New Chapter for Draco and the Muggle Hospital
Draco and the Muggle Hospital
beaweasley212 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
My response for the Potter_Place Summer 2007 Challenge: Prompt # 25 – Draco is without his wand when his wife is injured. He is forced to let go of his Muggle prejudices in order to seek medical help for her…
Or will the shock of the accident force him to see that there is more to Muggles than meets the eye?
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About beaweasley2
Member Since 2006 | 53 Stories | Favorited by 519 | 2,769 Reviews Written | 6,181 Review Responses
I love to write. A dreamer, a creator and filled with wonder, imagination and life. Sometimes I get lost in the other worlds I've read and in some I create. It's all good, I’m in good company.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”― Maria Montessori
“Our imagination flies -- we are its shadow on the earth.”― Vladimir Nabokov
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”― Albert Einstein
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” ― Carl Sagan
Reviews for Draco and the Muggle Hospital
Thanks for an entertaining story and a thorough lesson in British emergency medicine :-)a few issues remained unclear to me: Does Draco now truly appreciate what the Muggles did? he didn't react at all to the statement that they saved Brianna's life. Who is Dr Snape, a sister to Severus, or a further away relative? Does she know Severus as a person, does she know about magic?
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
You are most welcome. I had several people help me get the British mediacl aspect correct and I owe tham a lot. As with any real life story, there are always more avenues to pursue. I was going to continue this on for another few chapters, but decided to let it stand as is. So, I will let you the reader, specualte on the answer to those questions. Hugs~ Oh, and thank you for the reviews.
Hah, a Draco in stress, relying on Muggles-- that's a great setup!How come he doesn't do spontaneous magic? Too well educated, maybe?
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Thank you. I'm glad that you liked this tale. I think for Draco spontaneous magic woudl be like wetting your bed - he grew out of it! LOL Thank you for the review.
Well, what happened at the hospital when Draco left?Will we see any more of Dr. Snape...hmm?Interesting story.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Chaos - of course! I may pick up a story with Dr. Snape, but it will have to wait. Thank you for the nice comments though.
Wow, what a neat story! Poor Draco, being dependent for his wife's wellbeing on Muggles. But he did rather well. Are there any other stories where he is "trapped" with Muggles in any way, unable to get out? And what happens with Rowena Snape, will we see her again?Questions, questions, lol.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Thank you for the review. To answer your questions - This is the first fic I’ve written with Draco as the main character – but I really liked the prompt idea… so I ran with it.Rowena Snape: I described her carefully to have a resembalnce as well as the name. I suppose I could write a story with her… but I’ve other things in the toaster right now. But yes, she was created for a purpose.
Great chapter!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Thank you!
Very nice! Glad to see it posted up!He really was very bewildered, can't wait for the next part!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
I'll post chapter two as soon as I get it beta'ed. I hope to post it soon... I promice.
Normally, I'm not a fan of Draco and don't read fics with him much, but this one just grabbed me and shoved me into the story. I can't wait for more.Well done, keep up thegreat writing.marti
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Irronically, I'm not a big Draco fan myself - I wrote this to play with him a bit. The Potter_Place Summer Prompt was perfect for me - I work in a trauma hosp. Although, I had loads of help from some terrific Brit pickers on hosp and emergency services in the UK. Chapter two is coming soon....
OMG! That was exciting! I had my eyes on this particular prompt initially as well, but I couldn't have done it half as well as this. Poor Draco, so confused and scared, it was almost oozing out of the monitor.
Fabulous job! :D
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Thank you, what a nice thing to say.
I think Draco should hook up a phone line to St. Mungos so that they can be contacted my magical folks in distress. Wait they would have to know how to use a phone first. Okay its hopeless. Im glad everything worked out well in the end.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Well, there is a Distress spell - only you have to have a wand....
Poor Draco he must have been in shock himself. I kept thinking call a muggleborn friend! But maybe he doesnt have any? And who is this Snape woman? Its all very curious...
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Sure, he just give Harry or Hermione a call.... LOLDr. Rowena Snape? Just read her discription and Draco's initial reaction to her - it's there, only implied.
I liked it. I think Draco held up rather well, maybe he will rethink muggles in the future.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Thank you. Yes, he did all right. Still, I doubt he learned the value of Muggle medicine. At least all worked out in the end.
Poor Draco, he is 'slumming' with muggles, if it wasn't such a dire situation I'd laugh at his obvious discomfort.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of Draco and the Muggle Hospital)
Thank you for the reveiw. Yes, he's in a situation and forced to deal with the Muggles. Still, it does have it's humerous moments...