The Blessings
Chapter 3 of 3
beaweasley2So, George is now a father. Are the fates as kind to him as he and Fred were to their parents? They do say that the apples don’t fall very far from the tree!
Thanks you, Amsev, for all your time and patience cleaning up all my mistakes and errors. Amsev you're the greatest. How did I ever get so lucky?
~o 3 o~
Just Like Their Father
The Blessings
"To the happy couple," Lee Jordan said as he raised his glass to toast the bride and groom.
George didn't think this day would ever come. It almost hadn't, considering all the hassles that started when Lydia had finally agreed to marry him. He'd asked her nearly every day, slipping the question into their conversations at random moments, and each time she'd let him kiss her. Lydia had spent the night with him frequently over the three months they were dating. George loved caressing her belly as it grew and had even started massaging her feet for her every night. They had been in cuddling on the sofa when she'd made her decision.
"It's daft, you Flooing into the shop every day," George said as he breathed in the fragrance of her hair. He liked these times best, right after a late dinner, curled up on the sofa with her, staring at the flames in the fireplace. "Do you want to stay here tonight?"
She turned to look up at him. "Did you just smell my hair?" she asked, amused.
George smiled, but he felt his cheeks warm. "Yeah. I like the smell of your hair; it's warm and flowery."
"You never say it, you know," she said as she snuggled back against his chest.
He looked down at her. "I don't say what?"
"Love," she replied. "You never say 'love.'"
"C'mon, I tell you all the time," he replied, confused.
She laughed; the sound of her laugh warmed his heart every time she did. "No, you say, 'I like,' or 'me too,' and 'ditto,' but never 'love.'"
"But I do," he stated.
"Do what? Say the word love or feel it?" she asked.
He pulled back so he could see her better. "Both."
She laughed at him again, settled back against his chest with a contented sigh, and closed her eyes. They sat like this for a long time, just holding her comfortably as the evening wound down. "So would you like to? Can I convince you to stay here?" he finally asked when Lydia tried, unsuccessfully, to suppress another yawn.
"When," she replied cheekily in what had developed into a game with them.
"Every night for the rest of your life," he replied, kissing the top of her head.
"I think I will," she answered.
It took him a few seconds to realize what she'd said. George pushed her up so he could look in her eyes. "Did you just say yes?"
"Yeah, I said I'll move in here with you," Lydia said, grinning. "But on a few conditions."
"Name them," George replied, still reeling to the fact she'd said yes.
"One, you have to tell me every day that you love me so I remain convinced," Lydia stated, her fingernails caressing his arm in soft swirls that made concentrating difficult.
"Okay," George said as he nodded. "I can do that."
Her fingers stilled on his wrist. "Two, you have to put up with my cat."
"No problem," George said, still grinning like a clabbert. "I can do that, too."
"And three, you have to marry me," she said, trying to control her expression into something serious, but failing as she watched the smile widen on his face.
"You mean it? You'll marry me?" he asked, surprised but feeling elated all the same.
"Yes," she said, laughing at him.
George pulled her into his arms, never feeling happier. "I love you."
"Took you long enough to admit that," Lydia said cheekily.
The dinner with her parents had been a real testament to his seriousness of wanting to marry Lydia and raise her twins, or so George thought. Lydia had insisted on getting her father's blessing before they bought rings, so George had tucked the engagement ring he'd had for the last five months back in the Droobles box in his junk drawer. At the rate they were going, he'd considered simply giving it to her as a Christmas present. As it was, it was early December when he and Lydia had gone to her parents' house to make the announcement.
"Dad, this is George, not Fred." Lydia had been explaining who George was and their relationship to her father for the last five minutes since they'd arrived. It didn't help that Mr. Thacker, a well respected Oblivator, had recently been hit with a rebounding Oblivate Charm. He was still suffering short-term memory loss, although the Healers had said the damage would reverse in time. Therefore, it was like facing Lydia's father for the first time all over again.
"You were dating Geroge, but you were friends with Fred? I didn't know you knew a George." Mr. Thacker looked at George, befuddled. "You told me you were dating Fred, weren't you?"
"I and George were friends in school," Lydia said patiently. "But I was dating Fred, except he died in the war, remember? You've met both of them. You met Fred the summer after I graduated, and George was here a month ago." Lydia smiled warmly.
"So this isn't Fred this is George? He looks like Fred." Mr. Thacker's brow furrowed. He still looked completely confused. "So you are pregnant with this bloke's kids? I thought it was Fred's baby, but George is the father..." Mr. Thacker shook his head once. "Who's the bloke you're living with?"
Mrs. Thacker was smoothing out her apron for the third time since they'd arrived. "Would anyone like a cup of tea and a slice of fruit cake?"
"George is Fred's twin brother, Dad. These are Fred's babies," Lydia repeated for the third time, her hand on her enlarged abdomen. "I've been living with George for the last two months, remember?"
Mrs. Thacker clasped her hands nervously. "Is that a 'no' to the fruit cake?"
"So this is Fred?" Mr. Thacker asked.
"No, this is George. I am carrying Fred's twins," Lydia said again. "Fred died, Dad, he's gone. But George and I fell in love, and he's going to help me raise my babies." George was quite impressed how patient Lydia was being. He'd have lost it ages ago and started messing with the man.
"So you are marrying George," Mr. Thacker said, pointing at George. "I thought this is Fred, he looks like him... but his name is George?" Mr. Thacker asked, sizing George up. "That's bloody convenient. At least you're keeping it in the family, young man."
