New Chapter for Time and Consequences
Time and Consequences
Pearle15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Opportunity comes in many forms, if you know where to look for it.
Originally writen and posted to 'between2snakes' as a thank you to Ladyinthecloak for all she does.
Chapters (1)
About Pearle
72 Stories | Favorited by 493 | 67 Reviews Written | 105 Review Responses
I am amazed and enthralled with the Harry Potter universe, with the emphasis on Snape. HG/SS is my favorite ship (you have been warned). I like sci-fi ? Star Wars, Quantum Leap, Star Trek, and Ray Bradbury to name a few. Horror also catches my interest as in Stephen King. I am a married, mother of two teenagers, multiple pets (dogs, cats, rabbits, turtle), and I work way too many hours. The rest is window dressing and subject to change without notice. I am also on staff on a wonderful new site called Playwitch. Visit when you get a minute:
Dances With Witches was a winner in the laughter category of the Multifaceted Awards (Round 2) - Thank you!
Here Be Pirates - Nominated for a Round Three Multifaceted Award in the categories: Endurance ~ The Challenge Response Award and Laughter ~ The Humour Award
Destiny is a featured story for September
*Squee - points to banner*

Reviews for Time and Consequences
this was a pleasant break from my ever present homework. yay college.
sweet story, Pearle. Loved how the ice slowly melted.
Nice read. The story had a good flow, strong characters and an interesting story line.
Lovely, and leaving me wanting more. What will happen when she returns his books? (Quickly drags mind out of the gutter.)
Quite amusing and the inuendo at the end was very fitting!
OMG! Your THIRD week of pneumonia? You poor thing! Good luck with your doctor's appointment. I hope you start feeling better soon. I missed this when you first posted it. So many stories, so little time! I'm so glad you posted it here, too.
Snape is delightfully snarky. It's amusing that he can't seem to change the way he looks at Hermione even though she has obviously grown up and moved far beyond her student self. It may have taken all her Gryffindor courage to confront Snape, but it looks like there will be definite payback in the future! If nothing else, she has an entire new library to explore, two books at a time!
I'd love to see this continued, if the plot bunny bites you. However, my heart belongs to DANCES so I'll always vote for you to work on that first! Feel better!
Nice closing line, girl. A nice, gentle entrapment of his attention, working into the inuendo to toss him for a loop. :) Nicely done.
That was lovely.
I like the way she snuck in under his defences! :)
Oh, Pearle:( How terrible to feel so rotten for so long {{hugs}} This is a great story, though:)
finis? no surely not, this could run and run. Loved it, very amusing and very well written.
So glad to see you post this here! And a very enjoyable re-read! :D
Hi, Pearle. *waves*
Lovely story. The start to a beautiful relationship, indeed. You have quenched my thirst for Pearle!fic, and I'm excited to hear you are working on Witches.
Happy New Year, deary!
Any chance of a follow up?
Fini? Surely not!