New Chapter for Hers
guiltysecret7915 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
*That* scene from DH, as told from Molly Weasley's point of view.
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About guiltysecret79
Member Since 2007 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 4 | 10 Reviews Written | 41 Review Responses
IRL I'm a British secondary school science teacher. Fanfiction is my guilty little secret - I *really* don't want the little buggers getting wind of this, hence the screen name!
Reviews for Hers
I love this. Molly is one of my favorite characters and these thoughts are exactly what I would have imagined being in her mind as she's fighting.
That was fabulous! It's in my faves now. I think that you did a great job relaying what went through Molly's mind...and it's so natural, these thoughts of a mother and a warrior. Lovely.
Oh god! *sobs* *claps* Magnificent!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you!
I love that it's second person. I so want to be Molly sometimes.
I saw a icon recently that read, "God said, 'Let there be light.' Molly Weasley said, 'Say please!" Lol!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
I -love- the sound of that icon :-)I'm glad you enjoyed the second person - it was a odd thing to write, but it only seemed to work properly like that.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
I -love- the sound of that icon :-)I'm glad you enjoyed the second person - it was a odd thing to write, but it only seemed to work properly like that.
I like the way you embroidered this scene. It was very compelling and insightful.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you. I was rather disappointed with JKR's version so I expanded it.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you. I was rather disappointed with JKR's version so I expanded it.
I'll never know why I didn't review when I put this in my favourites, but this is such a fantastic story. I could go on and on about why I like it and why I can relate, but instead I will simply thank you.
I was utterly disappointed in JKR's version because it perpetuated the stereotype that all good guys win through not using bad curses, that all gryffindors are good and slytherins are evil, and that "green light" shot out of Molly's wand.
In essence, the entire scene felt white-washedinstead of the rightful, UNFORGIVABLE, SOUL-SPLITTING "AVADA KEDAVRA!" that should have been placed there.
So I find your version fascinating and somewhat more fulfilling, yet slightly disappointed. Molly cast the Killing Curse and I hate the fact that nobody will own up to it.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thanks for your review.You have a good point about the whole Unforgivables fudge, but I have to disagree with you somewhat.The way I look at it, yes, there is a degree of sanitisation of 'good guy' behaviour, but at the heart of it, JKR was writing for children, which does tend to lead to moral black and white rather than the more realistic shades of grey.Specifically in the case of Molly's curse, I don't think it matters what she chose to cast in order to kill Belatrix, as the intent makes whatever it was she used into a 'Killing Curse'. And, of course, there is a certain style in not -needing- to use something so crude as Avada Kedavra to do the job. It's also pretty insulting, in a way. Molly doesn't need to use the Death Eaters own methods because she's so damn good she can use an ordinary spell to take out the pride of Voldemort's Army!
*gasps* that was so powerful! I LIKE! (and, PS, I'm totally a Bellatrix fan, but she totally gets what she deserves here...crazy witch...gax, I woudn't let her anywhere near my [hypothetical] kids either!!)
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you for your review, I must have done well if even a Bellarix fan could enjoy it!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you for your review, I must have done well if even a Bellarix fan could enjoy it!
I rather like this story. Good portayal on Molly and what she was likely thinking at the time. Excellent
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you for taking the time to review. Considering the standard of most of the stories here I wasn't expecting so many lovely reviews.
Oh my gosh. . . that was so intense and real. . . I was completely sucked into the story! I. . . am completely speechless, actually!I really, honestly cannot think of any way to elaborate upon this:This is a completely amazing story.Thank you so much for the wonderful story!~Katie
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thank you for reading and taking the time to review! I thought DH rather short-changed us with this scene - Molly vs Bellatrix deserved more than about six lines.
Wonderfully done - you convey so much in so short a space, but it's gripping and thrilling, and the POV just works, and makes it more immediate.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thanks. I have no idea why I went with the POV I did, it sounds cliched but this one really did -demand- to be written in a certain way.
As am I. This is a good account of that particular scene. Thanks for sharing!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thanks for reviewing. I was nervous about posting on a site with such a high standard of work hosted, but I'm pleased I did as all these reviews are very encouraging.
Wow ... amazing and chilling and awesome. This is a fine piece of writing. I am now rendered speechless.
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Hooray for rendering readers speechless. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
*stands up and cheers*Beautiful job!
Response from guiltysecret79 (Author of Hers)
Thanks for being my first ever Petulant Poetess reviewer!Glad you enjoyed it