"Are you sure you wouldn't like some tea?" Mrs. Thacker asked, although neither Lydia nor Mr. Thacker were paying her any attention.
Mr. Thacker looked unconvinced. "So you are marrying him as a substitute for that fellow that knocked you up?"
"Dad!" Lydia exclaimed, beginning to get angry with her father, although tears were welling up in her eyes. "George has been with me for months now. He really cares for me, and I love him."
"I could make some biscuits?" Mrs. Thacker asked, wanting to divert Mr. Thacker's attention to avoid unpleasantness.
Mr. Thacker scowled at his daughter, ignoring his wife. "Must be convenient, marrying the twin. At least when the kids grow up there won't be much scandal they'll look like him."
"Yes, they will," Lydia said. Mr. Thacker's brow furrowed as his daughter raised her voice at him. "Or they might take after me. Regardless, I want to marry George, Dad."
"Tea would be nice," George said amiably to Mrs. Thacker.
"What is the point? You're already living together," Mr. Thacker stated as he stared at his daughter, standing arm in arm with George in the lounge. "The wizards at the club... Well, we've kept the scandal suppressed so far."
"Randolph! You promised," Mrs. Thacker admonished her husband with a phony smile.
"Well, she is," Mr. Thacker said, crossing his arms. "Don't expect me to throw a huge wedding since you're already living with him."
"That won't be necessary, I can afford the wedding," George said, hoping to avoid any more problems.
"So, when is it," Mrs. Thacker asked. "Did you get rings?"
"In the spring," Lydia said to her mum, "and no, we haven't bought rings yet." Just then Robert and Mary entered the lounge, and Mrs. Thacker walked over to hug them.
"He can afford a wedding but can't afford rings," Mr. Thacker said, frowning, turning to his wife and nodding to the new arrivals. "Did you know anything about this?"
Robert was helping Mary remove her cloak. "Yes and no. I know that George has proposed to Lydia more times than I can count. Hiya, George. Would have been here sooner, but Mary hates flying and Apparation makes her sick, so we have to Floo, although that makes her sick too."
Mary gave him a playful shove and then extended her hand to George. "Lovely to see you again, George."
"... and I didn't have her Nausea Potion. Isn't pregnancy grand?" Robert continued uninterrupted.
"Good to see you, too," George replied then greeted Robert with a nod. "Lydia hates Apparating regardless, but she finally admitted that Floo travel was getting too much for her."
Mary smiled at Robert and then turned to the family. "We had to stop at the apothecary on the way here. I brought double fudge and caramel ice cream. Did you know that Fortescue's is open again? But I think it's under new management."
"So, sis, I take it you've finally resigned and you accepted his proposal!" Robert said warmly, giving Lydia a gentle hug.
"Yes," she replied, grinning. "We are hopefully getting married over Easter holiday."
"But why wait until spring?" Robert asked.
Lydia smiled at her brother, walking over to give Mary a hug. "I'm the size of a Hippocampus! I don't want to waddle at my wedding. Besides, my choices were over Easter Holiday or in June so George's sister can attend." She plopped herself down on the sofa next to Mary.
"Congratulations," Robert said, extending his hand out to George. "I knew you'd bring her around."
"You actually approve?" Mr. Thacker asked.
Robert smiled at his dad. "Blimey, of course I approve, Dad. He's been supporting her for a while now and obviously cares for Lydia a great deal. His doting attention to my sister has even made my own life harder." He winked at Lydia and she stifled her laugh at his jesting.
Mrs. Thacker looked confused. "How's that dear?"
Robert caressed Mary's head, smiling down at her. "Thanks to all Lydia's bragging that George massages her feet every night, I've been having to do the same thing." He turned back to George, his expression changing into a smirk. "I hope you can appreciate how hard it's been to equal you when my job has me traveling all over the place three to four days of the week?"
"What can I say? I would have done anything to convince her to marry me," George said, shrugging. "Despite my charming wit, good business sense and constant persistence, it ended up being my dexterous fingers that won her over to me."
"That and the Canary Creams," Lydia said with a grin. "For some reason I absolutely crave them. I've molted enough feathers to make a feather bed."
"Merlin's balls! I'm glad you're not eating those things at my place," Mary said with a shiver. "I'm allergic to feathers! But I loved the box of chocolates you sent. Robert got pustules, nausea and a nosebleed all at the same time, and it took a while to sort out how to stop them. George Flooed over to help him and discovered that Robert has eaten both halves of the candy at the same time. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. So, which are you are planning, a March or a June wedding? If you choose March, I hope you have honking daffodils. I really love those."
"Oh, my! Robert, you were sick?" Mrs. Thacker exclaimed aghast.
"I'd love a March wedding! Then I can have singing pansililies, snap dragons, purr-lions, peek-a-boos and tinkling lily-bells, too!" Lydia said grinning. "I love spring flowers. I suppose it will depend on where we have the wedding. I always wanted a garden wedding, small, just family and a few friends."
"No, mum, it was the chocolates, they make you sick," Robert said jovially and then turned to his sister. "What? You don't want five hundred at the club with pipes and a band?"
Lydia turned to her brother, grinning. "Like you and Mary did. No, thank you! Just family, my girlfriends, George's friends and a cake simple, small and intimate."
"Excellent, we can have it right here," Mrs. Thacker suggested, and Mr. Thacker looked at his wife with a disapproving smirk. "The garden will have to be defrosted early, and we can have fairies in the roses... Won't that be nice, dear?"
"Whatever the girl wants, Catherine," Mr. Thacker said dismissively. "What chocolates made you sick, Robert? Don't eat food that's spoilt."
