New Chapter for Reflections on a Forced Future
Reflections on a Forced Future
phoenix2 Reviews | 2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Ron wanted nothing more than to join Harry in the search for the Horcruxes and the fight against Voldemort, but his mother made him return to school. On the train ride to Hogsmeade, he reflects on that decision.
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for Reflections on a Forced Future
Train sex! One of my favorite places! Hot and sexy! Very well done.
Response from phoenix (Author of Reflections on a Forced Future)
Isn't train sex fun? :D I can't believe that location wasn't placed off limits for the prompt. :D I'm glad you enjoyed it, too. I knew it wouldn't be canon, but i thought it would be interesting to have a what if they didn't join Harry moment.
I don't usually read about Weasleys... or R/Hr as a pairing. But despite that, I did enjoy this. Particularly the timing spell, as I can imagine Hermione being practical in everything.
Strange to think of Harry out on the Horcrux hunt alone!
Response from phoenix (Author of Reflections on a Forced Future)
It is strange to think of Harry alone, especially since we all knew it would never happen, but I needed a nice setup for this one. LOL I will agree that R/Hr is not something I care for, so that made this a little difficult to write, but I'm glad to see folks enjoying it.