New Chapter for Voldie got Crushed
Voldie got Crushed
pokeystar9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Spoiler alert! This holiday filk of "Grandma got Run Over by a Reindeer" is a tribute to Shiv5468's hilarious "Big Name Death Eater" (R) archived at Ashwinder.
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About pokeystar
Member Since 2007 | 43 Stories | Favorited by 57 | 87 Reviews Written | 370 Review Responses
I am a slytherin in hufflepuff clothing.
I read therefore I am.
I write therefore I amuse myself.
Reviews for Voldie got Crushed
I can just hear "The Lads" singing this at the bar Old Snapey's paying of course.{Don't let Smudger and Tonks near the darts}
I believe too!
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
This is good and well plotted. :D
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
It was fun too write, too!
Hahaha! I've never read her story, but this does it justice I'm sure. Good choice! :)
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
I sure hope it has.I sure hope SHE thinks so, if she knows of it.To quote a certain redhead "She's a little scary sometimes. Brilliant, but scary."
That's just brilliant! A great version of "Grandma" using one of my all-time favorite fics! Well done--don't be shy, this was really good! I can't do stuff like this to save my life.
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
To save your life? I bet you could!
You filked 'Big Name Death Eater'? Absolutely brilliant! (Dances a jig...)
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
There should be a jig dancing emoticon.:-) thanks!
Oh splendid. I've never been filked before, so squee for that, and you've done such a good job too.
Thanks again.
Response from pokeystar (Author of Voldie got Crushed)
There was a lot of fantastic stuff to work with there.I was just pleased I worked in Smudger & the ugly vase.I tried to get Lucius in there, but he was too busy with his muggle mistress to be bothered.