George and Robert started laughing as Lydia scrambled off the sofa and walked over to her father. "Dad, thank you."
Mr. Thacker looked befuddled again. "Anything, my little crumpet," he said, trying to hug her and avoid the belly at the same time.
"So you will consent?" Lydia asked. "It's all right if I marry George?"
"I thought you were seeing Fred? Who is George?" Mr. Thacker started on again. "Why are marrying George?"
"You have our blessing, dear," Mrs. Thacker said, hugging Lydia. "He'll come around and I'll keep reminding him so he won't forget again."
"Thank you, ma'am," George said, holding his hand out to Mrs. Thacker.
Mrs. Thacker held George's hand, her grip extremely firm. "You just make sure you make my little girl happy."
The announcement to his family that he and Lydia were getting married had gone much better than when he accidentally blurted out the fact Lydia was pregnant.
After much cajoling, George had finally got Lydia to agree to let him to make the announcement of their engagement to his family. He'd decided to wait until Sunday dinner, during Christmas holiday, when everyone, even Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Charlie would be present as the most opportune time. He'd bought a bouquet of Kissing Lilliums for the table, with one special bloom still a bud, charmed to open at the utterance of a single word. He and Lydia had arrived early so that George could help his mum set up the extra seating for everyone. As everyone sat down at the table, George made sure Lydia was in the center of the table, right next to the flowers.
"So how is Auror training, Ron?" Mr. Weasley asked.
"Oi, Dad it's brilliant! It's much harder than Hogwarts! Harry and me start Deflection and Evasion right after the holidays," Ron announced as everyone started passing around the serving bowls.
"It's Harry and I," Hermione corrected him, and Ron nudged her in the ribs.
"Girls, how is Hogwarts this year?" Mr. Weasley asked. "Are they still reconstructing the towers?"
Hermione smiled, passing the roast beef to Harry. "No, they finished most of them and repaired the damage to the roof on the main corridors. The castle is nearly back to normal."
"Cool. That didn't really take long, did it? I still can't believe you went back to school," Ron stated for the hundredth time, judging by the expression Hermione gave him. "I mean the Ministry gave us honorary N.E.W.T.s for defeating Voldemort!"
"Ron!" three people exclaimed and two grimaced, still not comfortable hearing the name.
"Unlike some, Ron," Ginny said, passing the peas. "Hermione actually wants to earn her N.E.W.T.s. Besides, I think it's great! We're in the same dorm room and have most of our classes together!"
"I've got a bit of an announcement," Bill said, drawing everyone's attention. "I've been promoted."
"Bill! That's wonderful!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. "You're father has the same news. He's being promoted at the Ministry, too."
"Well, it's not really a promotion," Mr. Weasley stated. "But I will be heading up the newly formed Misuse and Unauthorized Magic Department. It will include an Underage Muggle-born Accidental Magic Office, which will handle all underage Muggle-born magical incidents. My old office, Misuse of Muggle Artifacts, has been reallocated to my department, too. Part of the restructuring of the Ministry. We'll be in charge of all Muggle-related and Muggle-born magical incidents. It's exciting!"
"Oi, why couldn't they have had that department when I was in my fifth year? You would have saved me a load of trouble! Now maybe things will be straightened out down there," Harry stated. "Speaking of the Ministry, Kingsley is going remain as the new Minister of Magic."
"Harry!" Hermione admonished him.
"Speaking of news, Lydia and I are getting married. Bill, pass the mashed potatoes," George said as nonchalantly as he could.
Lydia started to chuckle as Bill, who'd grabbed the mash potatoes, sat staring at his brother. "Excuse me?" Bill asked, holding the serving bowl between him and George. "I you're getting married?"
"You're what?" Mrs. Weasley gasped as she dropped her fork, and Ron's mouth dropped open as he exclaimed, "Blimey!"
"Splendid," Harry said as Charlie turned to look at him gobsmacked.
Percy was grinning at Lydia. "Cracking! When? Before or after the twins are born?"
George helped himself to the potatoes as Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, "When did this happen?"
"Very good, well done, George," Mr. Weasley stated as Ginny squealed. "You finally convinced her?"
Lydia was blushing profusely at his family's reaction. "I'd prefer after. We're considering March, over Easter holiday, so you can attend, Ginny, Hermione."
"And since she's said yes, I think it high time she wear her ring," George stated, standing up, moving to stand beside Lydia's chair. He picked up the single Lilliums bud, holding it out to her. "Lydia, I love you." The kissing bud made a kissing sound as it opened and dropped a ring onto Lydia's plate.
Lydia picked up the illusion beryl stone ring, astonished. "Is this mine?"
"I don't give big, expensive stone rings to every girl I know," he said, laughing, sliding the ring on Lydia's finger as Percy and Charlie stood up to congratulate them.
"Let me see," Ginny requested, and Lydia extended her hand to show off her ring to Ginny and Hermione while Mrs. Weasley dabbed at her eyes with her napkin.
"A toast then," Bill stated, raising his glass, and everyone followed suit as George leaned down to place a chaste kiss on Lydia's lips.
A few years later
George leaned against the mantle of the fireplace, talking with Bill and Mr. Weasley as his sons, Fred and William, played with Victoire, building her a castle out of their blocks. "Of all the toys these boys have, those blocks are still their favorites," Mr. Weasley stated.
George smiled proudly at the boys as they erected twin towers under Victoire's direction. "Yeah, they really like building things. They're constantly stacking the boxes in the storeroom. Gets frustrating having to sort them all out again."
