Member Since 2006 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 582 Reviews Written | 248 Review Responses
Avatar blank done by LeDevineMarqiuse, adaptation done by Creamuts for me per request.
I am: an unrepentant Snape supporter, female, mid-thirties, a person that loves me the het and gen fic, a big fan of Darkfic and Death Eater fic, a person that doesn't t like werewolves, a person that doesn't care for about 99% of the slash, which (despite vehement protestations to the contrary), does not make me homophobic. I just don't like AU and OOC, and that's what most slash is. At least, most of what I've seen.
Really if you want to know more about me, my LJ is a better place for this.
Search Works by cmwinters
Current parameters show 13 of 13 stories.
Exitus Acta Probat
by cmwinters
36 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )A near life-long biography of Severus Snape and how he became the man he is today.
Chapter Summary
Young Severus' first display of magic is a cause for consternation for a member of the Snape household and forces a discussion that brings up some very unpleasant topics. Later, the family finds out exactly how precarious their situation is.
43,309 Words, Started 06/04/2007, Updated 10/31/2007
Glory Days
by cmwinters
15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )In the heyday of Voldwar I, a newly recruited Death Eater is seduced by the spouse of another.
This story was written for the HP Death Eater Spring Smutathon on LiveJournal, and written for CrazyLittleMe, who wanted Snape/Narcissa, lush, eerie, macabre, mindfuck, non-con, darkfic, exhibitionism and Bellatrix/sister femmeslash.
I am erring on the side of caution with my warnings, but this is a PWP smutfic with no redeeming literary value whatsoever.
6,498 Words, Started 06/07/2007, Completed 06/07/2007
A Girl & Her Cat
by cmwinters
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hermione Granger reflects on her relationship with her familiar
513 Words, Started 02/10/2006, Completed 02/10/2006
Nox Maris
by cmwinters
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Hermione asks too many damned questions of a very vicious Death Eater, and it gets her into trouble.
5,344 Words, Started 12/20/2008, Completed 12/20/2008
by cmwinters
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )"Come to the right side, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine."
Explores a life in exile for of some of those who have been hidden.
(VERY slightly A/U, and even then, only if you take all interviews really literally.)
NOT DH compliant!
10,269 Words, Started 01/09/2007, Completed 01/16/2007
His Heart's Desire
by cmwinters
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Augustus Rookwood engineers the capture of Lily Evans Potter from the Department of Mysteries. She's handed over to another Death Eater with a chip on his shoulder and a notorious ability to hold a grudge.
5,511 Words, Started 12/30/2008, Completed 12/30/2008
The Ringing of the Empty Sound
by cmwinters
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Written as a response to the HP_remnants challenge on LiveJournal, with the prompt "And the picture frames are staring down, and the ringing of this empty sound, is deafening and keeping you from sleep", a lyric from a Dashboard Confessional song. Although not a song-fic by any means, I did listen to the song repeatedly while writing.
After the war, you have to start picking up the pieces.
2,972 Words, Started 02/15/2006, Completed 02/15/2006
Unwelcome Refuge
by cmwinters
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Originally written for Mugglenet?s "Write the opening to Book 7 Challenge". HBP Spoilers
569 Words, Started 02/05/2006, Completed 02/05/2006
The Curse
by cmwinters
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Severus Snape has been under a 15 year-long anorgasmia curse that was invented and cast by Sirius Black. Not knowing the incantation, he has yet to find the counter-curse. When the Dark Lord assigns Wormtail to "assist" him, Snape tasks Pettigrew with finding the cure. Woe unto Wormtail when he doesn't comply quickly enough to mollify Snape's 15 year standing case of blueballs.
HEED THE WARNINGS - this fic is vile
4,839 Words, Started 02/25/2006, Completed 02/25/2006
Research Interruptus
by cmwinters
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Pansy is lonely and misses Draco. She goes off in search of him, and tries to persuade him to pay closer attention to her.
2,254 Words, Started 06/21/2007, Completed 06/21/2007