New Chapter for Bundle of Joy
Bundle of Joy
LadyTuesday817 Reviews | 817 Ratings, 0 Likes, 634 Favorites )
Winner for the Anything Goes Challenge Chaptered Category! Seeking: An intelligent, capable wizard amenable to assisting a bright, independent, magically-formidable single witch in the conception of a child. Insemination only: no sexual congress; non-negotiable. Dignity and discretion of utmost importance. Neither monetary nor emotional support needed for or during the birth and life of child. Further contact will be established following receipt of preliminary letter of interest. Address all inquiries by owl to Joy Bundle, Box # 1086, Hogsmeade Village .
A response to #56 of the Anything Goes challenge: “She wants to have a baby. She's interviewing potential fathers. Who is she? Why is she resorting to this method? What questions is she asking in order to choose a father for her unborn child? Who shows up? Who does she choose? What happens next? She can be anybody.”
Chapters (11)
About LadyTuesday
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 301 | 72 Reviews Written | 132 Review Responses
A 30-something aspiring romance novelist shamelessly (and obsessively) devoted to Harry Potter and many other geeky fandoms. I ship mostly Hermione/Snape and Harry/Hermione, but have been known to dabble in others.

Reviews for Bundle of Joy
Gahhhh!!!! I was so excited for them to meet and now I have to wait! I hope they aren't so shell-shocked by each other's identities that they flee the scene. Surely they both feel strongly enough about each other that they'll look past their former prejudices and realize they're perfect for each other by the end of the meal? Please???? Very eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
OMG!!! I could just die! you build up the suspense sooo beautifully it was like my heart was raising into my throat only to drop into my stomach at that cliffy! *Claps* Well done! It takes a truely talented writter to envoke emotions into their reader and you, Lady Teusday, have succeeded better than any other that I have yet to read, and I read alot! no joke. I read like 20 books a week! Seriously I really think you could have a career in this! Why wait a week if the next chapters done? PLEASE? I am just giddy with anticipation, and dying from the suspense. Keep up the good work!
That truly is an evil cliffie.
I shall forgive you, since I love this story.
Ginny cracks me up. I love her as the go-to gal pal.
A Week! *cries* but but but... *puppy eyes* I can hold this look all night you know :P
Oooh that was a nice lead up to the meeting thoguh I could FEEL their anxiety. absolutely lovely. I will be no-so-paitently waiting. But I suppose if this chapter was so brillant the next one will be even better.
Enough of the lame excuses! That will be 500 points from Griffendor and detention with Filch for a MONTH! Thanks for the update and I would have loved to been a fly to see that expression! What if pout about not wanting to wait until everyone gets to read it?
evil cliffie! great pacing up to said evil. great descriptions of clothes, settings and nerves. I'm wondering if Minerva knows names, though I rather doubt it.
Arrrgh!!!! what a way to leave us hanging.......bad author, bad, bad author!!!!
But seriously, I absolutely love this story. I hope they give each other a chance and don't just storm away from each other in a huff. Can't wait for the next update.
Oh. My. God. That was indeed the EVIL CLIFFIE of all evil cliffies! How could you do that to us, you cruel, cruel person you? LOL!
But now they know. So the question is ... can they get past the Professor Snape and Miss Granger enough to recognize the ones they love as Severus and Hermione?
evil cliffie - but very very good! I can hardly wait until the next chapter - the dress has to suck him in!!! I hope they both remember what they said to each other in their letters...and how it made them feel!
You say it would have lasted forever as if that were a bad thing!
I saw that coming, evil woman.
But I do so love this story, and not just because I wrote the prompt. You are doing a beautiful job with it!
Actually this cliffie was perfect! The building up of the anticipation, and the agony of what to wear, how to act, will he/she like me - then this! Wow. Good job.
flaying just might be too good for you...but given the fact that you've written this lovely story i just might let you off...this once!
thanks so much and i look forward to the next chapter
I had loads of comments ready until I realized that I was nearing the chapter end and they hadn't met. At that point, all I could do was wonder what will happen. Everything else flew out of my brain. so, what happens? How many more chapters? Does he resist the dress?
I wouldn't have expected a happy reunion, so the cliffy was actually somewhat expected for me.
Excellent build up though - I'm curious to see how the rest of the evening goes! Do they get past it to actually converse, or does he storm out and leave her standing there!
I can't wait to see what you've done :) Yay for another chapter completed!!!! :) And, since it seems to take forever for it to be posted, you'd probably be safe to post it now and by the time it clears validation we'll all have read this chapter ;) LOL
Oh you are a horrible sadist. *throws a shoe for good measure*
But seriously good chapter, and I hope your pleased to know that I'll probably die from anticipation waiting for the next chapter ;D
oh that was very evil! but good tension