"So when are you going to buy them their first brooms?" Bill asked jovially. "I hear that they already have Quaffles."
"They already have brooms," George said proudly. "The kind that only hover two feet of the ground and fly at a Streeler's pace, but Lydia wouldn't let me get them Cleansweeps."
"I should hope not," Bill said, laughing. "So, I heard that Will got hold of the Peruvian instant darkness powder last week."
"Merlin, yes! It was a disaster. The entire flat was pitch black for hours," George replied. "Thank Circe, I had a Hand of Glory in the shop! Nearly broke my leg trying to find the cupboard where I keep it, though."
"They really take after their father don't they," Mr. Weasley stated.
"Yep," George said with a grin. "Will has a knack for dropping things, most likely to see what will bounce and what won't; and both love building forts. I've had to Sticky-Tack Charm everything in place or spend all my time repairing all the breakables in the house. The kitchen table is now a permanent fort."
"So how's business?" Bill asked.
"Never better." Suddenly all three noticed Fleur's crystal ball and nine of her steamed crystal gobbets were being added to Victoire's 'castle.' "Fred, William, I've told you before no breakables," Geroge admonished the twins.
"But Dad, it's a castle," Fred said, setting the last glass atop a tall, unsteady tower.
"Yeah, Dad," Will stated, scowling. "It needs shiny..."
"Sparkling things..." Fred continued.
"To be a proper fairy castle." Will said, trying to catch the tower before it fell.
George quickly levitated all the glasses up before they went down with the blocks. "No. If you want sparkling blocks, say so and I'll charm them. But no breakables! That means: no glasses, no vases, no crystal anything!"
Bill started laughing as he rescued his wife's crystal ball. "Just like you and Fred. Merlin, these two must keep you on your toes."
"Toes, ear and eyes on high alert at all times," George stated, grinning the boys started stacking the blocks again.
George couldn't have been happier, sitting on the porch at Shell Cottage with Ron and Harry, watching the kids run around and reenact the final battle at Hogwarts with trick wands. The spells on the wands were nearly worn out, but occasionally there were a few sparks, confetti or waterspouts still emitting from the wand tips.
Victoire squealed as Fred and Will rounded on Teddy, cornering him and yelling "Expelliarmus!"
Lydia, Fleur and Mrs. Tonks were inside with his mum, discussing mum things and sharing baby stories.
"Where did they learn that one?" Ron asked, amazed.
"From Harry, who else," George stated.
Harry ducked as a squirt of water emitted from Will's wand and nearly hit his face. "I was telling them about the final battle and how Remus died. Teddy wanted to hear the story again."
"Remus didn't use the Expelliarmus all that often," Ron stated. "That is your specialty."
"Fred, don't aim for faces," George shouted as Fred shouted "Stupidfy."
"Stupidfy?" Harry asked, "Do they mean Stupefy?"
"Nope," George answered. "Stupidfy to make you stupid."
"Bogyex," Will shouted and Fred ducked, chasing after Teddy
"Let me guess," Ron said, "turn you into a bogy?"
"Something like that," Geroge said. "They like inventing spells. As long as it's not bad words or curses, it's all right."
Will grasped Fred's hand and pulled him behind the tree with him. "You go right, I'll go left," he said. Fred nodded.
Victoire ducked behind Fleur's daises and tried crawling around the bush to surprise Will and Bill from behind. Will saw her, but not before Fred did, and Victoire gave Fred a shower of confetti as Will hit her with a few drops of water.
Teddy aimed his wand at Will, turning it into a rubber haddock. "Mine's stuck again," he stated.
"Flick it backwards," Fred and Will shouted in unison.
Harry, Ron and George started laughing. "It's like watching a mini version of you and Fred," Harry said, grinning.
"You have no idea," George replied.
Fred rolled right as Will jumped to his left, both coming to their feet and aiming their wands at Teddy. "Furunculus!" they shouted and Teddy ducked, shouting "Jelly-legs."
"Furunculus?" Ron asked.
"They might mean Furnunculus," Harry stated, blushing. "I remember telling them about that one, too. I told them the story about when you and I hexed Goyle on the train the end of my third year."
"Blimey, Harry!" Ron said, laughing. "They must remember everything you tell them."
"They do idolize Harry a bit. You should see them with the cricket ball you gave them, Harry," George said, never taking his eyes off the twins. "I've charmed it to fly like a Bludger and gave them these little bats. They really have a knack for knocking it around. I'm so proud."
"Trip-you," Fred and Will said at the same time, pointing at each other, then rolling on the grass as if the spell actually worked, making Victoire giggle.
Another year later
Lydia was feeding his twin daughters in the kitchen, trying unsuccessfully to entice Isabel to eat her peas and carrots, while Gabriela was having a good time trying to coax the cat into eating hers. Four kids were plenty for him. Already Fred and Will were starting to make little things happen, such as when Fred levitated his yams into the milk jug, or the time Will made his trainers shrink, or the evening Will made his eyebrows grow to his nose because he didn't want to go to bed. There was the day Fred turned the cat into a pillow when she scratched him accidently, and the morning when he'd made a shelf disappear when Lydia wouldn't let him go down to the shop, making all Lydia's books fall on the floor. Then there was the morning Will managed to get the Floo pot stuck on the ceiling. Bath time was always good for mischief, such as Will sticking his feet to the carpet, and Fred making his hands swell up like balloons in the banisters to avoid a bath. It amazed him; whatever one did the other seemed to match with equal creativity, although that wasn't how Lydia saw it.
