New Chapter for Ashes of the Heart
Ashes of the Heart
Gelsey8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Sometimes, no matter how happy something makes you, it just isn't meant to be. Loss and grief burn away the memory of that happiness and leave but ashes of the heart.
Blaise/Pansy, Pansy/Draco.
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About Gelsey
Member Since 2005 | 25 Stories | Favorited by 10 | 5 Reviews Written | 253 Review Responses
Reviews for Ashes of the Heart
Hi, if you're still here. Very good.
Oh no Pansy left him for Draco?? That was not very nice! I hope they are unhappily ever after ((pouts))
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
Hehe, thanks :D Poor Blaise! *pets him* Thanks for reading and reviewing.
you know what they say, " if you love something let it go etc, " very well portrayed
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
Exactly! I was sort of thinking about that during that last part :D Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
sad. very good job of evoking these emotions. i wonder if she will really be happy with draco, since sometimes things don't turn out how we think they will. (i'm imagining a sequel where she comes back to him, and then - does he or doesn't he take her back?)
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
Thank you! I don't know if she'll be happy or not, or if he'd take her back ... I never really thought about it :)Thank you for reviewing!
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
i usually don't think beyond the end of the story, myself, but for some reason yours inspired me to. i think that's a good thing! it means you made me care about the characters, which is quite a feat, actually, since they are not among my favorites. : )
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
I'm very flattered, then! I'm glad I made you care so much :D
That was lovely. To me, this is the ulitimate definition of love -- that you are willing to let go of the person you love if that is what will make him/her happy. Holding on, trying to keep yourself happy always ends up with everyone being miserable. Thanks for sharing.And the poetry was lovely.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
I think it is too :D I'm so glad you liked it so much. Thank you for taking the time to review.
Oh Blaise! Poor baby! He's too good for her.
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
He is, isn't he? Thanks for reviewing!
It's completely beautiful. Well done :)
Response from Gelsey (Author of Ashes of the Heart)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.
You did a wonderful job with the poetry and the emotion here. :-D
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad it worked :D Thanks for reviewing!