New Chapter for Glory Days
Glory Days
cmwinters15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
In the heyday of Voldwar I, a newly recruited Death Eater is seduced by the spouse of another.
This story was written for the HP Death Eater Spring Smutathon on LiveJournal, and written for CrazyLittleMe, who wanted Snape/Narcissa, lush, eerie, macabre, mindfuck, non-con, darkfic, exhibitionism and Bellatrix/sister femmeslash.
I am erring on the side of caution with my warnings, but this is a PWP smutfic with no redeeming literary value whatsoever.
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About cmwinters
Member Since 2006 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 582 Reviews Written | 248 Review Responses
Avatar blank done by LeDevineMarqiuse, adaptation done by Creamuts for me per request.
I am: an unrepentant Snape supporter, female, mid-thirties, a person that loves me the het and gen fic, a big fan of Darkfic and Death Eater fic, a person that doesn't t like werewolves, a person that doesn't care for about 99% of the slash, which (despite vehement protestations to the contrary), does not make me homophobic. I just don't like AU and OOC, and that's what most slash is. At least, most of what I've seen.
Really if you want to know more about me, my LJ is a better place for this.
Reviews for Glory Days
Loved the Slytherin chemistry as only Severus / Narcissa could have with each other - enjoyed them enjoying each other. Regarding Bella - HA! brilliant - *grinning like the Cheshire Cat*
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Thank you for your lovely review!
Ooh, you are so sicked and twisted. I love it! *Evil laugh*
Best part was his eye contact deliciously evil.
hey CM, I just finished and I liked it alot. ButI was right, not the worst thing I have read. Theres this web site I know of that dosnt have any resrictions. There is some messed up stuff on there. One night I read this story that said it was a malfoy/harry and I figured that menti= it was draco/harry. But no it was a Lusius/Harry. I was kind weird. But back to your story. I really really like it. Se you around the chat room.:)
YUMMMMmmmmmm, /purr ;DVery hot indeed, I'm going to read your other works now.=D I can't wait!
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Hee, well, as I'm sure you've discovered I don't have much smut up. But I think in a few days I'm going to post another smut story and then for a long time after that it's going to be plot. (Er, I think)
So darkly delicious... Did you invent "Sex Magic?" It was brilliant. And I really love your humor!
CM, I'm so glad you pointed this gem out to me! It was truly satisfying on many levels. First, I practically hunger for anything that has my favourite Slytherin so tightly in character and yet so fucking erotic. *melts* I believe all of your characters were justly done, as I can completely envision Narcissa accomadating her husband's wishes just so.Next was the absolute mind-fuck that Bella endured! I was practically squealing with delight at my beloved irony when Severus said "I have no wish to take you by force, Narcissa" and yet, essentially, he was doing just that, mentally, to Bella. It was such an intriguing concept.I enjoyed the voyuer angle in the story - very erotic. That she was bound and forced to watch, control stripped away from her in a situation that should have had her in complete control, was wickedly entertaining.I love your turns of phrase; you are simply eloquent, even when describing a roaring orgasm. Class A smut, woman! Bravo!~M.
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Wow, thank you.You can see, I hope, why Id on't want to host at some other sites? ;)Thank you for the lovely review!
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Wow, thank you.You can see, I hope, why Id on't want to host at some other sites? ;)Thank you for the lovely review!
Oh dear Merlin! Where to start? Simply wonderful! The pacing was perfect, the use of Legilimency was so utterly wicked.
I've worn a corset before and your description is dead accurate. Lovely bit of research there on erogenous zones of men - not many know about that or care to admit the knowledge of such openly. The edging of pleasure with pain, and the blood-letting makes for a truly delightful, intense sex scene.
And poor Bella. Talk about hate and frustration wrapped up and topped with a bow!
Love it! Love it! Love it!
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Heh. Well, I think any TRUE Slytherin would really know how to use sex to his or her advantage. People will behave very oddly for sex, especially GOOD sex, and I think both Narcissa and Severus are true Slytherins.