Several months later
Ginny's wedding was going to be beautiful. However, George had his hands full trying to keep Fred and Will in their seats. "I was never this poorly behaved!" he hissed to Percy.
"Do you want to bet?" Percy said laughing, blocking William from leaving their aisle. "You were a handful. These guys are just like you and Fred were."
"Thanks, Perc." Suddenly one of Fred's chair legs vanished, and George quickly restored it. "Pipe it down or I'll Stupefy you!" he hissed at the twins as Ginny started walking down the aisle.
"Oh, look," the twins said. "Aunt Gin is a princess!" Will stated as Fred replied, "Aunt Gin looks pretty, huh, Will?"
Several minutes later as Harry and Ginny exchanged vows, they both tried to duck under Aunt Muriel's chair, but George caught them by the coat tails. "Stay here," he hissed again. Suddenly the chair bounced and Aunt Muriel screeched. "Knock it off, you two," George warned.
"I just want to see Mum and Aunt Gin," Fred and Will said in unison.
"You will," George stated, "at the reception."
Both boys tried climbing up onto their chairs again. "Look, Dad, Uncle Harry is kissing Aunt Gin," Will stated loudly, pointing.
Harry broke the kiss, laughing. Ginny turned to smile at her nephews. "Yes, he was told to," Percy said.
"Why?" Fred and Will asked in unison.
"The priest told them to," Percy replied.
"Why?" Fred and Will asked in unison again.
"Because it's part of the ceremony," Percy stated.
"Why?" Fred and Will asked again.
"Give it up, Perc," George warned. "You're falling for it again!"
Several years later
The twins learned that they could levitate things easily and were trying the next set of spells in their new schoolbooks. Not only that but Fred was really good at making his nose enlarge, and Will had a knack for making things shoot across the room. It was all he could do to keep track of the mischief his sons caused. Still he was impressed with how studious the boys were. They'd each sat down with their spell books as soon as they'd arrived back from Flourish and Blots.
"Dad, I want a spell book," Isabel said, standing by George's workbench on the far wall of the living room.
"You're too young, sweet pea," he stated, looking at his daughter. She had really grown up this summer, all legs and arms, with her long hair in braids.
"She doesn't even have a wand yet," Will stated.
"So it wouldn't it matter if she had a book, Dad?" Fred asked.
Isabel turned to look at her brothers sitting on the sofa with their new school supplies. "I do to too have a wand," she said indignantly.
Will turned to look at his sister. "No, you have a twig from a Bowtruckle tree," he said.
Fred shook his head, grinning. "It's not the same..."
"Thing at all," Will finished.
George stifled a laugh, remembering how he and Fred used to finish each other's sentences.
"Isabel, you won't get a wand until you get your Hogwarts letter," Gabriela stated matter-of-factly from her chair by the window. She'd been trying to ignore the twins all morning, reading her book on magical insects.
"And then you can have my spell book," Fred volunteered.
"Fred, you're to keep your books," Lydia said from the kitchen. "We are perfectly capable of buying your sister her own school books."
"Awe, Mum, it's not like Fred needs to keep them," Will said, turning to face his mum. "He can use mine if he wants. Besides, we'll be in third year then and won't be needing them."
"But I want to go to Hogwarts with Fred and Will," Isabel stated.
"You'll be going to school with Gabriela," Lydia said, and Gabriela stuck her tongue out at Isabel.
Isabel stomped her foot. "Gabriela keeps turning my hair green! I want to go to school with Fred and Will!"
"Don't cry, Isabel," George said, trying to console his daughter. "You'll be going soon enough."
"We'll send you loads of owls," Fred replied, turning around to look at his sister.
"And if Dad's swamp is still there like Aunt Gin and Aunt Hermione said it was," Will added, grinning.
"Yeah!" Fred grinned quickly at Will and looked back at Isabel. "We'll send you a huge bottle of it!"
"Fred! You'll do no such thing!" Lydia admonished as she straightened, having placed the pot roast in the oven.
"And maybe a bottle of the lake," Will said and winked at Isabel. "And a Hinkypunk!"
"William!" Lydia scolded him.
Isabel was beaming at the thought of a bottle of swamp muck. "Will you really, Will?"
George was suppressing the urge to laugh, trying to keep a straight face.
"Sure, first day we get there," Fred promised. "I'll leave my Hogwarts A History with you, too."
"She already has the book memorized," Gabriela said, rolling her eyes.
"Now look, boys, I want you to mind the rules and obey your Professors. I don't want to hear about any mischief from you from Hogwarts," Lydia said, standing with her hands on her hips.
"But it's tradition, Mum Uncle Harry said so," Fred whined.
"Yeah, Dad promised Aunt Gin a Hogwarts toilet seat once," Will stated. "And Uncle Fred and Dad set off a whole box of Whiz-Bangs loose, made a swamp..."
"Set Dungbombs and Stink Pellets all over the place, put Exploding Snaps in the girls' loos and set Nifflers loose in the dungeons," Fred stated.
"Pranks is a family tradition!" Will stated. "We have to continue the family honor!"
George cringed. "You will listen to your mother," he stated firmly.
"And not take the Decoy Detonators, Deflagration box of Whiz-Bangs, Snackboxes and headless hats?" Will whispered to George.
George looked to see if Lydia had heard. Unfortunately, she had. "No, boys, you will not take any of the shops items to school with you," he stated firmly, slyly giving his twins a wink. "All the items in the shop are on the restricted and highly dangerous list." He quickly turned to see if Lydia was still paying attention, then leaned in closer to his boys. "So don't get caught using them."
