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Hermione's Search
by firefly124
9.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Hermione Granger-Weasley has lost her family and is determined to find the ones responsible. If she can’t find the person or persons who poisoned them, she’ll settle for the one who helped her survive, even if she has no idea who that is.
6,596 Words, Started 08/11/2008, Completed 08/11/2008
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Harry has obsessive qualities that Snape is only beginning to discover.
1,165 Words, Started 01/10/2011, Completed 01/10/2011
A Strange Encounter
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Luna Lovegood visits New Orleans and learns something new.
255 Words, Started 05/11/2008, Completed 05/11/2008
An Evening at Home
by mayfly
10.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Draco likes it most when Harry is home early.
3,521 Words, Started 07/08/2012, Completed 07/08/2012
The Hidden Heart
by eilonwy
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )A fairy tale retold.
7,816 Words, Started 05/04/2009, Completed 05/04/2009
Match Stick to Needle
by MomoDesu
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Narcissa is having trouble with Transfiguration. Lucius Malfoy to the rescue!
1,561 Words, Started 09/12/2009, Completed 09/12/2009
Jonny Blue
by Fawkes_07
10.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A rarepair moment, conceived after watching the GoF film and suddenly recognizing the guitar player in the Weird Sisters.
2,506 Words, Started 10/14/2010, Completed 10/14/2010
6.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )An AU that follows after HBP. Another sect is fighting against the Dark Lord, but they are outnumbered. Can a Half-blood prince and a disgraced woman help Harry to finally defeat Voldemort?
2,355 Words, Started 11/26/2006, Updated 12/12/2006
by Terra
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Malfoy is teetering on the ledge of the Astronomy Tower, his head flung carelessly back, looking for all the world as if he were ready to leap – or take flight.
1,670 Words, Started 05/25/2009, Completed 05/25/2009
I Am The Sun
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Just a poem I wrote, probably one of my favorites.
134 Words, Started 04/16/2008, Completed 04/16/2008
Midnight on the Firing Line
by MysticAngel
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )My version of the Final Battle, told in 100 words. A response to the Babylon 5 Title Challenge on grangersnape100.
101 Words, Started 01/12/2007, Completed 01/12/2007
Pain Divided
by minuet99
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Pain shared is pain divided. Hermione comforts Snape in a time of pain.
690 Words, Started 08/05/2007, Completed 08/05/2007
9.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Written for the Truth Or Dare Challenge during Potter Place Chat; prompts from Dracontia: ambiguous, centaur, shitfaced. Told in Firenze's perspective, this scene took place after Severus Snape had learned about his last assignment from Dumbledore.
551 Words, Started 04/19/2008, Completed 04/19/2008
Secret Santa
by quirkyslayer
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Lavender had some wild ideas mainly one that she initiated at their work party. What's everyone to do when she suggests they pick the name out of a hat of the guy they're going to take home with them? Hermione is NOT happy, or is she? HrH
3,837 Words, Started 12/24/2005, Completed 12/24/2005
More Than a Feeling
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Severus skips the final Hogsmeade visit of his seventh year to listen to a classmate's problems. A young man's first time... in all its awkward glory. This was an entry for Romancing the Wizard's Marauders' Map Challenge on Live Journal.
602 Words, Started 07/02/2007, Completed 07/02/2007
Oh, Pink Feathers!
by Stefdarlin
10.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Hagrid gets an interesting, new pet as a gift. Written as a birthday present for my dear friend Pinkie.
881 Words, Started 11/14/2008, Completed 11/14/2008
The Simplicity of Being
by FicklePen
3.33/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )She came to him silently, as always, and he let her.
2,169 Words, Started 02/20/2008, Completed 02/20/2008
Horcrux Woes
9.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A short glimpse into what would happen if Luna joined the Horcrux hunt. Written for itsbeenvery in the hpholiday_gen fic exchange.
1,115 Words, Started 01/16/2007, Completed 01/16/2007
The Debutant
by Agnus Castus
9.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A new dinner guest arrives at Malfoy Manor. Drabble challenge on the Facebook group Muffliato!
188 Words, Started 10/30/2015, Completed 10/30/2015
A Serpent Among Lions
10.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Ginny and Meghan pack for Hogwarts, but someone is missing. Where's Harry?
The answer? He's on the run, an accused murderer.
1,508 Words, Started 01/17/2008, Updated 01/26/2008
Flower Saga
by Fairfield
9.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )The Malfoys enable Dobby and Hermione to blossom.
3,824 Words, Started 11/29/2015, Completed 11/29/2015
Bridge of Sighs
by Melenka
10.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Harry and Luna meet in Venice to discuss death, abandonment and things best left alone.
1,316 Words, Started 07/21/2009, Completed 07/21/2009
One Last Surprise
by lilbitbord
6.67/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )This is the third and final story to the “Surprise” trilogy. After moving to Romania, Charlie and Hermione continue to surprise each other in the bedroom, but what will happen when Hermione calls a truce?
Not DH compliant. Sequal to "A Surprise for Hermione" and "Punishing Charlie Weasley"
2,549 Words, Started 08/10/2007, Completed 08/10/2007