New Chapter for Sweet Child of Mine
Sweet Child of Mine
Mira Peckham3 Reviews | 3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Alan Eldridge is a history teacher. He makes a job change and runs into someone he didn't expect. Teacher/student romance afoot, but not for a few chapters: Be forewarned.
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About Mira Peckham
Mira Peckham
Member Since 2007 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 9 Reviews Written | 3 Review Responses
I am truly more of a reader than a writer...I have far too much trouble keeping Severus and Hermione in character! Perhaps I shall try again soon. I often write original fiction (I'm "Scary Stalker Girl" on Fictionpress), which I may start archiving here. Severus/Hermione is, of course, my favorite pairing, though I truly love anything involving Severus, he's gorgeous. I'm happy to beta for anyone who would like it, although, because I'm a student with a heavy courseload, I ask that you allow a week or so for turnaround.
Reviews for Sweet Child of Mine
Ooh, I like it so far! Update soon, por favor!
intriguing :) would love to read some more!
Very funny. I love your style and the character that comes through. I can tell slightly that some of the characters are loosely based on HP characters, yes? For instance the principal and vice principal are Dumbledore and McGonagall. Very clever.I'm looking forward to your next update!
Response from Mira Peckham (Author of Sweet Child of Mine)
Honestly? Any similarity at all to HP characters was NOT intentional, though now that you mention it, I see how it might have come off that way. However, I thank you for your review and will try to get another chapter up soon.
Response from woodia (Reviewer)
I totally wasn't trying to imply that your story was any less original! I guess I'm such a freak that I relate everything to Harry Potter. :D I really enjoyed it though. Funny and and a very good start!
Response from Mira Peckham (Author of Sweet Child of Mine)
Thank you so much! I didn't mean to sound offended. It's just funny because now every time I see my art teacher (we have two at my school: the one on whom "Sarah Jean Thomas" is based and the one I currently have), I'm going to think of McGonagall. That is, if McGonagall were mildly twitchy and ended every sentence with "Alright? Alright? Okay? Okay? Alright? Okay? Alright? Okay?" I was kind of thinking of her when I came up with "Jenkins." Heh. Listen, I know this is kind of random, but would you like to beta for me? I have two other people doing it too, so it wouldn't have to be really intensive or deadline-ish, but it would be cool to have someone who DOESN'T know everyone on whom the characters are based read through it. You can let me know. :D Thanks again for reviewing!-MP