The twins' first Christmas holiday from school
Christmas at the Weasley house had grown into a huge affair. Neville and Hanna had brought their new baby, and Luna and Rolf were due any minute with their little girl.
Gabriela and Victoire were sitting with Ginny and Hermione in the lounge, while Teddy was trying to beat Ron at wizard chess at the table.
James, Rose, Albus, Hugo and Lily were running around in the front of the house dodging snowballs being thrown by Isabel, Fred and Will under the watchful eyes of Harry and George.
"So how are the boys doing at Hogwarts?" Harry asked, deflecting a snowball with a wave of his hand.
"Only twenty-some owls apiece so far. But they're doing well enough in classes, but are quite the pranksters," George stated proudly.
Harry watched James and Rose both try to hit Fred with snowballs. "So they are taking after you, then?"
"Nah," George stated, laughing as Lily walked over and squashed a lump of snow on Will's boot. "They take after their mother they get really good marks and do well in class, but they do like to do a prank or two occasionally."
Will picked Lily up by the legs and hung her upside down, spinning around before dumping her in the snow. "A prank or two? The way Hagrid tells it they are a right sight like you were. I hear that they are quite the mischief makers."
George smiled watching Lily scramble back to Will. "I do have to admit that my boys have definitely got their priorities right." Rose and Hugo started begging Fred to spin them as well. Fred grabbed Hugo's arms, spinning him around before letting him fly into a snow bank. "Fred, Will, don't hurt your cousins!" George yelled out as Will started spinning Rose the same way. "The boys have been selling the Snackboxes and a few of the other items on the sly but don't tell Lydia, she'd do my nut!" Fred and Will both swung Hugo and Lily into the snow bank. "I thought I told you not to hurt your cousins," George yelled out again.
"Awe, Dad. If we was hurting them they'd be crying," Will called back.
"Yeah," Fred said. "If we was hurtin' them, they wouldn't keep comin' back, begging us for another go!"
"By the way, Harry, thanks for passing on the Marauder's Map. Not that the boys needed it of course, they found the tunnel to Honeydukes by Halloween," George said, giving Harry a mischievous grin.
"I may have told them about that passage... You know how much they like to hear about our years at Hogwarts, but I didn't think they'd actually sneak out of the castle well, yeah I did, I just didn't think about that at the time. Sorry." Harry turned his head to hide his blush. "The map's a copy, actually. I found the book that said how to make it in my library. I thought that since they were getting into so much trouble with Filch, I figured it would be a good Christmas present."
"Don't worry about it, mate," George said, laughing. "I may have let it slip myself. Besides, Fred and I had the map when we were their age. Thanks for giving it to them. It means a lot to me like passing on a tradition."
"My thoughts exactly," Harry stated, smiling as Lily ran over to be picked up.
"Dad! Uncle George, did you see me fly?" she asked exuberantly. "Will made me fly!"
"He sure did, pumpkin," George said, ruffling her hair.
The twins' second year
"Another owl from Hogwarts! That makes six and they've not been gone a month," Lydia said as she brandished the letter from Fred and Will's Head of House, Professor Agrippa.
"That's nothing. Mum used to get that many and more from school about Fred and me when we were kids," George stated lightly, trying to defuse Lydia's anger.
"They will get expelled if they keep this up!" Lydia stated furiously. "We've corresponded so often, George, Altheda and I are on a first name basis!"
George knew that smiling wasn't a smart thing to do, but ever try concealing a smile when you felt like grinning like a Clabbert? "Nah, they know where to draw the line," he said, trying his darndest to control his expression to one of seriousness. The truth was he was just so darn proud of his boys. A nut off their father's tree, and not too far from my own. "Besides, it's only pranks."
Lydia looked as if she'd do his nut for that comment. "They stuffed hinkypunks in the toilets of the girls' loo and set a pair of jarvies loose in the Divination classroom!" she screeched.
"See, harmless fun," George replied. "Fred and I did that our third year. At least no one was hurt. Look, they definitely take after Fred and I, and you remember what we were like." He walked over and pulled Lydia into a hug. "Besides, if you recall, Fred and I have a whole drawer in Filch's office for all the stuff we pulled. Do you remember the singing pansililies we taught the rowdy waterfront songs to for your birthday or the time we sent the box of puffapods and bouncing bulbs to explode in your common room? How about the creampuffs we laced with Alihotsy and sent them to Slytherin because they beat us at Quidditch that one time, or do you remember the Nifflers we set loose in Ravenclaw?"
"Were those the same Nifflers that ended up in Umbridge's office?" Lydia asked, trying to fight down the urge to laugh.
"Yep, the very ones. Lee elevated them into her office through the window." George knew he'd won her over again. "And who do you think gave him the idea? Fred and I. Lee was standing guard when we levitated the critters through the windows in Ravenclaw tower."
Lydia started laughing, "Well the good news is they made the Quidditch team."
"Let me guess? Beaters, just like we were," George asked, trying to reach for the letter in her hand, but Lydia swung her arm, keeping it out of his grasp.
"Bet you're proud of that," she said, grinning.
"Of course," he said proudly. "They are wicked flyers, quick on turns and dives, daring and fast on their Nimbus brooms."
"Nimbus broom? George, you didn't!" Lydia exclaimed, astounded. "We were not giving them new brooms unless they maintained their grades this year!"
"But they made the house team!" he said defensively.
"You already knew, didn't you?" she accused him incredulously.
"I had owls from them as soon as they made the team," he admitted. "I knew that those brooms were a good investment... What?"