(And what you call research, dear, I call "practical application") ;)
Thanks for the review. :P
Hi there :)A certain Snape fan over on MNFF mentioned your story and when I saw it in the most recent list I decided to see what it was all about. I don't read a lot of smut so my eyes practically fell out of my head, lol. ;) But it was very well done! First of all, the pacing was great. Second of all, the way you used Legilimency was fascinating, both as a way to enhance the experience, and as a way for Snape to get back at Bellatrix. When she entered I thought she'd end up joining them, but boy were you - and Snape - cruel to her by forcing her to watch! Finally, your characterization came across very strongly. Snape was quite randy for such a young man, but I must admit I was glad to see him gain the upper hand in the encounter after Narcissa's brazen come-ons. The comment about Lucius watching the next one was priceless. I had one question: why did you decide to keep Snape's dialogue so formal? Was it something specific for this story or something you see as part of Death Eater society at the time? I'm just curious.Good job!~Gina :)
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Heh. There's something funamentally VERY wrong about mentioning this fic in any setting, even incidentally and in passing, with MNFF. *disturbed* (When Vorona told me it had been rec'd, I was like, "um. Right then. *slinks off*")
I'm a HUGE sucker for Legilimency sex myself. *cough* And I can just see the two of them sniping at each other from the word "go".
Snape - "quite randy for a young man"? . . . dot dot dot . . . He's *nineteen*. Have you ever MET a nineteen year old male? Heh. ;)
I kept his dialogue formal in large part because it IS formal in canon, but also, there have been theories tossed about that Severus is a hopelessly working-class lad, and was trying to fit in with the educated and posh purebloods, and went out of his way to learn proper diction. I actually touch into that in a little more detail in my WIP "Exitus Acta Probat", but I'm reluctant to rec that one to you as some of the (much later!) chapters will contain some smut, and some of the other chapters are quite frankly dark and disturbing. The FIRST chapter opens with torture and character death, if that gives you any indication!
Response from Gmariam (Reviewer)
Actually, it wasn't Vorona who mentioned it. ;) And it was a good mention, don't worry!
I realize now that referring to Snape as a 'randy young man' is a bit silly. Thing is, it's hard for me to picture him this way, since he seems like such a loner, both in school and as a professor. Of course, who knows what secrets that locked mind hides. . . I guess that's why he's such an enjoyable character to write about!
Your comment about the dialogue makes total sense, good insight into his character! Perhaps I will brave your WIP sometime this summer. Good luck with it! :)
marvelous work! what a wonderful combination of smut and sadism. thanks!
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
You're welcome, and thanks for the review!!!
Cissy's desire to maintain the corset was sheer torture by itself! Between the exertions involved and position, just trying to breathe! [Oh, no... not experienced in corsets ... just the not breathing part.]
If I were Bella, I'd be ticked off, too. Cissy got Severus and Bella got none.
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Yes, well, my experience with corsets is that when you put it on, it might feel fine, but later, it gets to feeling progressively tighter and tighter, and once you're out of it, the very MENTION of "corset" is enough to make your ribs ache.
I actually did have a bridesmaid gown made for me in a corset, and there's no possible way I could fit in it otherwise.
I have another story where Snape shags Bella, and she likes it and doesn't want to, and it makes her even more angry. I may eventually get to posting that one, but it'll need to be edited, and I'm focusing on my Epic WIP o' Doom right now.
Bella strikes me as the type who's always angry, though . . . ;)
LOL How incredibly cruel of Severus, but I absolutely loved it. This helps explain why Bella might not like him, aside from the fact that he avoided time in jail. Nice piece of PWP.
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Hee. I think the fact that he later (at Spinner's End) serves her the same vintage of wine might make her blow a gasket, too. :P
Thanks for the review. :D
WOW - wonderful! I think I'll keep it!
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
*blush* Thanks!
I really liked how they screwed Bella, although not literally! HAHHAHA
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
Hahahaha! Omg. Can you imagine her? She's have had *steam* pouring out of her eyes!! Thanks for the review, glad you liked it. :D This is one of my faves of my one-shots, and it was a pinch hit at that!
Response from cmwinters (Author of Glory Days)
I'm, um, happy to amuse you?