New Chapter for Dreams Come True
Dreams Come True
Bambu18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )
Sometimes the journey is worth it. This is a cluster of drabbles in response to the Snape Has It All Challenge.
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About Bambu
Member Since 2005 | 27 Stories | Favorited by 542 | 117 Reviews Written | 1,029 Review Responses
I have loved the written word since watching my mother’s fingers trace the lines of a book, luxuriating in riveting tales and well-turned phrases. Many a night I read until dawn, a plastic flashlight hidden under the covers to light the pages as I raced the rising sun to finish my latest must-read.
Since joining the HP fandom, I've been privileged to receive more than 50 awards, including Best Author (Quill to Parchment Awards) and Best Classic Author (Most Potente Passions). Among others, my stories have won awards for Best Hurt/Comfort (Spoils of War, Morning Has Broken), Best Novel Length (Calling Card, Guard…Check…Mate), Best One Shot (A Beach in Ireland), Best WIP (Saving a Death Eater, The Summoning), Favorite Overall Story (Complexities), and Readers’ Choice (A Quest of Paladins).
Aside from a judicious polish for formatting and egregious typos, I don't plan on revising my early work. Those stories are the stepping stones of my writing journey. Please note some stories contain adult content. None is more graphic than equivalent scenes in the television shows True Blood or Game of Thrones, and age appropriate warnings are posted.
I no longer write fanfiction prolifically. Like many fanfic authors, my focus has shifted to original work. A member of the Romance Writers of America and the Southern California Writers Association, I write under my name: Lin Thornhill.
My original story Verisimilitude published in Thoroughly Modern Monsters (Story Spring Publishing, 2013) reached the top 100 fantasy anthologies and broke into the top 10 in the UK the first month of release. Ben and Christine’s story will continue in 2016.
Fixation, my latest short story, slated for publication in J. Aldis’ anthology Immanence, with a winter 2015-2016 release, is particularly exciting as it anchors the Messengers of Inari novel series I’ve been developing for the past year.
Reviews for Dreams Come True
Wonderful, as always.
This is beautiful, I love the way they save each other and make a life together.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Thank you! This is one of my personal favorites, and I'm always to happy when someone else enjoys it, too.
Beautfully written. An economy of words to cover such a wide range of emotions and actions. Evocative and hopeful. Thanks for sharing.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Thanks, Diane! You are so very kind. I've been enjoying using drabbles as a writing exercise in economy of language ... you know how much I like words.
I had to read this twice before I could figure what to say. And honestly, I still don't know if I can. I'm just in awe of the emotions and power that you portray so beautifully in so few words. As someone in one of these reviews has said before, less certainly is more in your story. I know I'll be thinking about this for days to come. Thank you so much for sharing these lovely words.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Thank you seems like such a poor way to reply to the tribute in your words. But I do thank you. I'm so pleased you were moved by the drabbles and the underlying story. It is incredibly encouraging.
zen storytelling--kinda reminds me of Hemingway's minimalist approach. Sometimes less IS more.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Drabbles are a prosy form of haiku ... every word counts. I've enjoyed distilling a scene or twelve, and you're most generous with your praise. Thank you.
Bambu, you are simply an amazing writer. Wow. When you started with that imaginary sequence and then Snape being rudely called out of it, my stomach twisted into a knot. You don't know how happy I am this had a happy ending.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
That's such a nice thing to say. I'm touched.I wrote the first piece as a twisted response, but then I had to get him out to fulfill the requirements of the challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed working within the 100-word format. Thanks for being kind enough to let me know you liked it.
Some how you give a little extra in your work - and I appreciate it. I like the series of drables. Good job - yet again.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
What a great thing to say. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your compliment. Thank you so much.
Bambu,As always stunning and beautifully written. I enjoying reading everything you write.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
NQ! It's always a delight to see your name pop up onscreen. Thank you reading and reviewing as I continue to explore the world of the snarky Snape and wild-haired Granger.
Very nice progression, very enjoyable. Thanks for writing.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Coming from you, this is praise indeed. Thank you so much.
Bambu, you write the most beautiful imagery. I love your stories with this pairing and each one has a unique spin! I don't know how you manage to keep coming up with fantastic story lines, but if you keep writing, I'll keep reading!
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Maria, what a very nice thing to say. One of the things I try to do is write a visceral, immediate image, and I can't tell you how much your compliment meant to me. Thanks, and I hope you keep enjoying my stories.
And she's done it again!! You. Are. Brilliant!
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
You're very gracious. Thank you so much.
Beautiful and very powerful.
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
You are a very dear woman. Thank you!
It's wonderful. One day I will be inspired enough to write one of these things. Any tips?
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
They really are fun to do. They make you focus on the very essence of the scene, and I think they're a great writing exercise. The only tip I could give is to write the scene without really worrying about word count. Cut it down after you've gotten the essence of the scene on paper. At least that's what I try to do.Thank you very much for enjoying the little story, and I look forward to seeing you post something at GrangerSnape100.
Very nice. I liked the way the story came full circle. Excellent as always. Thanks, JoAnne
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Thank you, JoAnne. I hadn't quite intended for it to be more than a single drabble, but the challenge was for Snape to have it all. I appreciate that you read them all.
Beeyootiful!! I admire the way you have fit these small little ficlets together so well! I also like the story contained within. How it took him so long to trust her, and how he gave her the choice at the end. Truly awesome! GG
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
You are a very generous woman, GG! I appreciate your kindness in leaving me reviews.I can't see him trusting her so easily, even after she had offered him everything. He has much to learn, but I thought it would be nice to know that he could. Thank you very much.
I simply do not know anyone who write drabble series as well as you (pearle maybe - but that would be the only one who comes to mind). This was just beautiful, heartbreaking and oh so romantic...
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
What a wonderful compliment,
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
. Pearle does indeed write a remarkable drabble series, and I thank you for the comparison.
that was beautiful. thanks
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
And thank you for commenting.
Oh!! Bitter, but sweet at the end. Delightful!
Response from Bambu (Author of Dreams Come True)
Thanks. I really had fun with the circular nature of the piece.