"They already have the brooms?" she asked, her eyes flashing between shock and annoyance. "When exactly did you give the twins the brooms?"
George tightened his embrace, pulling her roughly against him. "I knew they would go out for the team, so yes, I gave them the brooms at the start of school year... Lydia, they made the team! Beaters just like Fred and I were!"
"You're impossible!" she exclaimed, shaking her head, letting him pull her even closer into a hug.
"Thank you," he said nuzzling her neck.
All grown up
George was really proud of his daughters and sons. Isabel was now managing the new Hogsmeade Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and Gabriela was an assistant to Hermione Granger in the Magical Law Enforcement Department. Fred and William had finally opened up their own contractor's office, and were finishing their first big project. Ironically, it was the Weasley boys, all eight of them including Harry, who were funding the enterprise of rebuilding the Burrow. The design was simple enough, a small Tudor manor house, with eight bedrooms and three bathrooms, four turrets and a large dining room with a huge oak table, large enough to sit most of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had argued that they didn't need such an elaborate home now that everyone was grown with their own families, but with everyone returning to the Burrow every year for Christmas, it was decided for them by unanimous vote. Even Hermione and Teddy Lupin insisted on pitching in.
George stood in the front garden, looking at the new Burrow. Lydia walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Why aren't you inside with everyone else?" she asked softly, laying her head on his shoulder.
"Ron is going to try and roust everyone up to go play a game of Quidditch," he said. "Will is getting my broom."
She looked over his shoulder at the new house. "They did a great job on it, didn't they?"
"Yeah," he said wistfully. "I can't tell you how many times Fred and I wanted to do this, make enough money to have a big house."
She tilted her head to look at his profile. "Are you saying that you wanted a big house? Why then did you buy the cottage in Brighton Hiding?"
He turned so he could hold her in his arms properly. "Because you loved the village and the gardens. I wanted you to be happy," he stated. "Besides, I love our home."
Lydia smiled and hugged him tighter, and George still felt the flutter in his gut, watching how her smile lit up her face. "I love you, you know," she said.
"I love you too," he said turning to face her so he could kiss her.
Author's Notes:
Illusion beryl is of my imagination. However, Beryl is a family of precious stones that include green emeralds, watery blue aquamarine, golden beryl heliodor and the pink to peach tones of morganite. There is also a red beryl that rivals rubies but is extremely rare, and a rich, pale green stone, which is a green version of aquamarine. The Greeks called the stones berullos, which means crystal.
The main chemical composition is called Beryllium aluminum silicate with relative amounts of additional metals, which create the different color varieties. The mines in which beryl is found are widespread. Some of the major sources include Colombia, Brazil, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, and Zambia.
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Latest 25 Reviews for My Brother's Child
34 Reviews | 7.12/10 Average
I just reread this story -- I enjoy it every time. You've written great characterizations, and I love that Fred and Will are truly the sons of both Fred and George, and that Lydia and George are loved and in love. Thanks for writing this!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
I'm touched that you enjoy it enough to read it agian. Thank you so much for the review.
I love the Weasley but the part where Hermione and Ron go at it, just goes to show they are not meant for a romance relationship. IMHO. Anyway, I'm glad George and Lydia are coming along and not jumping into each others arm right off the bat. It's nice to see once in awhile. Great chapter keep up the work.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Teehehe I only stuck to canon chatacterization with everyone as much as possible - even Hermione and Ron. (nope, I don't think they fit together well either - especially how JK worte them! silly woman) I could have done this in one chapter, but decided to make him work for it. Glad that you like this. Thank you for giving a Weasely story a chance.
You wrote this brilliantly. Everyone was so incharater. And Lydia was a great addiction. I think for the Weasleys too. Especially since Fred liked her enough. I just hope everyone remember she lost him too. Truly a great spin on the prompt.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much. I really like the Weasleys and think they're fun. I'm glad you like my story, it's a fun prompt.
Very nicely done. You did a good job with the tension, but not making it overwhelming. And I really like how you portrayed George. it's nice to see him having accepted his brother's death and keep living.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. I simply wanted to convey his need to have her and Fred's child in his life, and her reluctance to simply 'switch brooms' so to speak. I think the reason George is doing so well is that he has something else to focus on: the business to kee him busy and Lydia is carrying a 'little bit of Fred' inside her. It maybe sick, but it's like he can have a piece of Fred back - so in his subconscious Fred isn't completely gone. Don't worry, he's always liked Lydia, and like easily turns to love when you wnat it to.
Great start to the chapter. The chaos at the Burrow nicely offset the somberness of the funeral. It brought a nice smile to my face and a new life will be good for all the Weasleys. :D
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. Yes, the levity of the interaction between the Weasleys is always fun for me. I'm very glad you liked this. Thank you for giving the story a try.
George is so patient and sweet
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. Yep, he's trying to be.
poor George, his mother has bad timing !
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Molly is just being motherly! But yes, her timing was inconvenient.
George stifled a laugh. Good match, Ron. All you two do is fight and argue when you’re speaking with each other. You’d be better off with Lavender Brown!Mystery author you wouldnt happen to be a HG/SS shipper would you? After Hermione's talk with George I thought he would run out and get an earring or grow his hair long, something to destinguish himself from Fred. Ha. I am glad the relentless wooing is working.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
When you are able to see my name you'll know that I love the Weasleys, think Kingsley Shacklbolt is cool dude and adore Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall - but yes, I am also a HG/SS shipper. Sorry, I adore Ron, think he's a hoot, but lets be realistic here... Ron + Hermione = discord, arguements, rolling eyes (usually Hermione's) and shaking heads (again ususally Hermione's.) But Ron is a decent guy, a bit thick, but a good friend (when he's not jealous) and a wicked stratigist. He hasn't really been shown his portental in the books very well.
