New Chapter for A Thirst to Prove Himself
A Thirst to Prove Himself
lover_not_a_fighter10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
A one shot of the sorting ceremony (especially the sorting of Harry Potter) from the POV of the Sorting Hat.
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About lover_not_a_fighter
Member Since 2007 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 2 | 24 Reviews Written | 4 Review Responses
I am a modest poetess hoping to have my own fanfic be accepted very soon! My favorite ship is HG/SS even though it could never happen :(
I also enjoy a good HG/DM but there aren't very many of those.
As for my fanfic writing, well, I'm not very experienced. I like to toy with already completed ideas from different perspectives. I have only written one FF so far, but I am determined to keep the creative juices flowing and keep writing!
And if I EVER, EVER come across a HG/HP fanfic I will scream repeatedly until someone slaps me senseless.
Reviews for A Thirst to Prove Himself
I like the POV of the sorting hat. It gives the whole scene a different spin.
Hahaha... first years look like a pack of dear about to me run over by a train. makes me laugh.
Nice summary of the hat's viewpoint--if a hat can have a viewpoint!
Response from lover_not_a_fighter (Author of A Thirst to Prove Himself)
haha, thanks! I wanted to play with the points of view from the first book, and the sorting hat happened to be the most interesting article of clothing in the PS.
Interesting one shot. Very original too, I have been reading H.P. fiction all over the net, I have over twelve sites on my favorites, and I never saw or even thought of a story from the Sorting Hat's P.O.V.
Response from lover_not_a_fighter (Author of A Thirst to Prove Himself)
Thanks for the positive review! I'm happy to have made a completely original fanfic!
Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!
Response from lover_not_a_fighter (Author of A Thirst to Prove Himself)
Thanks best beta in the world!
Nice idea for a one-shot. ;) I had hoped, however, that there was a twist somewhere and that it wasn't a mere narration from the hat's POV.
Response from lover_not_a_fighter (Author of A Thirst to Prove Himself)
Yes, I realized afterward that I could have added a little twist...but as my first fanfic I wanted to keep it a little low key. Thanks for the review!
nicely done!
good perspective
It is certainly a creative idea to look at the P.O.V. of the hat. I keep forgetting he is a thinking hat and probably had thoughts on Harrry.
WOW! Featured stories-- nice!!