New Chapter for Passages of Time
Passages of Time
Bambu16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 17 Favorites )
In a post-HBP world, Hermione looks back on the reasons she remained in the wizarding world.
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for Passages of Time
What a wonderful little gem of a story. I love to find a good Hermione/Draco story. It was beautifully written with such a great ending. I just adore it! Thank heavens for that "random story" button. lol
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
What a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much!
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
What a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much!
Elixer should be elixir unless it was intentionally done.
I loved this! This was really poignant, sad, and sweet all at once! =)
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Thank you very much. It was something of a doodle, but I really liked how it came out in the end, so I'm very pleased you liked it so well.
Fabulous story. Very well written. Tamara
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Thank you very much, Tamara.
I generally don't read Hermione/Draco, but 'random story' brought me here. I'm very glad it did.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
I'm very glad the Random Story brought you here too. It was my first attempt at an omniscient narrative voice, and I'll confess it's my personal view of Hermione. Thanks so much.
aww this story was really sweet. i loved it
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Thanks very much. It was my first attempt at playing with an omniscient narrative voice, and I'm delighted you enjoyed it.
i know i've read this before, and i've probably left a review somewher eelse. But i wanted to tell you that this was great, the second or third or whatever time i've read it.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
It's really nice to know something stands up on a re-read! Thanks so much for telling me.
Great job...very poignant and true to self. I love how you managed to make it follow a likely timeline after HBP. Very believable.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
That you found it plausible, is one of the best compliments you could have given me. Thank you so much for the review.
Ah Bambu, what a delightful story! I just noticed it here, and couldn't resist. I normally am not much of a Draco/Hermione fan, but this was wonderfully done, and most insightful into both of their characters. You left me feeling happy for the two of them.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Wolf Moonshadow! It's great to see your name on my screen, and awfully nice of you to give this story a read (and such a complimentary review, too).< br>
As you already know, Severus/Hermione are my favorite pairing, but I think Draco has some hidden depths, and their relationship is so explosive. I really appreciate that you found it insightful. Thank you, thank you.
It matters not what pairing you write about becasue you write with purity and a depth of emotion that spellbinds your readers. This was a lovely story and beautifully written as always.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
NQ, you say the nicest things. I'm so happy to see that you liked this little vignette. Thank you, as always, for the touching review.
That was beautiful; I loved it. Thanks!
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Thank you, Meredith. You're so kind to leave a review.
Amazing. This is one of the few Hermione/ Draco stories that I have found that I like. Hopefully I will find more.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Thank you very much. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. It was a challenge to write it from such a distant perspective.
I have to review this agian, You know I love this, brilliantly discriptive the lack of names just adds so much depth. So happy again the idea that Neville holds such a place in her heart is truly touching. I like how with so little words you bulk out the other characters the notes from Draco just build up his character so much. And a happy ending yay
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
You are most welcome for the happy ending. This is probably the only actual wedding I'll ever write... and it was reminiscent of 'wedding at a glance,' but I'm glad you enjoyed this. It makes my day to read your review, C. Thanks.
Another of my favorites!
i'm terrible with reviews. (generally don't leave many) but i wanted to say that this story, though short, was very sweet. Melancholy, perhaps, but sweet.
Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response: Thank you for letting me know that you found the story a bit melancholy, even as it was sweet. I was really attempting to capture the bittersweet reality of Hermoine's choices.
It was very kind of you to take the time to tell me.
Very neatly told. The title is very appropriate for the style in which this is written.
Response from Bambu (Author of Passages of Time)
Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.I've attempted all sorts of different techniques in fanfiction, and this is one of the experiments. I was pretty pleased with how the omniscient voice worked.