New Chapter for A Change of Name
A Change of Name
Pennfana12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Pennfana
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 15 | 134 Reviews Written | 358 Review Responses
I always feel extremely strange when I'm writing these things, having never really been all that good at talking about myself. In any case, here are the basics: I'm a 41-year-old Canadian who started reading the Harry Potter books about twenty years (!) ago just to see what all the fuss was about. I wrote my first fanfic about a year later, and I've been semi-active in the fandom ever since. I am very musical; I play the bagpipes, I've played the violin since I was about nine years old and I sing with two choirs (a community choir I've been singing with since 1997 and a church choir I've been singing with since late 2008). Writing is also one of my many obsessions, and (much to my relief) the monstrous case of writer's block which grabbed me for a couple of years seems to be gradually letting go. Even so, should I submit any chaptered fics here, it's reasonable to assume that the updates will be pretty far apart even if they're actually finished before I start posting. It's not intentional; I'm just, at times, a little forgetful.
Reviews for A Change of Name
Thank you, I needed a good laugh this morning.
*snerk* Very clever!
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Thank you.
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Thank you.
What a great idea, Getting confused even after the other Riddle's death. and calling JKR on her 'convenient' middle name for Tom Riddle. How amusing! And you mentioned him in the tent revival! not the other Tom Riddle, but mad lord whatsis. Hooray! You are so funny!
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
When I write a humour fic, I try to make myself laugh, and I hope that other people might enjoy the result. I'm glad that it worked, in this case. "Mad Lord Nolvroot", as I think I said in my notes at the end of "The Dark Revival", was just too strange a name to not use again. It seemed to fit the tone of that story, so I thought it was worth including there.Thank you for reviewing.
Drabble series are quite Ok too and this one was good fun
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Thank you.
Yay! Such a cute premise and you have executed it so perfectly. And can I just say that "Mad Lord Nolvroot" is deeply, inherently funny.
*still giggling to self*
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Thanks. When I write humour pieces I try to do what Helen Fielding did when she wrote Bridget Jones' Diary—I try to make myself laugh. Generally speaking, I've gotten the best responses from readers when I've done exactly that, though sometimes I hear that they've laughed at things that hadn't struck me as funny when I wrote.
Thanks for your review.
*snigger* It's almost enough to make you want to overturn the Ministry :D
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
That's the sort of thing that bureaucrats seem to thrive on, all right. Thanks for your review!
hahahaha. i laughed out loud and everybody in the cafe turned and stared. hahaha. :)
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
That's very close to being the best compliment I've ever received for one of my humour pieces. Thanks!
Quite a good laugh! I liked the bit where the Ministry official still can't get the anagram of his name righ!
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
This is hilarious. I saw a one-act play the other night about infuriating pencil-pushers. Perfect............
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Bureaucrats annoy me. Therefore, I never pass up a perfect chance to make fun of them. Thanks for reviewing.
Okay, I seriously giggled when I read this! Very clever!
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Response from Pennfana (Author of A Change of Name)
Glad you enjoyed it. I've always been rather proud of this one.