Thank you for the reveiw. Yes, Lydia and George are starting to meld better and she does like and respect him, so it's a possibility that since a good friendship exsists, it can be a foundation for a deeper relationship.
A great update!!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much!!
Oh I like Lydia very much!! Its nice to have an OC to give us jaded readers something new to read about!! I thought her reaction to George's announcement was spot on. Of course she would be pissed. I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. I have to know how this all unfolds!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. Not everyone likes OC's. Im trying to keep her real and react to him in a realistic way. I hope to have the next chapter done soon. Thanks for the review.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. Not everyone likes OC's. Im trying to keep her real and react to him in a realistic way. I hope to have the next chapter done soon. Thanks for the review.
I really enjoyed this story. Good job!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much.
Aww,. this is awesome. On to the last chapter!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. I hope you enjoy!
Wow, this is an amazing start. I can't wait to read more.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you.
Nice ending. And goodness... one big happy family then. Convenient there were more twins the next go round, isn't it?
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much. Yep, the Weaselys are quite a clan! Like father and dad - like sons and daughters! Seemed only fitting for George to sire twins too!
I liked that she's not swayed so quickly
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Nope, he has to woo her, and convince her he's sincere.
good start on the challenge
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much, doll. XOXOX
Very well done... **tears of joy**
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you *blushes*
Its over isn’t it? ((sniffle)) I enjoyed your story very much. I am looking forward to finding out who you are!!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Yes, thus the story comes to an end... a happy end, but alas an end. Thank you very much for reading.
Awww. That's so beautiful. I like how Lydia is a prankster just like George, and how George never really forgot Fred. The twins were hysterical, both pairs of them! I guess it runs in the family. . . I wonder what kind of kids Will and Fred Jr. will have. And the two girls. . . that's a lot of twins! Ahh! Overwhelming!Anyway, thank you so much for that completely wonderful, sad, touching, funny, beautiful and overall amazing story. I'll be watching out for more of your stories.~Katie
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much. Would Fred, and now George, have fallen for a stick-in-the-mud? Yep, Fred and Will turn out very much like thier father and dad! Isabel takes after her dad ~ but Gabriela is much more like her mum. Who knows if they have twins as well, at least now the Burrow can accomodate large family dinners!I appreciate all your wonderful comments, the rating and for taking the time to read a Weasley story. Thank you.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you very much. Would Fred, and now George, have fallen for a stick-in-the-mud? Yep, Fred and Will turn out very much like thier father and dad! Isabel takes after her dad ~ but Gabriela is much more like her mum. Who knows if they have twins as well, at least now the Burrow can accomodate large family dinners!I appreciate all your wonderful comments, the rating and for taking the time to read a Weasley story. Thank you.
What a wonderful conclusion to this story. I liked seeing the story played out—the marriage and the children growing up. I liked how Harry sort of gave back the Marauders Map by giving it to Will and Fred. And the building of a new Burrow was a great idea, too. I don't think I've ever seen that done before. I'm still glad you wrote this story; it makes the horror of George losing his twin brother much more bearable. =)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. After such a sad opening I wanted to end on a cheerful and hopeful ending. This chapter raced trough all the years as a family with the sence of histroy repeating itself with the next generation of Marauders. (I even like to think Isabel got the map next... tradition you know!) And the rebuilding of the Burrow was alluded to with the twins blocks... Makes a nice gift to Molly and Arthur from thier kids. I'm very glad you enjoyed this story, and I thank you for reading, and the kind words.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. After such a sad opening I wanted to end on a cheerful and hopeful ending. This chapter raced trough all the years as a family with the sence of histroy repeating itself with the next generation of Marauders. (I even like to think Isabel got the map next... tradition you know!) And the rebuilding of the Burrow was alluded to with the twins blocks... Makes a nice gift to Molly and Arthur from thier kids. I'm very glad you enjoyed this story, and I thank you for reading, and the kind words.
Very nice ending to the story. I really loved the scene with Lydia's father. LOL Nice to see that the two of them had a nice happy life and a fulfilling family.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. Yep, the good ole ex-Oblivator - gotta love him, bless his heart! the old coot! LOLThank you for the lovely review and for reading my story. I really appreciate it.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. Yep, the good ole ex-Oblivator - gotta love him, bless his heart! the old coot! LOLThank you for the lovely review and for reading my story. I really appreciate it.
*sighs happily*And they lived happily ever after!That was delightful. Thanks for a very enjoyable read.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
You are most welcome. Thank you for reading, for your ratings and your comments. I appreciate it all.
That was so funny to see George on the receiving end of the misbehaviour. A really sweet ending.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Well as they say - nuts don't fall far from the tree and Fred and Will take after thier father and thier dad! Teeehehehe So it was inevitablethat they be the next Mischief Marauders. Thank you for the kind review, and I appreciate you giving a Weasley story a chance.
I love how George is so persistant with Lydia. It seems like he is determined to wear her down!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
Thank you. When you want something you go for it! When you want something bad enough you just keep asking!
So, Yep! Never give up and once you fail try, try, try, and try again until she agrees!
Wow, never thought that this would end so soon.But is was great story, thank you very much!gab
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of My Brother's Child)
For a planned one-shot that grew up and stretched... Yes, it's short. I'm very happy you liked this. Thank you.