New Chapter for Ready
Delayed Poet12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Severus and Hermione have a happy, somewhat normal life, but Hermione doesn't seem to be ready for all the new changes she's experiencing in adulthood.
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About Delayed Poet
Delayed Poet
Member Since 2007 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 148 Reviews Written | 189 Review Responses
Update June 4, 2013:
Parenthood: Ready or Not - Chapter 13 has a good chunk written and I'm trying very hard to get my head back into it so that it's not left abandoned.
Other than that, I've really wandered away from fandom and am mostly writing original things.
Reviews for Ready
Loved it!!! It's sad and romantic at the same time! Great job!
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
Thank you!
i liked this very much. i think my favorite part was that hermione was the one who kept not being ready, and severus seemed to be the more grounded one.
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
I really worked hard to keep that thread throughout each drabble, so I'm so happy that you liked it! Thank yous o much for reviewing!
ooh, I remember really liking that one over at GS100 - you did a wonderful job :)
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
(: Thank you very much!
aww. sniff. this is sweet. it's not the best fic I've ever read, or the most emotional, or a particularly peak experience....but it is full of so much, so much voice, so much atmosphere, I can just feel it. it feels right. it feels good. I can see it all. i love it, for no reason I can describe.
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
I've never thought of myself as 'the best' writer, so I understand what you mean. Lately I've just been trying to find that voice and that heart that makes stories a great read. So, even though it wasn't the best, it makes me very happy that it felt right and good and that you loved it for an inexplicable reason. Thanks for reviewing!
Oh, golly, why are all the postings today so sad? Talk about not being ready!!! Nicely done, though sad.
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
Aww, I'm sorry! Should I write some wonderful, happy romance to make it up to you? Thanks for reviewing!
Response from Elise_Wanderer (Reviewer)
Naw, sad is good, too. And it was at least a sad ending to a long and happy story.Though if you WANT to write a wonderful, happy one, too, who am I to stop you?
I reveiwed this on LJ, but I thought I'd give ya the 'star' rating here :)Absolutely excellent. Loved the snapshot life of Hermione and Severus. It was very touching.
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
Aww! Thank you!*touched*
we are so often not ready for the big challenges life throws at us, but we mostly handle them pretty well. Nice story!
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
Very true. Thank you!
Really I'm crying all over the keyboard. You should have put a warning about character's death at the beginning. But it's beautiful anyway.
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
Aww! I'm sorry *hands you a tissue* I was weary to put a warning about the deaths because it happened at the end of very long and mostly happy lives and I didn't want people to be swayed against reading because of it. But, you're right, I should have put in the warning. I'm really glad you liked it anyway!
What lovely snippets of their lives together! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it!
Response from Delayed Poet (Author of Ready)
Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! They really were so wonderful to write.
I know this story was written about ten years ago, but just in case you read reviews, the theme of this story is so beautiful and one of life’s most sincere truths.
Author's Response: I always enjoy getting reviews on my old writing and, luckily, TPP sends me email notifs when a new one pops up! And I have to admit, I understand the theme much more imtimately now, a decade's worth of experience later, than I did then. Thank you for taking the time to write a review! ♥