New Chapter for Bundle of Joy
Bundle of Joy
LadyTuesday817 Reviews | 817 Ratings, 0 Likes, 634 Favorites )
Winner for the Anything Goes Challenge Chaptered Category! Seeking: An intelligent, capable wizard amenable to assisting a bright, independent, magically-formidable single witch in the conception of a child. Insemination only: no sexual congress; non-negotiable. Dignity and discretion of utmost importance. Neither monetary nor emotional support needed for or during the birth and life of child. Further contact will be established following receipt of preliminary letter of interest. Address all inquiries by owl to Joy Bundle, Box # 1086, Hogsmeade Village .
A response to #56 of the Anything Goes challenge: “She wants to have a baby. She's interviewing potential fathers. Who is she? Why is she resorting to this method? What questions is she asking in order to choose a father for her unborn child? Who shows up? Who does she choose? What happens next? She can be anybody.”
Chapters (11)
About LadyTuesday
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 301 | 72 Reviews Written | 132 Review Responses
A 30-something aspiring romance novelist shamelessly (and obsessively) devoted to Harry Potter and many other geeky fandoms. I ship mostly Hermione/Snape and Harry/Hermione, but have been known to dabble in others.

Reviews for Bundle of Joy
I have had a wonderful time re-reading this story. It was just as wonderful and entertaining as the first times I read it:-))
Heart-warmingly beautiful. Thank you.
Congratulations for a lovely story!
Synchronised fantasies, mmmmmm interesting.
Poor Severus, the things that healers do to him, at least Poppy is not involved this time.
Ginny is a very good friend, I hope she can help Hermione see she needs more than a child in her life.Loved the birthday gifts, and the reactions of the staff.
I feel so sad,that they are both so alone. I trust that you ,dear author will fix that situation . I'm very glad that you are keeping them so in character, not a big fan of over fluffy Snape, or an insecure weak Hermione.
A lovely first chapter, and an interesting premise can't wait to read more.
Wonderful story with a beautiful ending. I love it :)
I'd type a review, but my screen is too fogged up to run spellcheck.
*giggle* "penis"
I would type more about how much I'm loving this, but I feel the smut calling me....
Oh.. I hope they don't do a runner.
Oh! Well, I'm glad they're going to meet. I still can't believe that one of these two brilliant individuals haven't suspected who the other is. I suppose it would seem so far-fetched to either of them to ever even consider it.
Smut... puns... :)
I felt indignant for him during his examination. I loved his description of himself. How could she NOT guess who it is?
Rolanda cracked me up!
What a fun and wonderful story! Thank you!
He fails to realize that she left HIM with the option of contacting her. Great story, so far!!
I sense some tense and enjoyable moments in the future chapters.
Men are so clueless.
Loved this, just loved it. Thank you. I haven't searched for the sequel but I will; please tell me there's a sequel - I'll be bereft if there isn't.
Ummmm YES, a sequel is a necessity! This is a fabulous story, thank you so much for writing it and working so hard on it. The final chapter had me laughing out loud and not a little choked up.
A great combination of sweetness, angst, romance, warmth, emotions, tears and everything amazing.This story is such a wonderful read! Thank you very much.
Dear LadyTuesday.
As I write this review, I still have happy tears in my eyes, so any mistakes in my spelling or grammar, can safely be put down to my temporarily impaired vision.
I absolutely adored this story!! It was SO sweet, charming, heartwarming and funny.
The breakfast scene in the Great Hall at the end was hilarious. I can just see that devilish smirk spreading across this face, as well as Minerva almost choking to death on her biscuits.
Thank you for a wonderful story, which I, straight after finishing this review, will be adding to my favorite stories list.