New Chapter for A Murder of Crows
A Murder of Crows
HogwartsClassof911,052 Reviews | 1,052 Ratings, 0 Likes, 798 Favorites )
Adult Hermione wants to forget the mistakes of her past. Snape
knows all about secrets and lies. Forced to work together, their dislike for
one another turns into reluctant desire. Will they learn to trust each other in
time to stop the insidious plot bent on changing the future of the wizarding
world forever?
Chapters (33)
About HogwartsClassof91
Member Since 2008 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 137 Reviews Written | 1,552 Review Responses
"A Murder of Crows" was my first foray into fan-fiction, and I treasure the lessons I've learned while posting it.
Reviews for A Murder of Crows
At least you are speedy with the updates! AAnything less would make your cliffies really unbearable! This is just such a great story, I need more! And I need it now!
This is really getting interesting. Very Angsty.
You have raised the bar in tension. What was she thinking, leaving Hogwarts in her diminished physical and mental state? She was in no condition to defend herself, and if Severus is on her side, she just screwed up his well-laid plan. Oh, well, it's all in the name of good, angsty writing, right?
Wow, what a way to end it - such an evil cliffie! How much if any has Severus seen? Can't wait to see what happens next.
OMG this is horrible! Poor, poor Hermione! I just know Snape can't be evil to the core. Somehow he must get her out of this. I imagine, if your vision of him is similar to mine, that Snape would like nothing better than to kill Lucius right now, but he will keep his self control and mete out a punishment far worse than a quick death.
Why does she put him in positions like this? Why? Why? Why? She should have stayed in bed. He was being considerate and letting her get out of this horrible mess by taking over. But no, she has to go and be heroic. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!! Now she's jepordized this whole thing Snape's worked so hard to do. I cannot wait to see what happens!
Perfect timing Severus. I wonder how he's going to react seeing Hermione about to be raped by Lucius. Will he betray her, like she thinks he has, or will he get her out of there? I'm looking forward to the next chapter and finding out.
I just...can't.
PLEASE tell me those last 3 chapters are ALREADY in queue...
Ai no! Nononono! Oh, Hermione! Snape, kick Lucius' ass! Now! Update, update soon!
Crap! You can't stop here.
Ackkk! Another Cliffie, I think you must be the all time queen of the cliff hangers! Please hurry and post those remaining chapters!!!
There's such an emotional range covered in this chapter, it's incredible. It goes from grief to teasing to astonishment to and back to grief. Hard to belief all those emotions can fit into one chapter.
Great work!
Oh, what a wonderful chapter.
I really liked Hermione's parents - and the way her mother saw right through her.
The art is beautiful and captures the last scene in your chapter perfectly.
She is disturbed by the easiness with which he can lie, by the control he has over his emotions; yet her feelings tell her to trust him.I'm sure her mind will have some fights with her emotions ...I'm glad I finally found time to continue reading your story. It's one of my favourites.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of A Murder of Crows)
Oh, thank you so much! I have greatly enjoyed reading your reviews, and I'm delighted you were able to continue the story. I am about to post chapter 29, and there are only three chapters and an epilogue after that. Thanks again for the lovely review and stars!
You are not serious!!!!! Why are you doing this????
OMG! You're simply evil! Who is he leaving her with? Where is he going without her? Why? AArrghhhh! I can't stand the suspense! Will she still trust him after this is all over...? *sigh* I guess I'll have to wait and see! Great chapter...update soon! :)
Great twist! I must say, I didn't expect it at all! I really really hope that the other person in the room is not Lucius... And now I feel sorry for Hermione, this resembles the nightmare she had some chapters back... I love the chapter, and I wait anxiously to see what happens next :D
You really are the queen of awful cliffies!!! Get the next chapter out - NOW!
Please?? Wonderful chapter!
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Evil cliffie!!! If I didn't positively love you for writing and sharing this fun fun wonderful story well... Well I wish I'd known you were going on vacation or I would have waited to read this chapter. :(
This chapter made me cry. I mean REALLY cry. Curse you talented writer! I am very very glad the next chapter is up.
I knew he'd do something like that. Cunning cunnig Slytherin. Great chappie, although it felt way too short - maybe I was enjoying it too much?
Eagerly waiting for the next one!
Kudos from Brazil!
Oh, noez!!! Just when I could breathe a sigh of relief and believe Severus loved Hermione and remained loyal to her, you leave us with a whopper of an ebil cliffie! Now I'm all angsty again and you're on holiday. But I trust this is a red herring you have hurled at us to throw us off track. You have an excellent sense of pacing and suspence, HC91. Another great chapter.
See, I can never figure out which way this is going. Please return to civilization soon so we may see what happens next.
Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic, but I don't think he has really betrayed her. I think he did this to keep her safe, and is somehow going to take care of things without her. Otherwise, I think you'll need to change your category from romance to angst. Looking forward to a happy ending! Thanks
That has got to be the all-time EVIL CLIFFIE... you cruel, sadistic writer you!!! (LOL)
I dearly hope that Snape left Hermione in Pitty's care and didn't leave her to Lucius' tender mercies. As if the episode at Arglist wasn't bad enough... Hermione's faith in her own judgement will surely be shattered by this betrayal. I have a feeling that the discussion between Pitty and Severus was indeed about Lucius... I don't think Snape would betray Hermione unless he felt he had no other choice, so I think there's much more to the story.
And now I anxiously await proof that I am right. *Gulp*