev to begin healing from his heartbreak. I think that woman is just what he needs. She's understanding, very patient and very insightfull. He may discover he'll be happy forever. At least I hope so.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
No, I don't think intimacy will solve everything, either. It's simply another step in the progression. Thank you for the thoughtful comments!
Finally he figures it out! :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Charmed Bride)
He's been known to be pretty smart once or twice, LOL. Thank you, again!