New Chapter for Hidden Treasures
Hidden Treasures
Dreamy_Dragon40 Reviews | 40 Ratings, 0 Likes, 78 Favorites )
Hermione goes in search of a book. She finds a lot more.
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About Dreamy_Dragon
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 463 Reviews Written | 911 Review Responses
I am a latecomer to the Potterverse (way after HBP). I was searching the web for everything and anything about Snape one day when I accidentally stumbled over my first Severus/Hermione story. I read it, was intrigued, searched for more, and the rest is history.
My fandom world very much revolves around Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.
My favourite 'ships are Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, and my OT3: Severus/Hermione/Lucius.
Reviews for Hidden Treasures
This review is over at Ashwinder. But thanks! I really liked it!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you!I'm glad you liked this!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you!I'm glad you liked this!
Thanks for a nice read.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
wow excellent, very nice :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked this :)
Lucius can't do anything halfway can he? Must be so elaborate and better than anything else that could be done. At least he got what he wanted. I wonder if Hermione will find out the answer to her thought about what it would be like to be the woman in the picture...maybe you should write a followup. ;-)Looking forward to your future stories.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you! Lucius likes to do things his way :D I think Hermione will find out eventually what it's like to be the woman in the picture.
I wouldn't mind sitting on a rooftop garden at night in Italy, sounds like a good time. I wonder though if they did find Malfoy's book, or a fake one...or the real one but somethings missing. Guess I better keep reading to find out.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Yes, I wouldn't mind a glass of wine with Severus, either :D
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Yay! A happy ending. Just what I needed. :) Thanks for sharing this story! I was kinda bummed we never saw the leather jacket again, though. LOL.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you very much for your lovely reviews and the shiny stars! I'm very happy that you liked this. *whispers* Hermione still has the jacket; she's rather fond of it ;)
Oh, fab. That was a lot of foreplay, my friend. :) Glad we got to the good stuff at the end. I was worried for a moment that Hermione was going to just leave! (Kept reminding myself--she has his jacket! She has his jacket!) Great chapter!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you. I'm so happy that you continue to like this. I'm glad Hermione went back too.
This Severus seems yummy. Can I have him? :D I can definitely feel their connection in your words. And I like that they didn't jump into bed immediately. And I also like that he made her keep his jacket. Reading on! You've a lovely story!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you! I'm very happy that you like my Severus and that you found the connection between him and Hermione credible.
Woah! I like this story. Including the cliffie. It's very funny that Snape would be in an erotica section. *grins* Your writing has a good flow. I'm finding myself being pulled into the story. Which is always a good sign. ;) Thanks for sharing! (On to the next chapter!!)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you! I'm very glad you like this :)
That was fun. Of course I hope that they'll find some inspiration in that book, especially as regards the threesomes!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you! I'm very glad you liked this. Yes, there might be some inspiration in that book especially for threesomes :D
You know, given time they might to decide that Lucius would be a nice variation to their love life. After they had time for themselves, after lots more dinners at Malfoy Manor, and after realising how very lonely Lucius is. Any plot bunnies in sight yet? *grin*Lovely story, dear. Told you so from the beginning, I think ;-)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
You did. And I'm very glad that you like it still! Yes, there might be a threesome in their future ~pets plot bunny~
Really love the opening scene here - and of course it was a lot of fun discussing things with you!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you so much! And thank you again for all your help - this story would have been a lot worse without you!
Oh, I always love happy endings! Thank you very much for a very entertaining story.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you very much for your lovely review!
He could have sent an owl indeed. LOL
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
He could have, but then he wouldn't be Lucius :D
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
oooooooo!!! What a great suspensful start! I love stories with a mystery to them! And I like that they are out of hogwarts and out of the war era--makes it more interesting!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
The original prompt called for the story to be set 10 years after the war and I like that, too. It's fun to imagine what has happened to the characters and how they may have changed.
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
A surprising ending to a very fine story.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you!
Hmmm, Snape cooking - I like that in him, you know. And the conversations between them are just spot on.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you. As you know I love a Snape who can cook, too. And I'm very glad you find their conversations convincing.
Let me guess she didn't go back to London? I certainly wouldn't have. Great Fic.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
They found a way to stay together.
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Sweet scene where she buries her face in his jacket. Reminds me of Ennis from Brokeback Mountain, hugging Jack's shirt. Only that here, it is much more likely that there's a happy ending ;-) Well done, dear!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you! I'm rather fond of the leather jacket, too. Actually the scene was inspired by an episode of Buffy :D
Oo, la, la. I really liked this chapter. Nice writing.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you.
Now is she sticky, or not? Or will she get more sticky? :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
:D Probably more sticky.
Thanks for reviewing.
This continues to be so good. Have to confess that if it were me, I'd probably forgo the food (especially as I hate fish) and just go for the shower bit (mind you I love strawberries!!) I'm just so glad Hermione saw sense and went back to his flat!
Really look forward to more of this now and the mystery about the book is intriguing ... :-)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying this.
Strawberries are lovely, but I'd say that scene is more like a delectable lemon sorbet, ooh la la! As for Lucius' book, I suspect the peculiarity in weight may indicate it's not a book at all ... could it maybe be a hiding place for some sort of valuable or Dark object, and that object is what Lucius is really after?But if so, something tells me that it is no longer inside the book ...
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Thank you for your review and the lovely stars!
Oh, that's a very interesting theory about the book ;D
He should have followed her, but I'm glad she went back, including the part where she called him an idiot.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of Hidden Treasures)
Hermione is glad she went back, too :D
Thanks for reviewing and the lovely stars!