New Chapter for Bundle of Joy
Bundle of Joy
LadyTuesday817 Reviews | 817 Ratings, 0 Likes, 634 Favorites )
Winner for the Anything Goes Challenge Chaptered Category! Seeking: An intelligent, capable wizard amenable to assisting a bright, independent, magically-formidable single witch in the conception of a child. Insemination only: no sexual congress; non-negotiable. Dignity and discretion of utmost importance. Neither monetary nor emotional support needed for or during the birth and life of child. Further contact will be established following receipt of preliminary letter of interest. Address all inquiries by owl to Joy Bundle, Box # 1086, Hogsmeade Village .
A response to #56 of the Anything Goes challenge: “She wants to have a baby. She's interviewing potential fathers. Who is she? Why is she resorting to this method? What questions is she asking in order to choose a father for her unborn child? Who shows up? Who does she choose? What happens next? She can be anybody.”
Chapters (11)
About LadyTuesday
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 301 | 72 Reviews Written | 132 Review Responses
A 30-something aspiring romance novelist shamelessly (and obsessively) devoted to Harry Potter and many other geeky fandoms. I ship mostly Hermione/Snape and Harry/Hermione, but have been known to dabble in others.

Reviews for Bundle of Joy
This was such a sweet story. I really enjoyed it. There were times when I laughed out loud and times when my heart ached with Severus. Great job!
Please write a sequel. I greatly enjoyed this story!
Oh, no, don't do a sequel...
Do you think we're mad? If you have a sequel to this lovely story in mind, OF COURSE we want to read it. You've left Hermione and Severus in love, and committed to one another, and pregnant. I'm definitely in favor of continuing the warm fuzzy. Because, frankly, they both deserve it.
Good story; good job.
Good God; that's the sweetest, most beautiful sex I've ever read about. The emotion is absolutely thrilling.
Good job. I'm loving this story.
This story was such a lovely read!
And yes... a sequel sounds just the thing--I love kidfics! :>
OMG, OMG, OMG, Best chapter yet.
Oh my........ very nice
Oh, Ginny is such a good friend, bless her heart.
A really fun chapter, I especially enjoyed the back and forth banter.
It's easy to see why this won first place, delightful beginning.
I found this story only yesterday and I couldn`t stop reading......all I can say is: WOW!!! What a sweet, sweet story, it has to be one of my favorites so far. Your writing is excellent, especially the letters they shared. I´m sure I´ll reread this story and I don`t know if you decided to write a sequel, but if you did, I can`t wait!!!
Would love to rate this story with more than 5 stars......
The best of the best in my honest opinion. I would love a sequel to the awesome Fic. Although If you decide against it the story ends so well that readers can imagine how Severus transforms and Hermoine is fuffilled.
I have read many of your stories on different sites and the atttention to detail and skill of your writing always comes through. Tying Knots your marriage fic is an example of one of my favorites. Ido hope you will complete that wonderful story too. Pretty please?
Thanks for sharing your talents,
this was one of the best fic i have EVER read
Ok totally want the sequel. There is nothing wrong with fluff it counteracts a bad shock
I couldn't wait to get through this bit so I could tell you how the first of their letters made me laugh. Her sending him exam questions and him initially refusing to answer them. And when he unwittingly compared her to herself. LOL! I kept expecting an exchange of very short and cautious "Miss Granger?" "Professor Snape?" but I suppose that would have been too easy. Although amusing.
The last half with both of them taking too much pleasure in the discussions is really sad though. They just sit there and think the other is just doing it to humour the other for a while until the contract is in place and thinking it's the closest they'll ever get to love. Awwww. :(
Oh I like this! This has the promise of being one of those 'ideal' stories for me. I'm sure you know what I mean. Like the author looked into your head and picked out things that you specifically liked.
Also, 'lolloping'. Due to some possibly strange associations, I have a certain fondness for that word. :) (British comedy series 'As Time Goes By' which is one of my favourites ever and the only other place I've ever encountered the word)
i really like the way this story was written. it's nice how they have a chance to grow older, and it's easier to believe that they would fall in love after time has passed, as opposed to when hermione is still in school or just out of it. you also did very well on writing the characters, i could believe it was them. i look forward to reading more of your work.
Hello, I am exploring this site for the first time (I am not new to fanfiction just this site) and came across this fic since I am a hg/ss shipper (the only hp pairing I regularly read about). I have been enjoying your fic but have been wondering, Hermione makes this contract, but what is in it for the wizard? She doesnt offer him any money but she wants something from him.... I mean why would any wizard just do this while not getting any compensation? Just out of the goodness of his heart?
O man this is like the best fic ever
NO NO NO FIN NO FIN KEEP GOING THIS IS THE BEST FIC EVER KEEP GOING PLEASE!!! Im giving you a five but you deserve a 10
I absolutely loved this story. It was so beautifully written - I really liked the gradual development of their relationship - that they didn't meet up immediately and only did so as a last resort. You handled their epistolary relationship so well - it was completely believable.
Snape and Hermione are just wonderful as well. You gave very convincing accounts of their motivations to have a child this way on both their parts - it is, as you have repeatedly mentioned in the fic, quite a radical decision and not something anyone could easily visualise Snape doing - but you touched on the entire thing about him wishing to leave a legacy behind in a subtle but yet not maudlin way - without losing too much of the edge and snark that is Snape. I certainly believed it, and one of my pet peeves is an overly-fluffy Snape - here your Snape was more on the romantic side, but he never crossed the line to fluffy! Snape, and I'm really glad for that.
I also really liked the dramatic tension you managed to keep up in this fic - especially at the meeting between them. You managed to keep the drama and misunderstandings between them believable without going over the top, which is very commendable as well. Brilliant fic - loved it!
sequal? PLEASE????
Omg! Please do sequel! And include a birth scene because I would find it interesting about how the wizardring world would handle it. Props! You did an amazing job!
I'm guessing that Joy would be the name of the baby?
I love this story. I started reading it when it was first published and even remember voting for it in the Anything Goes Challenge, but didn't finish it until just now.
I would love to see a sequel--maybe just a one-shot thing at Kings Cross or the child's sorting or even their wedding day.