New Chapter for Five Funerals
Five Funerals
deianaera3 Reviews | 3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Funerals are for the living.
Start ReadingChapters (1)
About deianaera
Member Since 2005 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 5 Reviews Written | 48 Review Responses
Born and raised in Las Vegas, married to a wonderful man who makes me laugh, thinks I'm beautiful and surprises me with roses for no bad reason.
If it's words on paper (or on the computer screen), I'll read it. Visions plague me, so I write them down. Occasionally, I even share them with others.
My personal goals include taking over the world and achieving immortality, but I'm willing to start small.
Other fics of mine can be found on my LiveJournal.
Reviews for Five Funerals
Interesting to see the ways people deal with a death.
Response from deianaera (Author of Five Funerals)
Thank you.
Interesting first chapter and having the different perspectives gave it more meaning and emotion. I'm eager to see what Lupin will do and its outcome. Good work.
Response from deianaera (Author of Five Funerals)
I'm glad you liked it. However, this was intended to be a one-shot.
Response from mmesnape (Reviewer)
Aww! Darn it.... good work regardless. Thanks for sharing. :)
Very touching, dark at times and haunting....a reading that will stay with me for awhile. Very well done and I liked that the point of view kept changing.
Response from deianaera (Author of Five Funerals)
Thank you!